What is a Co-op?

What is a Co-op?
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A cooperative preschool is a non-profit organization owned and operated by the parents of the children enrolled. Together, the members shape the direction and policies of the schools with the guidance of a qualified teacher. They share a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of self-esteem in a child's healthy development that recognizes the value of learning through play.It is an alternative for parents who want to be involved in their child’s early education.

The only paid employees at Willow Creek are the teachers and the teacher’s aides.  All of the administration and work involved in running the school is done by us, the co-op parents.We rely on having parents who are committed to being involved in their children's preschool experience.

Why Choose a Co-op Preschool?

For the Parents:

Parents' involvement with children in a hands-on learning environment.

Sharing special times and memories with your child

A voice in making policies and a vote on decisions

Time to observe your child with other young children in a group setting

An opportunity to meet other parents of young children

A place to make use of your talents

Access to experts on child development at educational conferences.

Being a part of a small business that is run by the members

For the Children:

A safe and nurturing environment

A parent who goes to school with him

An atmosphere in which she is encouraged to be curious and creative.

A teacher who is always there for him

A place designed and equipped especially for her to try out new activities and ideas

Interaction with other children