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News Archive #27. 7/3/2006 - 3/21/2007

Old News
  • 10/21/05 - 7/3/06
  • 5/5/05 - 10/21/05
  • 8/24/04 - 5/5/05
  • 10/08/03 - 8/24/04
  • 12/21/02 - 10/08/03
  • 5/14/02 - 12/21/02
  • 12/12/01 - 5/14/02
  • 7/16 - 12/12
  • 1/7 - 6/27
  • 3/2 - 12/28
  • 11/1 - 2/14
  • 9/3 - 10/16
  • 8/2 - 8/31
  • 6/29 - 8/1
  • 4/27 - 6/28
  • 3/18 - 4/26
  • 2/12 - 3/15
  • 12/28 - 2/11
  • 10/12 -12/22
  • 9/22 - 10/12
  • 9/3 - 9/22
  • 8/6 - 9/2
  • 7/20 - 8/5
  • 6/18 - 7/19
  • 4/14 - 6/17

  • Wednesday March 21st, 2007
    Today could be the most awesome day ever. survivor. south park. lost.

    But I'm pretty sure it's not. I haven't even seen lost or south park yet, but prior events of the day haven't set me up in the best mood.

    whatevas. I'm out. March.

    Thursday February 15th, 2007
    What is going on? What the hell is going on?

    Phoenix Wright is an awesome game. Frustrating at times, but fun nonetheless. I think I'll do bigger reviews some other time. Or never. What's the point?

    What the hell!

    I've been listening to older tracks by We Are Scientists. They're available at Nebulize My Mind for free and really will rock your socks off. Take em for a spin if you're in to fun rock.

    I need happy times. give me happy times.

    See you in March! poop!

    Wednesday, January 31st 2007
    I'm pretty sure my dental insurances sucks, but I'm not positive.

    not cool

    Thursday January 18, 2007
    2007-1998 = 9 Years of absolute garbage spilling out of my fingertips.

    2006 was a pretty awesome year. I've already recapped most of it in previous posts, so I'll stick to what's new.

    I bought this :

    It's shiny. I know it's illegal, but I've already driven it at speeds as fast as 50MPH!!! REBEL!

    Like a moth to a flame, I am attracted to extremely shiny objects. This car is "sunlight silver" and is very very shiny. The dashboard also glows red at night. Now imagine that AT 50 MILES PER HOUR. Yes, the chicks are trully flocking to me now.

    If you have ever seen me drive, you know this is a bad idea. I can't park correctly. Or at least I can't park turning to the right. I'm just really bad at that. I can park turning to the left, but for whatever damn reason, turning right is not working for me. I also have no idea how long my car really is. I'll pull in too close and nearly take out my front bumper. Or I'll be out too far. Thankfully, my car is compact and this isn't that big of a deal. My driving in reverse skills are rated at a 1/10 too. So, if you see me pulling out of a parking space, GET OUT OF THE WAY. owned bitches!

    Album of the year 2006/Band of the Year:

    We Are Scientists - With Love and Squalor.

    I realize I never reviewed or have talked about how much I think We Are Scientists kick ass on this web page. They rule and so does their album. With Love and Squalor is pure rock and roll. It's fueled my 2006. Their B Sides and rarities album Crap Attack adds remixes and Under the Sea renditions of tracks from With Love and Squalor. Crap Attack is equally awesome. Add in their videos and you have my Band of the Year.

    Show of the year 2006: Survivor Cook Islands

    Movie of the year 2006: I have no idea. Clerks 2? Jackass 2? Little Miss Sunshine?

    I hope the winners of my awards become ashamed to win an award from such a crappy site like my own.

    I'm trying my hardest. Honest.

    Here's to 2007 hopefully being the year everything goes right. Your definition of right probably differs from mine, but I'm sure we can come up with a compromise. See you in february.

    Thursday December 28th 2006
    Yesterday, Wednesday the 27th, I bought a new toy. I'll post more about it later, but let's just say it's shiny and awesome.

