Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay

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Angelic Layer
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Conception: July 2001
Picture Date: April 27-8, 2002
Appearances: Fanime 2002
Components: Headset, Blue Visor, Dark Blue Boots, Dark Blue Gloves, White Gauntlets, White Pants, Dark Blue Turtleneck, Light Blue Jacket
Powers Gained: 1. Fully Covered Anonymity
2. Standing and Looking Cool
3. Forcefield
4. Tail whip
Drawbacks: 1. Vinyl = HOT
2. Can't Raise Arms Above Head
3. People thinking I'm Karrie
Story: I first saw this character design while I was in Japan. Angelic Layer was the latest thing and after seeing a few Hikarus, I was wondering what the cool male equivalent was. It's Wizard. But then at that time I had no experience with vinyl and didn't like the experience I had with pleather so I put it on the shelf for a while. The idea resurfaced again when I was suggested by Miss Hinako to cosplay as Wizard sometime in October as she was getting into the series. But finally two weeks prior to Fanime, Hikkles and I got crazy and decided to make a Hikaru and Wizard costume in a short time period to compete in. So who cares if I don't have experience with vinyl, I'll learn. We got a good deal on way too much stretch vinyl at the fashion district. As I was told, to cosplay effectively as Wizard, you have to just stand there and look cool. Since Wizard just stands there and uses forcefield all day and then ring outs. The most difficult part of the costume is easily the wide shoulders and making sure they are attached to the jacket near seamlessly. That's practically impossible. So I put in one seam. ^_^.


Wizard Wizard Wizard Wizard Wizard
Wizard Wizard Wizard Wizard Wizard

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For Group Pictures and Event Photos Related to this Costume,
Please Visit My Team Home Page of the
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts
Specifically: AGSMA at Fanime 2002
The costume gallery starts here and click next image for the rest (about 25 pics).

PSOC Wizard

Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay (PSOC) ゥ.
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) ゥ.
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