Art on the Net


What's it like to be an artist trying to make it?

 Historically, the art world marketplace can be a very tough club to get into.

What does that mean, and how will the internet play a role?

Galleries, museums and the media control what the viewer sees. The internet is going to change all that.

How quickly will these changes take place? What's happening?

---The art world has been slow to warm to technology, although I think more and more, even dealers, critics, and artists realize that they can't afford to ignore it. As a result a lot of what we've been exposed to on the internet in the way of art is technology driven, by the artists drawn to what computers can do. That's great, but the aesthetic is narrow, and generally does not reflect art world sensibilities. I think that will change. It has to and there is no reason why it shouldn't.

And what will this mean to the average artist?

-----the internet gives artists a chance to have more control over their own destiny. They can make their work available to a global audience. This is a revolution.

What are some of the reasons this revolution is possible?

-----the very nature of art is interactivity.
-----especially art of the twentieth century.
-----the viewer has more and more power to determine the experience and meaning of art.
-----when we look at the Mona Lisa the ambiguity is for the most part in the smile.
-----for the last hundred years ambiguity has been the bottom line in art. it has meant freedom and possibility. From Picasso to DeKooning to Kiki Smith we have art that invites us to decide the outcome of the work. This is something that the art world has failed to get across to the public. This has been a century of art for the masses, but the masses rejected it because the people handling it were the elitists. That is going to change because of the internet. the interactivity of the internet is ideal. as the technology improves this marriage is only going to get better. Dealers, critics, curators are scrambling to figure out just what this all is going to mean, just what's going to happen, and how they can make it work for them instead of against them. But lets face it, this is a revolution, and like all revolutions, it's going to get ugly for some people, and those people are the one's who have been in charge. the art world has been awful to artists, all artists, and when the heads role, well, there will be a lot of cheering.

What does it matter to you? This business of artist recognition...

It's just part of the process. It takes two to tango...

What is the purpose of your internet site, Artdeal?

I try to offer a perspective that will make artists feel better about what they are doing.They are alone, but I want to offer them a way to accept, and revel in what they are doing. I try to talk about the art experience from the inside out. To celebrate what they feel they are up to. I think the internet has already healed some of the alienation and isolation that so many artists suffer. I get email that testifies to this daily. This is all only going to get better.


Addison Parks/Artdeal, 1999

Or hear the interview that prompted this one with Real Audio: 

Interviewed by John Rody on KRLD Radio's THE INTERNET REPORT(9/6/98)(listen in!)

or read the feedback page





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