    Last Week, Wednesday the 20th, I had one of the greatest conversations I've ever experienced. A really great conversation. It made me feel really weird during every other conversation I've had since then. Everything began to pale in comparison. It unfortunately has setup amazing expectations for future conversations that I will fail at dramatically. But that's life, right?

    And that is how 2006 ends. It has had its ups and downs. Overall, it has truly been an awesome year for me. How about you?

    On to 2007!
    Friday December 15th, 2006
    Being frustrated is my thing.

    I'm doing really well. Much better than I was at this point in my life last year. But every little thing bugs the hell out of me.

    There was an order I made online. It took a month and 11 days for the entire transaction to complete (shipment, return, shipment). And I am unhappy with it now that it's done. 1/3 of my order was refunded to me because that item in the size I wanted wasn't available on the return. They didn't even tell me it would be refunded. I had to call them and find out. And I considered that shirt as the most important item in the whole damn order!

    That's just one of the things. The other things I just don't feel comfortable writing about. I'm willing to say I am one messed up human being, but the full diagnosis is sticking with me.

    That's me. December out.
    Tuesday November 7th, 2006
    I've got an unhealthy obsession that causes my mind to drift. A lot.

    I'm going to a new dentist tomorrow. This will be weird. They have none of my dental history (I don't think) so it will be nice to come up with some fake background about smoking and drinking and painkillers.

    But then again, they may have canceled my appointment. They were supposed to call me today to confirm my appointment, but I had Do Not Disturb on that phone number turned on. (+1 to Firefox 2.0 for catching that spelling mistake. fuck that is awesome!)

    Out for November. When will this madness stop?

    Friday October 26, 2006
    State of the Robert address.

    I've finally turned 26. If I live to 100, I've just exceeded the 25% mark in life. If I make it to 75, I'm past 1/3. So I think now would be as good a time as any to spill my guts.

    Oct 2005 -> Oct 2006 Recap :
    - Started using the Ruby on Rails framework. I went from never touching Ruby before, to pretty much being the only language I'm using.
    - Moved to a new city. Renting a 1 bedroom apartment that costs more than the 3 bedroom townhouse that I rented in college.
    - Got a new job. I work with cool people. I make a nice chunk of change. I work really long hours.
    - Obtained 2 video game consoles, a xbox 360 and a ds lite.
    - Joined the 21st century and got broadband internet access.
    - Went from listening to radio on my cell phone, to an ipod shuffle, to a 80gig ipod video.
    - Have probably eaten out more in the past year than I ever had in the rest of my life combined.

    Well that was fun. Let's get on with the real meat.

    Where I'm at:
    - Conversational skills, People I need something from (2/10): My biggest goal for the next coming year of life is to really focus on speaking better with people when I need something. Or want something. This is all about being more comfortable with myself. When I get nervous, I start to stutter, fail to make complete sentences and say things I always regret. The first 2 I think I can work on, #3 is par for the course.
    - Conversational skills, Relaxed state (7/10): #3 plays a factor here too. Not as much, but it does.
    - Programming (8/10): every problem has a solution.
    - Health (6/10): I need to eat better. But I do feel stronger.
    - Comedy (4/10): Whether or not I've ever been humorous is questionable, but I believe I'm losing whatever spark I had in me.
    - Brain (5/10): Brain Age on DS may or may not have helped. I still have very little short term memory.
    - Writing (5/10): Losing it. Even my once extremely long emails have been replaced with sparse and short blurbs. That could be a good thing though.

    When exactly am I going to stop updating this site? And how cool is that Firefox 2 has spell check? It's telling me all my html tags are wrong. It just said html should be ht ml. what?

    Vote for me. Robert 2006. Out bitches!

    Saturday September 23rd, 2006
    Here comes the storm

    For those who don't know me (I think everybody that reads this does. whatever), I get extremely nervous at times. The company I work for now is launching our product extremely soon. That and other things have left me in a daze of severe proportions.

    But we still have music!

