"Dust In The Wind"

and my family

Well, it all started back in 1954 when I was born. My father was in the Navy and stationed in New Jersey. We lived in Atlantic City. I already had two older brothers. Being in the military, we never stayed anywhere long. We were in Florida by the time I was six months old and when my younger brother was born, we were in Memphis, Tenn. That was when I was 13 months old. When my sister was born, we were in California. I was 2 1/2 years old. My earliest memory was of being at Disneyland. It was a scary one! It was a rocket ship ride and it scared me to death. My dad had to take me off of it. I started school in Virginia Beach, Virginia, in the first grade and finished that grade in Philadelphia, Penn. I went to the second grade in Maryland. From there we finally settled down back in Virginia. I was just going into the fifth grade. We stayed there and in 1969, my dad retired after twenty years in the Navy. He is still there with all of my family but me.

Now a little about my background. I am German, Irish, and Cherokee Indian. I think there is a little bit of English in there, too. My brothers, sister, and I each show what our family has. My sister is a light skinned, redhead, my younger brother is blond. My older brother is brunet and I am the Indian of the bunch. I look it too! My husband is a Scottish/Cherokee mix.

My daughter was from my first marriage. She was born in Norfolk, Virginia on Feb. 28, 1975 and her name is April Fawn Conyers. Her real father had nothing to do with her, ever. I met my husband of today, in Enca, North Carolina, at work. We fell in love right away. We met in September and married on December 31, 1977.  The following September 5, 1978, I gave birth to my son, Robert Mitchell Hendrix, Jr. That was the exact day that we met a year before!  Six months later, my husband joined the Air Force. On August 2, 1980, in Tacoma, Washington, I gave birth to Joshua Carl Hendrix. Since then, we have been to Denver, Co,  Florissant, Co, Texas, South Carolina, and back to Florissant. Now here in North Carolina. When people ask me where I'm from, I tell them.....America!

I collect Teddy Bears. My favorite ones are Pandas. I have many other kinds of stuffed animals, too. I love all animals and it makes me sad to see some of them disappearing. I have bird feeders in my yard and I don't block the squirrels or chipmunks from eating from them. They are hungry, too. There are a pair of Golden Eagles living in the cliffs behind my house. I love living in the country because of all the animals. We live in a small neighborhood so I don't get the deer or elk that I would if we really lived back in the woods. We rented a house on 40 acres once and had every kind of animal you can think of. Even a great big black bear! One night, he got mad and tore up our car a little. Had to get new wipers and a side view mirror.
But we do love it!!

 I also enjoy poetry, puzzles, good music, camping and fishing, traveling to places I've never been to before (and sometimes to places I've been before), good movies (horror included), cooking, and going to church. I use to hate the computer but I'm learning! I don't like to fly and having vertigo doesn't help. My all time favorite hero was John Wayne and my favorite singer was John Denver. Now I listen to almost nothing but Christian music. There's nothing more uplifting than to hear praise to the Lord as you drive down the street or are doing chores around the house. Also, I must admit that my all time hero is definitely  Jesus!
 That pretty much covers most of it!

This is me in 1976.


 Here are some photos of my family.

April, Mitchell Jr., Great Grandma Hendrix, Joshua, Mitchell Sr.

My daughter April's page.
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My son Joshua's home page.

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