Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay

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Sailor Moon
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Conception: April 4, 2001
Picture Date: Anime Style: July 7, 2001
Sera Myu Style: July 5, 2001
Appearances: Anime Style: Anime Expo 2001
Sera Myu Style: Anime Expo 2001
Components: Anime Style: Blonde Hair, Gray/Purple Jacket, Gray/Purple Pants, White Gloves, Brown Boots, Brown Belt
Sera Myu Style: Blonde Hair, Gray/Purple Jacket, Gray/Purple Pants, White Gloves, Brown Boots, Black Belt
Powers Gained: 1. Dark Power
2. Entertaining Radio Personality Voice
3. Paired with Sailor Mars
4. Excuse to be mean.
Drawbacks: 1. Random Glomping.
2. Blond Hair
3. The other Generals
Story: Anime Style: Blame it on Benma. We all do. If it weren't for his cracked out M**N Sync idea, none of us would have Sailor Moon series costumes. I dunno, I'm on a uniform kick this year so I picked one of the generals instead of the black moon brothers. It means that I would match Beryl better anyway. It took a while to find the right color of purple tint gray but in the pictures it comes out good. I will probably not match any other generals since the fabric I used was such a hard find.
Sera Myu Style: It's easy enough done as it only means some modifications to the jacket top. A big black blob on the front panel, some extra trim here and there, and a shinier belt. Ooooooh how I hate sequins. Sera Myu Jedite has like day glow yellow hair which I declined to do, and he always looks pissed. At least he beats the crap out of Sera Myu Sailor Mars. Even if he does take a direct hit from her fire soul attack.


Anime Style
Jedite Jedite Jedite Jedite Jedite
Jedite Jedite Jedite Jedite

Sera Myu Style
Jedite Jedite Jedite Jedite
Jedite Jedite

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For Group Pictures and Event Photos Related to this Costume,
Please Visit My Team Home Page of the
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts
Specifically: AGSMA at Anime Expo 2001

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Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) ゥ.
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