
Got 4 new wallpapers up! Go check 'em out. Oh, and FYI: the new site layout for the Slums on Tidus.nu is almost complete! In just a few short weeks (or days, if I get the time to work on it), the Slums shall be hosted by good ol' Tidus himself!

S'up, all you Slumgoers. Thought I forgot about you, didn't ya? Off course not! Mayor Zell here NEVER forgets about his constituents! Well, okay, there was that one time when... well, we won't get into that. Anyway, deepest apoligies. Between school and, well, school, I haven't had much time to do anything. And just recently FFXI became successful in its campaign to eat what little of my free time I once had. However, that obsession can be a good thing for you! Know why? Animated GIFs is why. Made a buncha new ones, all FFXI themed. Check 'em out, yo! Oh, and let's not forget a new rant here for you all patiently waiting. And, if you're ever on, check me out: Cylenean, small Elvaan male Zell-face (what did you expect??), THF/WAR, Phoenix server, proud citizen of Bastok (as shall be evident by the gifs...). Oh, and while you're at it, stop by Night In Girl, the website for the linkshell I'm on >3

Eh...hehe... So. Turns out things didn't go as planned. Hopefully I'll be able to get up some new pages during the holiday. Keep your fingers crossed! In the meantime, I've updated the Bulletin with some more accurate release dates. Ahhh, delays...

One new fanart.

Welcome back, loyal Slumgoers! Sorry I've been so late updating; school's finally out and I have some time to really update (regularly!) now. And no, school didn't just recently get out, but when it did I had no content to update with! So, I spent a little time creating some new and snazzy somethings for you all. First off, I've updated the News Bulletin; changed the design a bit, and updated the information on it. Next, I added the GIFs section again! It's a bit different than it was before, with new icons that I've made myself, and a link to the directory for the old ones. And what would a welcome-back update be without a couple of new Wallpapers? Yeah, you know you're gettin' excited!

Hey hey, guess what time it is! Thaaaaaat's right! It's time for another non-update! One new link to a great site, Games Talks. G'wan and take a gander, it's one snazzy site! And now, to make my getaway before you realize that's ALL this update is composed of and maim me!

Welcome back for another update! Got one new picture in Fanart courtesy once again of Female Zell of Galbadia! Also, a whole new section up in the Bar, which would be the News Bulletin which features dates to remember, such as E3, game release dates, and other special events.

Oh, woe is me, Spring Break has come to an end. But woe is not you, Slumgoers, for I have a brand-spankin'-new update for ya! A new fanfiction in the Inn by Female Zell of Galbadia! And a big "thank you!" to her for submitting it!

Hark! 'Tis the return of the weekend updates! It looks like I'm finally through with that tidal wave of schoolwork for now, so for the time being we're back to our normal weekend updates! Speaking of updates, I FINALLY got a new Random Rant up! I can't believe the last time I updated that page was MAY of last year. Well, for those of you who have been eagerly anticipating the return of the rant, wait no longer! By the way, the GIFs are now only in the directory. This summer, or maybe even sooner than that, I'll probably be taking that section out completely due to space issues. Don't worry, it'll probably return a short while after that, but chances are it won't have any of the GIFs that are currently stored here (legal purposes, those gifs are fan-made and I never got permission to use them on the site...). So if you want 'em, hurry up and steal 'em!

Holy Zeus on a bungee cord, it's been a while since I've updated. Well, I guess all I can say is that, just like last time, I've been pretty swamped with school work for the past month or so. Please bear with me as I attempt (and fail miserably) to keep this place regularly updated. Anyway, four new pieces of fanart in the Itemshop, even one by yours truly! Check it out. And don't forget, any fanart/fanfiction that you all have done, feel free to send it in to me! What, you expect ME to make all the update content? You see, this is why we don't have very many updates...

Really quick update, I apologize profusely for the lack of new content for such a long while but I've been REALLY REALLY busy with school for the past couple weeks. I have, oh, about a minute before the bell rings for my next class so I gotta run. Four new things in Fanart, check 'em out.

Surprise!! I'm back, this time with a bona fide (but still cheap) update! Got one new tidbit over in the Wallpapers section, this one featuring Final Fantasy XII's Balflear, that gun-toting, Robin Hood wine connoisseur air pirate! It's heavily Mediterranean themed due to the strong Mediterranean influence on FFXII. Oh, and here's a shameless plug for that new Balflear shrine (Outsider) I "updated" with last time: GO TO IT NOW OR DIE!!

