
What is a Co-op?
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Learn Through Play

We believe that play is very important in a child's learning process, and we strive to incorporate academics through everyday experience.  Typically, your child's day  will consist of circle time, songs and stories, art projects, science activities, music, fine & gross motor activities, snack and outside playground time. 

We have a maximum of 18 children in a class, with 1 teacher, 1 aide, and 2 parents assisting in the classroom.   Parents can expect to work in the classroom approximately 1-2 times per month.  One working parent will bring a healthy snack and drink for the class.

We have a variety of activites for the children to choose from, including dress-up clothes, sensory table, playdough table, easel painting,  puzzles, a library, fine motor activites, balance beam, indoor climber, and science table, as well as many educational toys.

Children must be potty trained, and we have a bathroom located in the classroom for easy access.

3-year-old classes meet Tuesday and Thursday. Children must be three years old by December 1.

4-year-old classes meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Children must be 4 years old by December 1.

Morning (9:30 a.m - 11:45 a.m.) and afternoon (12:45 - 3:00 p.m.) sessions are available. Classes start in early September and end in mid-May, with Winter break, Mid-winter break and Spring break corresponding with public school breaks.