New Frontier Ranch and Research Center -- Ms. Dee's Centaurization Archives Explorations of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Reality
Bio-Lab--Alternative Centaurization Processes: Ms. Dee Archives
Ms. Dee's Centaurization Journal: July 22, 1998

WARNING: The following is for informational purposes only.

New Frontiers does not claim responsibility for the actions affecting Ms. Dee and others. Any claims that contradict this will be investigated by the legal staff.

WWWCentaur Board Posting # xxxx

The following posting was made on July 22, 1998.


About two weeks ago the E-team began an experiment. It started when Joe and Marie stopped overnight with Shamu and their great grand daughter Clarissa. As usual, Shamu got left behind while Joe, Marie and Clarissa went to the research facility/lab for testing. Standard operating procedure at that point in time.

Two days later my family and Tanya left for a horse show. As usual, I was left behind with the ponies and a full electronics suite of phones, pagers and 'I've fallen and I can't get up' devices. (Plus batteries.)

The first weekend wasn't too bad. I spent my time playing with the ponies and getting what 'Arnold' calls adequate exercise. The ponies had no idea that an experiment had just started. SOP is a wonderful thing.

The first Monday was interesting. I took a vacation day so I could watch all three ponies closely. Tanya didn't return from the horse show because she was staying at 'Arnold's' for the experiment. Joe, Marie and Clarissa didn't return for Shamu because they had gone on to visit family.

Not SOP. I was very nervous that something would happen.

Nothing happened out of the ordinary. I managed to get in a few hours of Fantasia practice followed by a lot of recreational reading. It was wonderful.

I spent Tuesday pounding on my keyboard with both ears and half an eye on the three ponies. They didn't act any different so I managed to get some work done.

On Wednesday the 15th of July, the ponies noticed that I had been doing my best to keep them away from my family. I had been giving them the treats and extra attention my family normally lavishes on an equine. The extra effort kept them from noticing that the rest of my family had been avoiding me since early Monday morning.

The plaintive cry of the ponies for their two legged friends hurt. It was all I could do to keep them inside the fence. It was hard on the ponies and the rest of my family.

The next day the ponies discovered that Tanya's puttering around had pony proofed the paddock and pasture. The ponies couldn't get out without a lot of obvious digging or fence wrecking. (I also braided tracking beacons into their manes just in case. The beacons are embedded in ribbons the ponies had been wearing in previous weeks.)

On Friday the 17th I heaved a sigh of relief when my family left for yet another horse show. Testing had shown that they had not been affected by the ponies.

Early Saturday morning the ponies and I were herded into the small horse trailer and taken to 'Arnold's' for testing. We were very careful to make sure that I was the only one to handle the ponies and that the ponies remained under full control.

The ponies were quite cheerful about the expedition. They were their usual well mannered selves despite the fact that the veterinary trainee Misty is not very skilled at poking and prodding. They even went back into the trailer without a problem.

I was also given a quickie exam at about the same time. In passing I was informed that Tanya had not changed a bit since she was separated from the ponies. We had to talk in code to keep the ponies from guessing what was happening.

I was off my feed with worry on Sunday. Preliminary results appeared to indicate that Pearl played an active role in changing me into a centaur. If we had been separated early on, I might have remained humanoid if not fully human.

At the same time we were taking a risk with Tanya's health. When the experiment began, Tanya was showing signs that the second uterus was almost ready to open to the world. Allowing for delays and gender, she was a text book case of centaurization via my condition. (Thus far the halt hasn't affected her health. There are some worries that it will affect her centaurization.)

On Monday the 20th I took another vacation day. I spent a lot more time with the ponies because I wanted to make sure that they could trust me. (I also had a bit of a headache from worrying on Sunday.) I got hot and sweaty playing tag in the training arena. But the exercise helped my appetite recover. I scarfed down two centaur sundaes that afternoon.

That night the ponies showed a mild interest in my family when they got home from their jobs. I had a feeling that everything was under control.

It was a mixed feeling. On one side I was no longer worried that the experiment would hurt Tanya in any way. On the other side I have a bad feeling that the ponies are the ones that have things under control.

Yesterday I developed cravings for Misty's Centaur Sundaes with extra doses of horse vitamins and mare's milk formula. I notified the E-team and they made arrangements for a special scanning session.

Last night, accompanied by the ponies, I was given a complete exam. Improvements in software, hardware and technique enabled the E-team to do more work in less time.

It also enabled them to do a very simple experiment that proved that Pearl was responsible for the changes. Micro measurements of the were-spheres plus multi-spectrum scanning of Pearl demonstrated an inverse square relationship between the rate of change and distance from the pony.

