Name: Kemet


Height: 6ft

Weight: 148lbs

Profession: Horseman

Originates from: Karnak

Known Relatives: Three sisters, brother and Father

Character Colors: Orange, Black and White

Animal Sign: Tiger

Weapon: Long-handled Labrys (Two-headed axe)


" Being dead really cramps my social life..."
- Kemet
Kemet grew up on a horsefarm in Karnak, where most of the horses for the Chariot races and the Pharaoh's army originated. At a young age, his father had already decided that he was to be a charioteer, and with his well- known name, would be one of the best candidates for the Pharaoh's personal charioteer.

But Kemet had other ideas. By the age of seven, he was already learning how to ride some of the colts at the farm bareback after seeing it done by Greek travellers as they passed through their city one day. And as the years grew on, he became more and more skilled at it, especially with a certain stallion that his father had named Akcheph. They were able to outrun everyone that they met, and won every race that they ran in. Kemet though this as "easy money" and placing bets and winning races was one of the ways he was able to earn a living.

Finally, when he was about 15, Kemet found himself in a sticky situation while to Memphis, when he was attacked by some of the Pharaoh's guards, thinking that he was a spy from Palestine.

He and Akcheph were able to outrun the guards no problem, and when Amenhotep found out about how he had escaped, he was greatly impressed and hired Kemet as his royal stable master, to take care of the horses that he had grown up with to respect as well as admire.


If you didn't know him, such as most people, you would think that Kemet was something of a ruffian. From the piercing eyes and arrogant expression, to the earring and long ponytail, his appearance spells one thing- Trouble! He has dark skin, black hair, and light, youthful hazel green eyes. Like all the other guardians, everytime you see him, he's always wearing his character colors, and is sometimes called " The Small One" since he's shorter than all the other men in the group, and most of the women.

Being tall and somewhat thin, Kemet has aquired a unique personality, one that you don't find in many men. He's a very compassionate and caring individual, feeling that a kind heart and words is stronger than the mightiest sword (Don't less this fool you however, because during a battle, he can sometimes be one of the most frightening adversaries to fight). He's understanding towards anyone that has the right, and because of this, can be alittle too trusting and nieve. Kemet also has this unusual, innocent sense of humor which will even make the most depressed individual crack a smile. He isn't stuck on the inside, Kemet knows how the world works, but unlike most warriors, he values honesty and truth over honor and loyalty. Though through all these qualities he can sometimes be a little too helpful in his habits, and gets into trouble all the same.

Kemet, in a way, isn't always a big help in battle. When fighting against someone who is very overpowering strengthwise, Kemet has practically NO chance of outfighting him. He depends all on agility and intelect, and sometimes tries to persuade the other party not to fight (This doesn't work with Scarab, though =). By dawning the armor of the Tiger, the largest cat in the world, he has more of an advantage physically. His long, black claws can be used to climb up buildings, or cut down various objects (ie. Shabtis & Streetsigns) And the long labrys helps get those "Hard to reach places" that he just can't reach when battling an opponent. He prefers to fight in closed-in spaces, where his attacker can't move around very much, and can be attacked without him/her knowing who or what is out there. This is probably brought on by the cat's natural instinct to corner prey, but nevertheless is the best way Kemet knows how to fight.

Relationships with the Other Guardians:

Ja-kal - Kemet admires Ja-kal for being the leader of such a large group of appearances and personalities. He is always ready to follow orders, and unlike most others Kemet somehow feels that his optimism impresses Ja-kal some.

Armon - Though they don't meet together much, what with Kemet always running off to do something and Armon either eating or watching TV, they have a few good laughs once and awhile. They're a good match in battle as well, because somehow they both have this unspoken link that allows them to understand when the other plans to attack.

Rath - At most, Kemet tries to avoid Rath as much as possible. He knows that even when he doesn't try to be he's a large thorn in the scribe's side so it's best not to get involved. They hardly ever talk, and when they do it's usually a one-sided conversasion - Rath yelling at him while Kemet tries to get in a few words of defense now and then.

Nefer-tina - Knowing Nefer from Egypt Kemet was amazed to find that he was in fact Nefer-tina. Though he treats her no different than he did back when, the boy does think differently of her, probably being a lady. They sometimes try to have races between the HotRa and the jetcycle, which only amounts into more problems (See above relationship ;)

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Disclaimer: The character Kemet is copyright 1998 Jena McWaithe. All pics used on this page are also copyright me and any use or distrubution without permission is prohibited.