I will put some of the boys' achievements on this page. Awards, projects, etc. will be here.
The first thing I will add is a poem that Matthew sat down and wrote one day a couple of years ago. It is no big deal, but I thought it was cute.
This might seem funny,
But I am a bunny and
A stray on the highway
Singing a song and
Walking along, on the highway
Matthew received this award on October 31, 2000. The Gold Award is for a student with all B's and some A's. With this new grading system a B grade means they are working at grade level. An A grade is above grade level.

Here is a drawing Michael did recently.

Here are the newest awards from the second trimester. Matthew recieved the Gold awards again. He also received an Enthusiasm for Learning award.

Michael received the Awesome Author award for the second trimester.