Bonding With Others

Dhyana Makenzie's Rosekiss
Rosekiss by Dhyana Mackenzie

Associations, Links, and Circles

This is a page of links.
If you tap on any item on this page,
you will probably be taken into another dimension of reality.
If you are on your way out, I sincerely hope you had a good time.
Please drop back and visit me.

I am the author of

Sophia's Web:
Understanding the Unity and Diversity
of Religion, Science and Ourselves.

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Del Jones, Executive Director
Center for Partnership Studies
POB 30538
Tucson, AZ 85751
520-298-0639 fax
Email to Del Jones

COSMIC MOTHER, WISDOM'S LOVERS Cosmic Mother, Wisdom's Lovers
Devoted to Sophia as the Living Divine Wisdom, *COSMIC MOTHER, WISDOM'S LOVERS* hosts Sophia-oriented poetry & essays upon why the Divine Feminine has been ignored & suppressed. This site has, perhaps, the most extensive Sophia Links page on the Web, and is highlighted with in*Spirit*ed cutting-edge graphics.

One Spirit Project:
Facilitating personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.
Together we can make a difference!

Metahysics and New Age Resources.

Roam'n Church Award

Northern Way:

Esoteric Theological Seminary
University of Esoterica

New Age and Beyond:
The Free Online Magazine For A Consciously Creative Living.

The World of the Goddess as seen by Bendis
This is a gorgeous site that
will give you hours of delightful play
with our Mom as seen throughout various cultures.
Kick your shoes off, and, if real gutsy, all clothes, and relax.
Take a deep sigh for this site with it's imagery,
mythologies, poetry and music
will put you right back into the Womb.

Metapages Metaphyscial and New Age Resources.

Voices of Women

Crossroads Lyceum/Fellowship of Isis
The oldest all-correspondence Lyceum
within the Fellowship of Isis.
This contemporary mystery school specializes in Priest/ess training
and Magi Degrees through home study.
All pantheons and Goddesses are honored.

Access New Age

A site that promises to be full of fun and adventure.

The Earth Is Our Mother

The Witches Workshop

The Home of Sophia, the Holy Spirit

A New Work of Thought
Concerning the Synthesis of Religion, Science, Magic, and Technology

All Things Sekhmet
If you dare,

Listings of Pagan Web Pages in DC, Md and NoVa

Heart Links Mission Statement: To awaken individuals to their spiritual potential and purpose. By sharing spiritual experiences and insights from people of all walks of life, it is hoped that this will serve to inspire and energize the quest to learn more about the nature of our spiritual self and our purpose on this planet. Heart Links is also dedicated to promoting spiritual unity and cultural respect by networking, telling stories of spirit, and sharing information and resources. It is my belief that one day we will live together in peace as Enlightened Beings of Light and that the power of Love will help us to achieve this. - Myra Johnson A wonderful site full of information and places to explore.

Goddess Worship and Girl's Power!

This is a fun site, full of information.

Mariam: Living Water

The Witches' Workshop
has a really nice group of Goddess Shrines and lots of other great things.

New Paradigm relationships & Sacred Sexuality:
Articles, Discussion Forums, Interviews,
Questions & Answers, Teachers,
Workshops, Personals, Instructional materials,
On-line Catalog with over 100 unique items.

DaKara Kies Company: Holistic Products.
Provides Angelic Readings & Healings, Reiki, Herbal Nutrition, Herbs
& Nutritional Suppliments, Flower Essences,
Pet Calm, Chakra Balance,
Planetary Earth Change Essences, Ear Candles, Pendulums.

for Goddess books and other items of enchantment.

Under Shekhina's Wings: Cross Cultural Women's Spirituality

Goddess Web

Goddess Mound

Indigo Visions

Acess New Age:
Links to various sites covering
women's spirituality, tarot, philosophy, etc.

Integral Spirit: Online community devoted to integral spirituality.

Perceptions Newsletter:
Creativity, Spirituality, and Free Thought

Where Dreams Come True...and Visions are Real

JBL Statues is your source for devotional and meditation
statues, figurines, plaques
and more from many world faiths and cultures.
Along with pictures of each piece, we describe the archetypal meaning.
With information on over a hundred dieties,
we hope our web site, and our business will spread healing traditions.
Visit us at

JOIN IN THE FUN? Have a site you wish to link? Add-A-Link

Interested in placing your link on this page?
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© 1997

PoeticHomeIntroduces Site
ContemplativeSophia and NatureDiscussion of the relation between Sophia and Nature
ContemplativeGo With the FlowGetting beyond false definitions of self
PoeticIn the WoodsProvides an erotic spiritual experience of Presence.
PoeticIn the BeginningPersonal Experiences with Sophia
ContemplativeWe are LoversDiscusses relationship as essence of Creative Process
PoeticWho is SophiaThe Nature of Wisdom
PoeticNature and TruthDiscusses the relationship of Nature and Truth
Other sitesBonding with OthersLinks to Sophia sites throughout the web

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