This is the Crossword Puzzle we worked to help learn the requirements for the Webelos Badge. We worked on it for a little bit every meeting all month. We enjoyed it.


1.	Part of Webelos uniform that sits on head.
2.	(Scout Law) Following the rules.
3.	The W on the Webelos emplem sits on a gold _____ badge.
5.	Third part of the Scout Oath, "Duty to _____."
7.	(Scout Law) Being truthful & honest.
8.	Scout sign holds up ___ fingers.
9.	Color of the W on the Webelos Badge.
12.	(Scout Law) Doing things for others willingly.
13.	(Scout Law) Being gentle - not hurting others.
15.	The W on the Webelos Badge shows that you are moving from
	Cub Scouting into ____.
16.	The part of the Webelos Uniform that keeps your neckerchief on.
17.	(Scout Law) ____ toward God.  Faithful in your religious duties.
19.	(Scout Slogan)  Do a ____ turn daily.
22.	(Scout Oath)  Second part of Scout Oath "Duty to ______."


1.	(Scout Law)  Being polite.
4.	Boy Scout Motto "___ prepared."
6.	(Scout Law)  Looking on the bright side of things.
7.	(Scout Law)  Being careful with time, money and resources.
10.	(Scout Law)  Keeping your mind and body fit & ______ (absence of filth)
11.	Part of Webelos Uniform that goes around your neck.
14.	We'll Be Loyal Scouts
18.	(Scout Law)  Understanding & respecting others.   Being a brother to 
	other Scouts.
19.	First part of Scout Oath "Duty to ____ and Country."
20.	(Scout Law)  Being true to family, leaders, friends, school & nation.
21.	(Scout Law)  Facing danger, even if afraid.

Scout Law


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