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Welcome X-Men!

This site is for the X-Men_RPG PBEM, a site full of info both for players and X-Men fans alike.

This PBeM is set within the comics universe, just a few months after the disbanding of the original X-Factor, and the return on the original X-Men to the Mansion. To deal with the number of X-Men he had, Professor X formed two balanced teams - the Blue team, led by Cyclops and the Gold team, led by Storm.

Missing In Action:

Current we are looking for players for the following mutants:


For a full character list please see the roster. If you are interested in joining the game as any of the above characters, or another unplayed X-man, please contact the moderators by clicking on the mansion below:

Email Professor X

Web Page Designed and Maintained by Jean Grey, Wolverine, Nate Grey and Nightcrawler.
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