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Copyright © 2000 by Stella Kyung

Stella's Home Page

Hello, Visitor ! Welcome to my homepage! This homepage contains materials that reflects my interests. Feel free to browse at your leisure. This site is still under construction and has just started for a class project. :) If you have any suggestions or comments, please go to My Guestbook. Thank you.


4/20/2000 About Me
    Deloitte Consulting section added.

4/23/2000 My Book Shelf
    Book info updated.

4/18/2000 Anime
    Slayers section updated.

4/24/2000 Art
    Posted info on Monet, Renoir, and Dali, along with some paintings by them.

4/23/2000 Games
    Info on Starcraft and Brood War updated.

4/24/2000 Movies
    My favorite movies and my rant on Titanic posted.

4/16/2000 Music
    My favorite music info updated.

4/24/2000 Sports
    Info on figure skating posted.

4/23/2000 Links
    Links on anime, games, and sports added.

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