Okay, so this isn't a real update. One new Link to a fledgling page on Final Fantasy XII's Balflear! So, I'll leave you now to stew in your rage at my lack of updates due to my obsessive occupation with Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, and my third (or is it fourth?) expert mode game on Kingdom Hearts.

Hey there, folks, I've got another mighty fine update for you. Not, one, not two, but FOUR new Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Wallpapers for you posted! Yessir, in celebration of the game's recent release, I have provided for you a quartet of wallpapers featuring the game's four races. Sorry I didn't get this update posted yesterday, like I should have, but some friends and I had a little FF: CC shin-dig at my house, and the morning was pretty much devoted to making the place habitable for everyone. It lasted from about noon to 11 PM. Ooh yeah, you're definitely wanna get this game if you're into kickin' major ass with your friends, action RPG style. Especially when that action RPG is Final Fantasy hopped up on Zelda crack!

Two new wallpapers for everyone to enjoy, both featuring the distant Final Fantasy XII. Expect a Crystal Chronicles themed wallpaper next week!

One new wallpaper for your viewing pleasure!

Updated the Itemshop with three new fanarts! Two by Red Riku XV and one by Dark Valkyrie. Go check 'em out!

Took down the Holiday section due to storage/data allocation issues

Oh, HO! Bet you thought I'd fall through on the "update at least once every three days" didn'tcha? Well, Slumlord Zell KEEPS his promises! Just a tiny little update for you, non game-related. It's a Christmas card in the Holiday section. You can even use it for your Christmas cards next year! Well, I'm sure you all have better things to do on Christmas than hear me rant about the site, so I shall bid you all adeiu, and please have a safe and happy holiday season!

Well, looks like I wasn't able to get the rest of the story up yesterday, but it's up today in the Holiday section! It's almost twice as long as the first part, I think! So, get over there, enjoy, and have a good holiday season! Oh, you might want to beware, it's a little PG-13, if you know what I mean, but then again most people that come here aren't all that young anyhow...

Sort of a half-assed update today, but I have part 1 of a Final Fantasy 8/A Christmas Carol fanfiction up and posted in the Holiday section! Sorry if it's so cheap, but I'm pretty sick right now and so both the quality and quantity of my work is waning. Hopefully I'll be able to get the rest of the fic up later today (I'm actually writing it now), so stay tuned! Bona Saturnalia!

Another Kingdom Hearts picture update! One new artwork in theHoliday section.

Happy Holidays yet again! New update in the Holiday section: one new artwork! Oh, and by the way I just saw The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. If you don't plan on seeing it, I will personally castrate you and then sodomize you with your own penis. Unless you're a girl. Then I'll just castrate the nearest guy and *then* proceed to sodomize you with it.

Okay, I lied. I couldn't get online yesterday because I was busy. Lame excuse, I know, but to make it up to you this update consists of THREE new pictures! So, check out the three new pictures in the Holiday section, and enjoy!

Second Holiday update is complete with one new fanart! I know that if I'm supposed to be sticking to my schedule of updating "at least once every three days" I should have updated YESTERDAY but unfortunately my computer is currently being gutted alive. Anyway, to make it up to you there will be a bonus update TOMORROW. After that the updating intervals should fall into one new thing every three days.

Happy Holidays everybody! Just for the season is the special section Holidays! Here is where all my updating will be for the next month or so. If the page goes well, I may use it for every major holiday (changing themes, off course). Check it out! One parody poem sofar

One new Wallpaper, and now the Links open in new windows.

Seee, told ya I'd have an update for you! Two new things in the Itemshop, one of them is some crappy doodle that I did as a joke for Nelo Angelo and the other one is a cosplay that I did last year for Halloween. Also, there's one new Wallpaper commemorating the announcement of the two Kingdom Hearts sequels, Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (GBA) and Kingdom Hearts 2 (PS2)!!

One new link and the salvation of the site. Expect some updates (real ones!) next week.
[EDIT] Got the Stories section up! Check out the new revamped Inn!

Ok, so I lied the last time I updated. But now there really IS new stuff in fanart! And a sparkly new wallpaper too, check it out.

Amin hiraetha, been too long since I've updated, yet again. Got the new Links page up, and it took quite a bit longer than I expected to complete. Should have new material in the fanart section tomorrow, so check back in.

