Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay

Have visited Perfect Spin Off Cosplay since Halloween, 1998.

Luke Skywalker
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Luke Skywalker

Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi
スター・ウォーズ : ジェダイの帰還
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Conception: August 2003
Picture Date: May 31, 2004
Appearances: Pacific Media Expo 2004
Photo Credits: Hai
Components: Black Jacket, Black Pants, Black Boots, Black Belt, Grey Vest, Black Cloak, Blaster, Lightsaber, Bone Club
Powers Gained: 1. Jedi Mind Trick
2. Force Pull
3. Force Jump
4. Slave Leia
Drawbacks: 1. Electrocuted by Emperor
2. Slave Leia is his sister! EW!
Story: You know, I've always wanted a costume from Star Wars. If you didn't know already, I have spent a pretty penny on Star Wars merchandise. Seeing as that I have easily spent more on Star Wars than any anime or video game, ever, Star Wars was so not getting any love from the costume front. That totally changed when I got a saber as a gift. (So don't go asking me about how I made the saber or where I got it because I didn't and I don't know where). I think I've always liked the third of the original trilogy. I remember seeing it in the theatre and going, those speederbikes are super cool! I want to be a Jedi too and force this and force that. Yeah! And for those times I am ill prepared and don't have my saber, I will club you down with this big huge bone. :D


Final Battle
Luke Skywalker Luke Skywalker
Rancor Pit
Luke Skywalker Luke Skywalker Luke Skywalker Luke Skywalker Luke Skywalker

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For Group Pictures and Event Photos Related to this Costume,
Please Visit My Team Home Page of the
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts
Specifically: AGSMA at Los Con 2003

Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay (PSOC) ゥ.
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) ゥ.
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