Proof of psionics?

The results show that the were-spheres have returned in a different pattern. The biggest single concentration of were-sphere material is at my equine shoulders, where my two spines meet. The spines themselves are covered with a relatively thick layer of were-sphere material that show signs of neurological activity.

The rest of the bones also have a were-sphere layer.

There is more in the formal report.

ITEM ONE: Pelvic Changes--Bone

Fore and hind pelvic bones have thicker were-sphere coatings where the legs connect to the pelvic bones. The E-team suspects that this may be a sign that the body is physically maturing.

ITEM TWO: Pelvic Changes--Soft Organs

Hormone production is up and there are signs that the body is about to go through puberty. 'Anita' is worried about the speed of the changes.

ITEM THREE: Were-Spheres

If the were-spheres were a form of cancer, I would be dead in two weeks. In three days they have gone from nothing to something that the old hardware would detect. Despite the changes, I feel fine. Physically, that is.

ITEM FOUR: Lactation

At this moment I'm not producing milk. The milk delivery system is just starting to wake up and get into gear. My nipples are tender and there are two slight bulges that weren't apparent this morning.

ITEM FIVE: Cumulative Changes

Nothing obvious at first glance. I still look like a foal with an ill proportioned torso.

ITEM SIX: Mental-Physical Health

Physically I'm as healthy as the proverbial horse. I have a slight temperature, but it is nothing worth worrying about. In fact, it is expected.

My mental health is something you would not write home about. I've been doing a lot of talking over the phone trying to keep from going off the deep end. Unfortunately, the deep end is all around me.

The good news is that I have a deep seated feeling that everything will work out in the long run. The bad news is that I think the ponies are directly responsible for that feeling.

Even worse, I have a bad feeling that the pony proofing is compromised. I have this feeling that they could gently encourage me to open locked doors and gates if they really wanted out. And I'm not sure whether that feeling is based on logical deductions or some sort of pony imposed warning. It might be a little bit of both.

It doesn't help that my wife is now sleeping in the house for safety reasons. I miss her a lot, but I don't want to put her at risk now that we may have a handle on things.

It is frightening to realize that those three little ponies may be capable of doing what science can't.

ITEM SEVEN: Cravings

I haven't had them because I've been eating 'right.' Of course 'right' is relative. I'm eating 'right' if the goal is to beef up the were-spheres as quickly as possible. I'm also eating 'right' if the goal is to 'drown' my mental problems with munchies.

Technically, I'm eating 'right' if I were an underweight mare being fattened up for her first foal. Horse vitamins, mare's milk formula, grain, roughage and lots of water have been going through my system and going out almost devoid of nutrients. I'm getting tired of eating like a horse. I'm also getting tired of being a manure machine.

ITEM EIGHT: Equine Body

A little bit of weight gain and a little bit of bulking up, but no instantly obvious external differences.

Internally the were-spheres appear to be preparing my body for some sort of change. As mentioned before, the spines are hot spots of were-sphere activity. Likewise, to a lesser degree, the legs are also hot spots. The E-team is taking bets on what that means. The favored scenario is that I'm going to grow into my legs and become a centaur mare as opposed to a centaur filly. 'Arnold' is betting that my human torso may become more equine, thus the reason for the large were-sphere up front.

I'm betting that the change will have a major impact on the efforts of the dance team. 'George' is trying to hurry things up so that all our work won't go down the tubes if I win.

ITEM NINE: Human Body

Finish the following phrase: "Be careful what you ..."

Well, I've been complaining about being a sexless preadolescent. Now my complaints have been answered. Once again I'm growing a milk delivery system. And they itch.

Beneath the skin the were-spheres are proportionally thicker. The spinal band from my head to my fore pelvis is thicker and denser than the spinal band from my fore pelvis to my tail. Ditto the ribs and the arms. Even more interesting and frightening is the were-sphere network around my skull. A thin layer reaches everything. the thin layer is backed up by a thick reservoir running through the mane ridge.

'Arnold' is betting that the network and the ridge reservoir support his position.


Practicing the Jazz Fantasia is about the only way I can get my mind off what is happening. When I'm dancing I'm a sexy centaurette trying to seduce every male I make eye-contact with. It is the only way I can keep the ponies entranced.

ITEM ELEVEN: Centaur Appropriate Clothing.

The C-Team is waiting and watching.

That is what has been happening. I wish that I could be granted a truly useful wish that wouldn't backfire.


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