Website Overview

     Welcome to Bundok Philippines. If you're planning on venturing into the Philippine wilderness or you'd just like to take a virtual tour, this is a good place to start. Here you'll find resources that will bring you closer to your destination. Please read the Disclaimer on the Home Page if you haven't done so already. 
  • Guides - This section provides sample itineraries, directions and maps for exploring particular areas.
  • Trips - This is where you can get first-hand accounts of treks and climbs from people (including me) who have been there. Besides personal experiences you'll find photos for virtual touring. You'll find some historical essays here as well.
  • Clubs - Outdoor sports are becoming more popular in the Philippines and the Filipino people are a gregarious bunch so it's natural that a plethora of outdoor clubs are forming. If you lack companions you might want to connect with a group before attempting a trek. Many allow guests for a small fee. Outdoor equipment shops are listed here also.
  • Parks - Overview map and Information about National Parks, other protected areas and conservation.
  • Ecotours - Trips and events with a focus on conservation of forest and wildlife.
  • News - Updated news articles about mountain-related travel.
  • Visitor Info - Information particularly for foreign visitors to the Philippines and tips on trekking in the tropics.
  • Site Index - For those already familiar with the Bundok Website, this is a no-frills hierarchical listing of pages and a quick way to find a particular page.
  • Contributions - Anyone with useful information or experiences in the subject is welcome to contribute to this site.
  • About the Author - If you really need to know ...

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