Welcome to the "News"area- where it is updated weekly about fundraisers, performance dates, and anything new.
Parent's meeting report now posted: Jan.17th/01
Heatherbell Notes- Lose your note? All weekly Heatherbell notes are posted here. The best place to find out what is going on, and what already happened.
Summer Schedule- When and where can you see the Heatherbells Play? Check out the Summer  schedule to see (SCHEDULE from summer 2000 + 2001 are here)
Fundraisers- Are you a Heatherbell or parent, or you just want to help support on our next fundraiser? Check out what is going on.
Practice and Workshop Dates-Are you a Heatherbell or parent that need to know if there is  a practice or workshop coming up, check out here
Competitions and Other performances- Besides the summer schedule, there are various competitions and misc. performances
Updates from webmaster: June 26th/01
      Hello to all! Exams are now over, and things are going as scheduled. Updates on the site are now in.. which I have been promising. To let everyone know, I'll do a recap here. Pulling an all-nighter last night, i worked on this site, predominatly in the sounds section. A sneak peak at the tracks on the new cd are there, and sound clips will show up near the end of July. As well pertaining to the new cd, pictures of the cd inserts, cover, back, etc are in- and helped create another section in the gallery called Misc Pictures. Furthermore, in the spirit of updating, the THANKS section is up and running, plus more plans for the Misc section. In case anyone hasn't checked it out yet- The Schedule for 2001 is here! See where the Heatherbells will playing at this summer. More 2001 pics are still to come as well.... so keep checking back after browsing through the new pile of updates. Have a great/safe summer!

Updates from webmaster: June 11th/01
   Hello once again. I thought I should do an update of how things have been going lately. Well since I really haven't mentioned it on the site... the Heatherbells have just recorded their first cd! The last recording ever done was on vinal in 1969. The cd was recorded on Saturday, June 9th, and is hopefully ready for sale near late July- August. Some future plans with this project is to sell cds through the website. The sound clips will be updated ( for some sample tunes ) and of course the discography will be updated. I hope everyone is doing great, and good luck to all those who need to wirte exams, or have to work on these sunny days.

Updates from webmaster: May 29th/01

      Hello everyone ^_^ I thought i should start to write some updates up. Although this is the first, the second will most likely be prolonged. Unfornatly my computer was a victim of a virus.. which left it crippled for about any use. It's been able to be fixed to the condition where it is just passable for normal wear and tear of the keys. It cannot be left in this state, therefore, it will be taken in for cleaning in the earliest a month. Untill then i will try to update as much as possible, and this site has taken prority to be maintained amongst my other projects (  which are being held on hiatus) . Untill then i hope everyone is enjoying the summer weather, and see you soon at the Heatherbell's first performance at the apple blossom parade.
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