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Game Rules

What follows are the rules of the X-Men_RPG game, in addition to these there are rule for combat but these are currently going underwork to see if we can come up with something better. The exisiting conbat rules are made to players who are signed up to the game


1. No player will just introduce plot into the game. However, if you have plot ideas (be they for your character, for another character or just general) please do contact one of the moderators. We'll welcome suggestions and may chose to develop them for you.

2. Please do not post for another character, (this includes movements, dialogue etc) the only people who can legitimately do this are the moderators and will only do so if it's necessary for plot etc.
Joint posts are great, if you and another player want to send e-mails back and forth to each other to send one long e-mail to the group that's fine.
The only NPC's you'll be able to post for are the students of the Institute, and this should be kept to a minimum and only when necessary. Mostly the Moderators will control them, and only moderators can control Professor X.

3. Try to avoid one-lined posts. Think out your characters reactions and thoughts when you post.

4. Ideally we'd like you to post a minimum of twice a week. If you're not going to be able to post for an extended period of time, please let us know as soon as possible. Also be careful not to post over someone. Some players cannot post as frequently as others. If you are in a scene with more then one other character make sure all characters get a chance to respond to what's going on before continuing the scene. Also please post in the 3rd person.
eg: Jean walked down the stairs, nodding to the children who were heading up. “Good afternoon all.” She said to them, while in her mind she remembered how she was at that age, trying to deal with being a mutant. *We’re all so lucky to have Charles.* she thought to herself.

5. You cannot kill other characters or named bad guys, obvious mindless thugs and drones you can. Let's face it, most X-Men bad guys do get away to fight another day, and to most people (save a few like Wolverine) outright killing just isn't what a good guy should do.

6. Try to keep OOC posting on the main board to a minimum, but if you do need to post something, please put OOC: in the subject line. Try and keep OOC posts for only the OOC group.

7. This is a mature game, and as most of us get wound up by younger gamers, we'll be restricting it to over-18's and people who actually have knowledge of the X-Men prior to the movies, X-Men Evolution (which I am slowly mellowing to, sorry) and Ultimate X-Men (wrong! just plain wrong!).

This game is rated R for violence and possible sexual content. This game is NOT rated X, sorry chaps we're not writing porn so please no thrust-by-thrust posts. If stuff is going to happen the let things fade-to-black.

8. Finally, HAVE FUN! I don't really like too many rules, and I want everyone to enjoy themselves. Please respect the other members of this RPG, be they other players or the moderators, no flaming is allowed. Moderator’s decisions are final.
Moderator’s e-mails are in another document which you can access once you’ve joined the game.