The game page of The OverSeer

The Hunt
for the name
The OverSeer

What's in a name?

In Ashtaroth, there exists fantasy & magic. Sorcerers and Mages practice their arts while heroes save their maidens from the fangs of fire breathing dragons.  Ye who travel here are limited only by the boundaries of your own imagination.
In Ashtaroth, the knowledge of The OverSeer's name is kept secret.  It is difficult for sorcerers and witches to wreak mischief if they know not the name of they whom they wish to cast a spell over.
Hidden within the chambers of the realm are clues to the name of The OverSeer. Those who wish can gather these clues together and attempt to guess the name.
Should you by chance be successful in this endeavor, you shall receive from The OverSeer a graphical award. This award will be created especially for anyone who is successful in this adventure and will be unique and personalized.
You shall receive this award along with a link to your realm from here providing his/her site is in good taste and contains no pornographic material. Should your site contain any of these things, you will receive the award but not the link.
I would humbly request that you keep the name secret if you are successful.  You can either Email me or make your guess privately within the Scrolls of Rubicon. 
You shall find the clues at the bottom of certain pages within the Kingdom.  These clues will give you the first name of The OverSeer.   His last name is the same as his father's and his grandfather's.  You will find links to these pages within the kingdom itself.  His first name has 6 different letters.  You may find that several pages have the same letter at the bottom.   Be assured that there are only 6 letters in the first name of The OverSeer and they are all different.
Good Luck and thank you for playing the game.   I look forward to creating for you a graphic worthy of the effort it will take to figure out the name of The OverSeer.
Look to the Rainbow for the key to solving the order of the clues.



There are now 6 brave souls who have overcome the dangers and completed the hunt for the name of The OverSeer.
Each of these individuals have received a unique graphical award created especially for them. 
Download times have forced these graphical images to be put on separate pages.  You can see each one by clicking on each winner's name.

Sad Angel





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{{Kingdom   O Castle   O The OverSeer   O Home O Banners }}

{{Dragons   O BattleLords   O Labyrinth   O Awards }}

{{ GuestBook   O Rulers   O Email }}

{{ The Road of Kings }}

{{ Rainbow Dragon Ring }}


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