Note: All Dates and Apperances subject to change

DATE:         EVENT                   BUS TIME                        PLAY TIME
                                                             (Time bus leaves)

July 1      Pugwash Competitions                      07:30                                              10:00

July 2-5     Thomaston Maine                           09:00 ( seperate schedule)      

July 8       Lobster Carnival         Concert/parade                                                      TBA

July 10      Concert at Harbour Light Campground                                                    7pm

July 12      Tim Hortons Camp                         10 am ( play, eat, and enjoy the day)

July 13      DeCoste Concert                                                                                  6:45 pm

July 15      Antigonish Highland Games               7am                                              9 am

July 17      Summerside Lobster Carnival            7 am( 8:30 ferry)                            1 pm

July 19      DeCoste Concert                                                                                  6:45 pm

July 20      New Glasgow Festival                      5 pm                                             6:45 pm
              (pipes and drums on parade)
July 21      New Glasgow Parade                        4:30                                             6pm

July 24      Bridgewater Parade                        NOON                                            6pm

July 26      Scotsburn BAR-B-QUE                     2:30                                             6:45pm

July 27      Murray Harbour PEI                       10am (11:30 ferry)  

July 29      River John Concert/ parade              2:30 ( concert at 4:30)                     6:30 parade


Aug 1       Greeting Tall Ships in Pictou                                                                 10am

Aug. 2      DeCoste Concert                                                                                  6:45 pm
Aug. 5      Pipers Picnic                                   11:30                                             2pm

Aug. 6-7    Halifax/ Dartmouth Natal Days         7:30am                                           1pm
             (overnight trip)
Aug. 9      Opening of Hector Festival Tattoo     TBA,                                              8pm

Aug. 11    Apperance on BTV                                                                                6:30am

Aug. 12     Concert in New Glasgow                 2:30                                               4pm
            (stewart reunion)        
Aug. 13     Hector Festival Competition & Closing Tattoo TBA                                  8pm

Aug. 17     Charlottown Gold Cup Parade           9am (10am ferry)               
             (overnight Trip)
Aug. 20     Beach Party at Dan's Cottage                           Any time after Lunch
             (Parent's, Families, all invited)
Aug. 23     Concert at Decoste                                                                              6:45 pm

Aug. 25-29  Dan&Pat's Excellent Island Bilingual Adventure to the Magdalenes
                  (separte schedule for this trip)


Spet. 3     Concert at the Quay                                                                              7pm

Sept. 4     Tatamagouche Parade                         9:30                                             noon

Sept. 9     Concert at the Jost VineYards             10:30                                            1pm

Sept. 15-17 HECOTR LAUNCH WEEKEND                

            Tattoo on 15th and 16th. Also other appearances throughout the weekend. ( I will
get a seperate  schedule once it is finalized)
Note to Heatherbell members
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