The Itemshop is now done! It looks almost the same as it did before, but slightly more organized. I also got this page done with html, but this too looks almost identical to its Pagebuilder counterpart. [EDIT: LATER THAT DAY] Got the Rants up! For some reason everything I've done today looks just like it did before...

Got the wallpapers page up and fully html! And, if I might say so myself, it looks MUCH better than before!

Huzzah! The very first fully html page is up and running smoothly! If you'll notice the index page is very different and has less of a Pagebuilder-esque look to it! Expect more tomorrow.

Put up the very first Gift/Award thingy on the entrance page! Also started the painful process of converting the Slums from Pagebuilder format to real HTML. This is gonna take a while, maybe even the whole summer, but it'll make the updating process so much less painful, so expect more updates after the conversion is done.

Wow! Big update, but also extremely late. Got a new Rant up finally (see? told ya I'd get it up next time I updated), a new link, and something like four new fanarts. Oooh, yea! Soon as summer vacation starts *June 7th* I'll be updating more regularly. Honest, it won't be like last year when I sorta completely blew everything off, lol.

Got a new fanfiction up!! Oh yea, a new fanart too!

Got a new fanart up, thankyou Red Riku XV! Also, added one new link on the links page under "Affiliates." Sorry I haven't gotten the chance to post very many or very large updates lately, stupid schoolwork is SUCH a pain.

Finally got a new fanfiction up! Wonderful, splendid work that goes unparalled, written by Rose Angel. Oh yea, new 'Knights QotW.

Woo hoo! Got a whole lotta new fanart up today, as well as a new link! Thank you SO MUCH to Leia for her submissions ^^

Got a new guestbook up and a new Shanghai Knights Quote of the Week. Small update, I know, but expect more soon.

Finally put up the Sora wallpaper with words AND without words, and also linked fanart artist names to their e-mail addresses so you can harass them on drawing some more.

Sorry for taking so long to update!! Got one new wallpaper up and "Shanghai Knights Quote of the Week" is now available on the homepage! Oh, and, uh, I also fixed that "minor" problem with the homepage...

Posted three new links: The Dream Oath, The Gigazone, and The lysDexic Mirror

Finally updated the GIFs section!! Ok, I know it says ANIMATED Gifs, but some of them are stationary 'cause my computer likes to make them stupid. Lesse, I finally put up a couple of Nanaki gifs and other FF gifs, as well as four Kingdom Hearts gifs. Oh yea! There's also a buttload of LOTR gifs, 'cause LOTR is your god.

New rant posted over at the Bar, and the Links section has finally been created. whoopee.

It's the new year, and I have a small update. Woo hoo. put up one midi and one fanart and fixed a buncha oddities all about the site. If you see any, do inform me.

Big update today. I got up a new rant and a buttload of new fanarts and wallpapers. I also revamped the layout for the fanart and wallpaper sections so that the pages would load at least a little bit faster. Happy Holidays everyone! click here for Santa Mage

Big update in the Fanart section! Be sure to stop on by. Oh yea, Happy Birthday Tidus!!

Finally got the rants up! Also put up the KH quiz and updated links yet again. Will put up more Fanart tomorrow. G'night all!

Happy Turkay Day! Fanart section updated, lotsa new stuff! And a minor links update as well.

Updated links. I'll have to do everything else later....ran outta time today >_<

Got the news posted up! Sorry I couldn't update Yeoo Yeyvuhn or put up the rants. I'll do it next weekend. No, really I will!

Hey, whaddya know, it's Squall's birthday today! I was gonna update sooner, but I spent the week celebrating Cloud's b-day. Anyway, got some new fanart and a few new wallpapers! I'll have your news update and Yeoo Yeyvuhn up by Sunday, I promise!!

Wow! Big update today. Lesse, one new Fanart, one new Fanfiction, one new wallpaper, two new midis, a new tribune, a new edition of Yeoo Yeyvuhn....that's it. But it is an update in every section! Well, 'cept the GIF's, but anyway...Ok ok, I know I didn't get to doing the rants...I'll do it next week. Promise! Now that school's out trust me to be a little lest erradic and spontaneous in my updates!

posted two new fanarts....sorry i haven't been able to update the newsletter or Adventures of Yeoo Yeyvuhn...geez i haven't even put up my weekly rantings. damn finals. trust me, once summer starts i'll be having more frequent and less sporradic updates

put up one new wallpaper

first update page goes up, midi's and lyrics page up, news column up, new fanart

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