Background Information
       One of the most widely known pipe bands from Nova Scotia is the Heatherbell Girls Pipe & Drum Band. Formed in 1964 by the late Pipe Major Harold Sutherland, it consists of girls between the ages of 11-17. Although the girls and their instructors have come and gone, the band continues to wear the ancient Sutherland tartan as a tribute to it's founder.

       Over the past 34 years, the Heatherbells have represented Pictou and the Province of Nova Scotia very admirably. They pride themselves in their roles as goodwill ambassadors for both the community and the province. They have represented Nova Scotia as far away as Mexico; Calgary, Alberta; and as part of the Canadian Pavilion at Disney World, Florida. They regularly visit the Northern United States and are a crowd pleaser in Thomastown, Maine. In Canada, they represented Nova Scotia as official ambassadors at the Canada 125 Celebrations (1992) and in Newfoundland at the Cabot 500 Celebrations (1997). In addition, they have been honoured to entertain Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth on two separate occasions as well as Princess Anne during her last visit to Nova Scotia.

         The Heatherbells have won many trophies and awards in the competions and parades in which they participate. They are former Junior North American Champions and returned to competion in 1996. In the  summer of 1998, they won top awards in every single parade in which they participated. During the past two years they have graduated from junior, through grade 5 and now compete as a grade 4 competition band. This is an outstanding accomplishment for a group that now competes against adult bands on an even basis.

          Known for their deportment, the Heatherbells send a positive and wholesome image to those who see them play.  Once in the Band, they are expected to set a good example to other youth. Pride, dedication, commitment, and overall attitude are just a few attributes of a "Heatherbell." Despite this high level of expetatation, hundreds of young girls have taken lessons and spent countless hours practising so that they too could become a "Heatherbell". Several of the girls today are daughters of former Heatherbells, and there is even a third generation girl in this year's band.

           The Heatherbells own their own "blue" bus which takes them to the vast majority of their activities. The Heatherbells are a self-supporting group, doing regular fundraisers throughout the year. Our founder believed that the cost of uniforms, instruments, travel, etc. should be borne by the band so that money would not be a barrier for those girls with the talent and dedication to become Heatherbells. We are proud to say this is still true today.
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