This is the code we cracked in our den meeting. We had only two clues:

* The most commonly used letter in the English language is "e."

* The most common three letter word is "the."

21-13-13-2 21-13 9-2 2-16-13 14-20-9-15 24-23-20-13

9-14-2-13-26 1-11-16-23-23-20. 5-13 11-9-22 24-20-9-7

10-9-1-19-13-2-10-9-20-20. 2-16-13-22 5-13 11-9-22

15-23 2-23 21-7 16-23-3-1-13 14-23-26 1-3-24-24-13-26.

12-23-22'-2 14-23-26-15-13-2, 2-23-22-17-15-16-2 17-1

23-3-26 5-13-10-13-20-23-1 1-11-23-3-2

21-13-13-2-17-22-15. 5-13-10-13-20-23-1 17-1 14-3-22!

See if you can solve it too!

P.S. Working as a team, we cracked this code in about 30 minutes. Good luck!

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If you can't solve it, here's the KEY

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