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Clay Hill gets it's name from the large hill and clay water banks situated in the middle of the area.  During the summer months, this was one of my favorite places to hang out.  The large stream at the base of the hill was great for cooling off.  If you waded a little further upstream, there use to be a tree draping over over the bank.  From here you could climb up and swing out into the water on a rope swing.  The tree was later cut down, and a dock (seen above) now sits in its place.

Staircase Leading Up Clay Hill

A few years ago, a wooden staircase was built to make the steep hill easier to climb. Once over the hill, you can continue on your way through the rest of the Clay Hill trail. The Clay Hill Trail section is featured under "Trails", or if you like, click the picture to the right to go there!

Clay Hill's Waterbank

Clay Hill was a great place to go oyster hunting.  The water throughout the stream is very clear, and oysters could easily be seen on the bottom.  I can even remember finding a few misshapen pearls inside a few of them. The stream also had a good amount of crayfish.  If you look closely in the photo above, around the bottom middle, you can see a submerged log.  This log use to be well above the water level when I was younger and was home to many frogs and crayfish.


Click Here To See Clay Hill's Trail!