"Hearts Cry"

Why is There Child Abuse?

 How can anyone look down at a crying baby and choose to hit it
instead of picking it up and loving it?

How can you look into a small child's eyes and not melt with loving care?

How can you destroy what you went through nine months to have?

How can you be so immature as to call a child stupid?

Children are a gift from God and as most gifts we receive, we treat this wonderful gift like trash. Literally! Many babies are found in trash dumpsters. Children that find themselves pregnant and are too afraid of their own parents so they "get rid" of the evidence. Who's committing child abuse now? The parents! We don't wish our children to do things that we do not approve of, but we all need to give them someone to turn to if they get into trouble. Would you want your grand child to be tossed away in a trash dumpster? To be nibbled on by large rats? People think that child abuse is just hitting your child too hard. Well, neglect is much more common than hitting. When a child says that her parents would kill her or kick her out for getting pregnant,
that's abuse!

When a mother ignores the fact that a father or uncle is having sex with her child, that is her fault as well as the others. Are we that much of a coward? Can we not stand up and defend that which is ours? Or are we just getting numb to this also?

There is so much open sex on T.V. and the movies these days, that it is just acceptable. There seems to be more sex in the commercials than on the shows. Sex education in schools doesn't teach what our children really need to know. If we don't teach them how to say "NO" then we are neglecting them again. All the diseases you can get from sex these days, you are allowing them to get these if you don't teach them morals. But you need to remember that while you are teaching them not to, remember that they are only human and can make mistakes. Allow them to know that they can come to you with any problem and you will be there to help them.

I have three children. My daughter did what she wished and has paid for it. She had a child that died shortly after it was born because she abused it before she even knew she was pregnant. She was not married to the father, but when she asked if she could come home, I welcomed her with open arms.

My two sons who are younger than my daughter, watched her life. They chose not to follow in her foot steps because they wanted a better life. If we hide things from our children, they will search it out for themselves. Share with your children. I have shared all the things I have experienced. My drug and alcohol abuse. My neglect and sexual abuse as a child. They know what this world is full of and will find no surprises. We talk openly about anything they want to. I love them very much and want them to know just what is out there.

Life is full of so many wonderful things. We need to live life to the fullest and share it with our children. Sometimes it gets hard, I know. But there are so many people you can turn to in these times. If someone called me in the middle of the night and asked for help....I'd gladly give it. Let your children, friends, neighbors, anyone who might need help once in awhile, know that you are there for them. It will make you feel good!  No...Great!!!

the worse kind of child abuse
you can commit!

"Letter From an Unborn Child"
by April Conyers

  I am your unborn child,
the one that grows within.
You hate me just because
of your unforgettable sin.

  You've banned me from my life,
I have no rights to live.
I guess it's because you don't understand,
you have no will to give.

  I've never been fishing,
on a beat-up little boat.
I've never had a sundae,
or an ice cream float.

I'll never see the sunshine,
way up in the sky.
I'll never know the color,
of my mother's eyes.

  I guess I cannot blame you,
But it's not my fault.
You were young and restless,
you were running and got caught.

  I wish I could scream
and let you know,
that somehow, someway,
it will be okay to let me grow.

  Well, I have to go now,
we're almost there you see.
Where? You ask. Well, gee...
I thought you'd know;
the place where you'll kill me.

                         Your Unborn Child

Here are a few link to some pages I found on child abuse.
Please go visit them.




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