
Dog Assisted Therapy

Love, Miracles, & Animal Healing bookcover A Veterinarian's Journey

by Allen M. Schoen, Pam Proctor (Contributor), Pam Procter
Hardcover - 238 pages - List Price: $22.00 Our Price: $15.40 You Save: $6.60 (30%)

Love, Miracles, and Animal Healing : A Veterinarian's Journey from Physical Medicine to Spiritual Understanding is the complete title of this wonderful book. From the author, Allen M. Schoen, D.V.M. e-mail:drschoen@juno.com. , February 1, 1999...

"I am grateful to be able to share my journey with you all I am touched by the hundreds of letters I have received in response to "Love, Miracles and Animal Healing". I feel the book is serving its purpose of touching animal lovers in a new way. I am also grateful that it shows people that there is more to healing than drugs and surgery! The future of animal health care is one that integrates the best of conventional veterinary medicine along with the healing power of acupuncture, herbs, nutritional supplements, massage and other valid complementary therapies along with the healing power of the human-animal bond. No one form of medicine has all the answers, if they did we would not need any others. That is why after practicing conventional western veterinary medicine and surgery for many years, I opened my mind to these other modalities which I discuss in the book. We should offer all reasonable opportunities to help animals heal. Healing can take place at many different levels, the mind, the body and the spirit. The healing process can go both ways as well, with us helping our animal friends heal and them helping us heal! It is all about the healing power of love! If you have some special touching stories about how your animal friends helped you heal or how you helped them heal or both or what your animals friends have taught you, feel free to send them to my e-mail address. Perhaps I will include them in my new upcoming book. I hope you enjoy my book and it helps you and your friends on their journey! Go forth and do good! "

Other Books On Specialty Dogs and Dogs in Therapy ...

* The Healing Touch: The Proven Massage Program for Cats and Dogs - by Michael W. Fox
Paperback 160 pages - List Price: $12.95 Our Price: $10.36 You Save: $2.59 (20%)

* Everyday Heroes: Extraordinary Dogs Among Us - by Sherry Bennett Warshauer, Mary Bloom (Photographer), Betty White
Hardcover 113 pages - List Price: $19.95 Our Price: $13.97 You Save: $5.98 (30%)

Shot as a photo essay by the talented professional photographer Mary Bloom, "Everyday Heroes" presents true stories of the remarkable dedication and heroism of dogs trained to guide, serve, and rescue. 30 photos. A wonderful book!

* Partners in Independence: A Success Story of Dogs and the Disabled - by Ed Eames, Toni Eames, Mordecai Siegal - Our Price: $25.95

This wonderfully upbeat book provides a unique view of blind, deaf and physically disabled persons and the remarkable dogs that make it possible for them to more fully participate in the world around them. Partly autobiographical, partly journalistic, Partners in Independence relates the experiences and chronicles the travels of the authors as they take an advocacy role for the needs and rights of the disabled, especially those who use specially-trained dogs as eyes, ears or attentive assistants. There are profiles of Delta Society award winners, both human and canine and biographies of the dedicated people who raise, train and place these very special dogs. Ed and Toni Eames are truly an inspiration. Both blind, the Eameses maintain a dizzying schedule of travel, writing and advocacy for their admirable cause.

* Through Otis' Eyes : A Lessons Learned from a Guide Dog Puppy - by Patricia Burlin Kennedy, Robert Christie (Illustrator)
Hardcover 109 pages - List Price: $14.95 Our Price: $10.47 You Save: $4.48 (30%)

Museum quality art throughout helps readers share Otis first eighteen months, which are filled with insight surrounding some of the traits dogs have and humans have long tried to emulate, such as faithfulness and forgiveness. In a simple and heartwarming manner, Through Otis Eyes captures the insights that can be gained by watching a Guide Dog puppy grow up. Each page, with accompanying art, is valuable as a daily reflection for anyone who has ever loved a dog. When read together, the pages follow Otis through the first year in the life of a Guide Dog puppy. Readers are transformed into Otis raiser, and through extraordinary quality art, will experience the joys and frustrations of raising a puppy who is destined to lead a future companion toward a more fulfilling life. Robert Christie is a well-known dog and sporting artist whose work has been commissioned by the Franklin Mint and the Hamilton Collection. Patricia Burlin Kennedy works at the U.S. Senate and has raised numerous Guide Dog puppies.

* Therapy Dogs: Training Your Dog to Reach Others - by Kathy Diamond Davis
Hardcover 210 pages - List Price: $25.95 Our Price: $18.17 You Save: $7.78 (30%)

volunteering with your pet Volunteering With Your Pet: How to Get Involved in Animal-Assisted Therapy With Any Kind of Pet - by Mary R. Burch

Hardcover 209 pages - List Price: $19.95 Our Price: $13.97 You Save: $5.98 (30%)

Animals make an incredible difference in a lot of people's lives, and people who bring their pets to people in need often witness miracles. Whether it's a bird or a dog, whether its a prisoner or a kindergartener, there are ways in which all sorts of pets can help all sorts of people. This book discusses all the elements of animal-assisted therapy so that readers can learn what it takes to get involved and make a difference. Photos.

* In the Company of Animals: A Study of Human-Animal Relationships (Canto) - by James Serpell
paperback - List Price: $13.95 Our Price: $11.16 You Save: $2.79 (20%)

Contrasting the way we love some animals while ruthlessly exploiting others, this study provides a detailed and fascinating account of the ways in which animal companionship can influence our health. It provides a key to the moral contradiction inherent in our treatment of animals and nature. What purpose, if any, do pets really serve? Are they simply an outlet for misplaced love? Or four-legged friends who help us to satisfy vital emotional needs? Whatever they are, when we elevate pets to the status of social companions, we undermine the distinction between human and non-human. In other words, pets force us to confront the moral contradictions inherent in our treatment of animals in general. Pursuing this idea to its logical conclusion, the author uncovers a fascinating and disturbing trail of myths, evasions and double standards which humans have used since earliest times to justify their subjugation of nature and other life forms. Through an exploration of the phenomenon of pet-keeping across history and between cultures, this thought-provoking study reassesses our relationships with animals and the natural world.

* The Good Shepherd : A Special Dog's Gift of Healing - by Jo Coudert
hardcover 224 pages - List Price: $19.95 Our Price: $13.97 You Save: $5.98 (30%)

Lana Davis experienced every parent's nightmare of witnessing the death of her son, Jeremy, due to cancer. During his suffering, she was amazed at the special care and encouragement he received from the family's German Shepherd, Grizzly. However, she would become more amazed later with the inspirational work this special dog performed as she and he became involved in animal-assisted therapy. A touching, true story of an amazing dog and the lives he's impacted.

* Pet-Oriented Child Psychotherapy by Boris M., Ph.D. Levinson, Gerald P. Mallon - Our Price: $33.95

* Companion Animals in Human Health - by Cindy C. Wilson (Editor), Dennis C. Turner (Editor) Our Price: $23.50


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