Our new home!

My family and I have moved back to my husbands home of North Carolina. We now live in a small town in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It is so beautiful here! We found and bought a new home here on the Web!!

It's much smaller than what we are use to but we have nine acres which gives us a lot of room to expand. The house was built in 1916 and has been updated since then. They gave it a modern kitchen which I wish they hadn't. I was looking forward to having a real country kitchen. That will be one of the things we will change.

Here is a view from the top of the roadside hill of our new home. The trailer at the top of the hill is my in-law's new home. There is a creek that runs the entire length of the north side of the property which is along the edge of the front yard . I have always lived in cities or towns but have always wanted land to live on. Well, here I am!


There are many outbuildings including a barn!


Here is a view from our large front yard.


This is what you will see coming down the driveway and right in front of the house.

Okay . . . I have added some pictures of winter around my house.
Be sure to come back with each season to see the changes.





Click for Lowgap, North Carolina Forecast

As soon as the warm weather starts to show, I will be out finding the best places to camp, hike, and of course....fish!

I live about three miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway.
The Parkway starts halfway up Virginia, at the end of Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park. It ends at the Great Smokey Mountains National Park in Tenn. It is a beautiful drive. There is lots of camping and hiking there. North Carolina mountains are known for their waterfalls. There are many and they are all worth seeing.

I still keep in touch with my many friends back in Colorado. They are all wonderful and I will never forget them.


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