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String of Red Beads

GrrRizly Homepage

String of Red Beads

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Who am I?

Welcome to my homestead and thankx for visiting. I'd first like to thank GeoCities for providing the free web space. I hope that what you find here is fun!

I currently live in southeast Washington state. While Washington is known as the "Evergreen State", where I live it's pretty dry. The Cascade Mountains interrupt most of the moisture before it gets to us. We do have the Columbia River running through the middle of town so we're not completely without water. I work as a civil engineer out at the Hanford nuclear reservation. No, we don't glow in the dark. I've been married to a wonderful woman for five years (and counting) and we really enjoy spending our free-time in the great outdoors.

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I went to high school in Bozeman, Montana at Mount Ellis Academy. One of my main reasons for going there was to learn how to snow ski. Bozeman has one of the best ski hills that I've ever had the pleasure of skiing on, IMHO. If you're ever in the area, be sure to go skiing at Bridger Bowl - home of Cold Smoke powder. While you're at the Bridger Bowl web site, be sure to check out the photo gallery section. Ridge Pigs Unite!


After graduating from Mount Ellis in 1981, I went to Walla Walla College where I majored in Civil Engineering. I graduated from Walla Walla College in 1992. I wasn't able to participate in the concrete canoe competition while I was there. The WWC web site has some pictures of their concrete canoe under the Civil Engineering section. The skiiing in southeastern Washington is nowhere near as great as Bozeman, but I spent as much time up at the closest ski area, Bluewood, as my meager budget would allow.

(Oh right. This is about my education. :-)

Calvin & Hobbes

Spaceman Spiff claims the planet
The "Calvin & Hobbes" comic strip was, in my opinion, one of the best strips in a long time. Calvin and his toy stuffed tiger Hobbes brought joy to many a reader including me. Much more info on Calvin & Hobbes can be found via the Calvin and Hobbes Jumpstation.

If, on the other hand, you just feel like a quiet moment of inner reflection, the Calvin is God page will bring you comfort.

Hobbies and Interests

Kevin jumping his mountain bike

For free software on the Internet, check out the Nonags website.

Motto: I want to die like my grandfather, peaceful and sleeping, ...
not kicking and screaming like the passengers in his car.

This site last updated July 7, 1998. You're visitor number since Nov. 21, 1996 to my homestead near the beautiful Cascade Mountains!Mount Rainier

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