    Keane - Under the Iron Sea - B+/Hopes and Fears - A-:: If you're looking for choruses and sing along songs, you have got to love Keane. Under the Iron Sea is a lot more poppy/rock than Hopes and Fears. Get Crystal Ball & The Frog Prince. Hopes and Fears was their debut album, and is much softer. It contains the 2 stand out tracks that nobody can resist, Somewhere Only We Know, and Everybody's Changing. The bonus track, Walnut Tree is also a favorite of mine.

    Lupe Fiasco - Food and Liquor - B+ :: The savior of hip hop release his debut album. The album is brilliant except for the "outro". Seriously Lupe, 12 minutes??? 12 minutes of shout outs? You could've cut it to 9 minutes and include Tilted! Grab Hurt Me Soul and The Instrumental.

    And we still have TV!

    Survivor Cook Islands : Cao Boi. Nothing more. Watch Survivor you fools. Yul is going to go far, and I can't imagine the whole asian tribe not going far (until the "Twists". bastards)

    September! See you in October.
    Sunday August 20th, 2006
    Another bundle of entries bounded and archived never to be read again. 26!

    Y: The Last Man : Senor Datafox recommended this comic to me. A well written comic about the possibility of a world where all the men on earth have been killed. Except for one. And his monkey. Brian K Vaughn writes this soon to be ending comic.

    Runaways : After reading 40+ issues of Y: The Last Man, I went hunting for more by that Vaughan guy. I actually had heard that Runaways was a good comic before, but I wasn't compelled to read it. Good book.

    Ex-Machina: the 3rd in a batch of that Vaughan guy. Not as good as the other 2 I think. But still pretty compelling.

    Big Brother : All-Stars : meh

    Clerks 2 : Grade A : A great story about 2 guys moving in to their 30s. I expected just a simple vulgar flick, but it actually had a wonderful story to go along with it.

    X-Men 3 : the last stand : Grade C : I didn't get it. There's a lot in it to wonder what they were trying to accomplish. Why even bother with the IceMan Kitty Pride Rogue thing if there's no point? Why focus on Storm when she's got nothing going for her? Why add Beast? What did he add? What's with the killing? ugh.

    Grandma's Boy : Grade A : This movie is extremely dumb. Don't expect much and you'll enjoy it as much as I did.

    Sufjan Stevens - Illinoise : Grade A : Melodic Folk Rock.

    That was boring. Next please. Out for August
    Monday July 03rd, 2006
    Writing time.

    Fuck apple. I got the blinky lights on my ipod shuffle last night. So I had to reinstall the gayness that is itunes so that I could reformat it and repopulate it. Seriously get out of my face Apple. I actually wanted a Mac a couple months ago. Your idiotic "ZOMG WINDOWS IS 4 LOSERS" commercials started to push me away. But Itunes is such garbage. I am a proud supporter of everybody jumping ship to Ubuntu. Ubuntu is an awesome os. And it's cheaper (as in free) and non-proprietery (as in open-source). Sell your stock. The ship isn't sinking. The hipsters will stay with the mac. But the hackers are going to run.

    I’m working on making the perfect scrambled egg. You have to do it just right. The heat has to be perfect. The time before the flip has to be perfect to get that perfect cooked taste. Too long and it’s dry crap. Too short and you get an uneven cook. My life. Coming in book form soon.

    Islands – Return to Sea – A- - A sweet pop-rock-rap-something album. This album sounds different than anything else, but it also feels damn familiar. A bit of the shins. A bit of weezer. And a bit of sugar sweet pop.

    Editors – The Backroom – A- - Editors is another british band. These guys are compared to Interpol and Joy Division, and rightfully so. I think they sound a lot like Joy Division, more so than Interpol does. And it's good. There are a couple chorus' that are composed of the same couple words repeated over and over again, which makes this an awesome shouting album. Get All Sparks (ALL SPARKS WILL BURN OUT [REPEAT]), Bullets (YOU DON'T NEED THIS DISEASE [REPEAT]) and Fingers in the Factories (KEEP WITH ME [REPEAT])

    Jackass 2 is going to be awesome

    Clerks 2 is going to be awesome

    And I'm spent. Happy 4th. Fireworks are illegal here! Later!

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