
Kick back and relax at our little nook in cyberspace

Dec. 6, 1989

Candlelight vigil across the internet

We signed up on 03/26/98 12:38:12

We reside on beautiful Vancouver Island

Our interests are:
feminist and human rights issues, and pug dogs

...Okay, that one is really just Stace's

..... okay, okay and gumby too!


Two humourous articles - well worth the jump!

Quotes from Alice Walker's work (and others)

Writings...psychology, travels...

The East and West Divide in Canada and Some Candy Concerns (I thought the two might go together)

Our very own ghoststory

If you can, teach! (British Columbia Educational Resources)

There's always another job

Simply Bizarre and Interesting sites

Womyn's Resources and some interesting homepages I've seen

The webtools that got me where I am today (gifs, html, color charts, communication tools)

Rings/Award(s): Of recent I have received another nod, wink in my direction; slap on the back.... I could go on..but why don't you just see for yourself

Hoped you enjoyed your stay!

Email us in the meantime: sookamono@yahoo.com

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This Page Supports Equal Rights and The Equality

In Support of the Human Movement

[EFC Golden Key - Strong Crypto]

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