Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay

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Chris in Heavenly King of Orochi Uniform
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Imperial Chris
Heavenly King of Orochi Uniform
皇族 クリス
King of Fighters 97,98, Orochi Team
キングオブファイターズ, オ口チ チーム
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Conception: April 2, 1999
Picture Date: August 21, 1999
Appearances: San Diego Comic Con 1999
Components: Yellow Feather, Brown Laced Boots, Blue Pants, Blue Turtleneck Top, Black Cape, Brown Belt
Powers Gained: 1. Excellent Formal Wear outfit
2. Nice, soft and warm
3. Excuse to be haughty, omniscient and self centered.
Drawbacks: 1. Zero Recognition Factor
2. Not a Summer Costume
3. Always watching out for the yellow feather!
Story: In my insane quest for Chris cosplay supremacy, there was but one prominent Chris costume that was missing from my cosplay wardrobe. I had already done default color Chris, as well as red hot Orochi Chris, which only left one other costume.... Imperial Chris, which is actually short for Chris in Heavenly King of Orochi Uniform. ^^; Easier just to say Imperial Chris than Chris in Heavenly King of Orochi Uniform isn't it? Imperial Chris is quite a regal, solemn, and quietly omniscient character as opposed to his spritely normal costume, or devilish and psychotic Orochi costume. Only those who possess the King of Fighters Art Book from Japan or have completed King of Fighters 1998 with the New Face/Orochi team would have seen this costume before. And if you haven't noticed, the Imperial outfit bears a strong resemblance to Goenitz' priestly outfit from King of Fighters 1996. Well that makes sense, since Goenitz is of the Orochi clan as well. Actually all the New Face Team possess Heavenly King of Orochi uniforms. But compared to Goenitz, Chris has a full cape, a shorter trimmed top, laced boots and a little feather! Due to his resemblance to Goenitz, I have coined another nickname for Imperial Chris, being "Kid Goenitz". I believe that his powers would resemble that of Goenitz', but instead of huge columns of wind, Chris would have huge columns of flame and brimstone. ^_- Originally slated, and completed for an Anime Expo release, due to time constraints, Imperial Chris dropped by San Diego instead.


Chris in Heavenly King of Orochi Uniform Chris in Heavenly King of Orochi Uniform Chris in Heavenly King of Orochi Uniform Chris in Heavenly King of Orochi Uniform

Chris in Heavenly King of Orochi Uniform Chris in Heavenly King of Orochi Uniform Chris in Heavenly King of Orochi Uniform Chris in Heavenly King of Orochi Uniform Chris in Heavenly King of Orochi Uniform

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For King of Fighters Group Pictures and Event Photos Related to this Costume,
Please Visit My Team Home Page of the
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts
Specifically: AGSMA at San Diego Comic Con 1999

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Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) ゥ.
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