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why i hate mornings

For next semester, I purposely arranged my schedule so that I would not have to be in any classes earlier than 10:00am. Why did I do this? Because I, like so many other people in this world, am not a morning person.

When my alarm clock wakes me up at 6:30am for an early-morning class, I have to fight an urge every morning to throw it across the room. I usually wind up tuning out the radio and falling back asleep for an average of half an hour or even 45 minutes. Getting out of bed is a next-to-impossible feat.

I've never been able to understand those people who don't need an alarm clock to wake up, like my father, or who can get out of bed the minute they open their eyes. I've also got a grudge against anyone who's exceptionally cheerful or perky in the morning. Remember, Joanna? If I'm so tired I can't see straight, it's only fair that others should be as well.

So why not simply go to bed earlier each night? Because I happen to be a night person. The evening is my most productive time for doing work, speaking to friends, watching TV, and just generally getting things done. I'd never have enough time to finish everything I need to do if I went to bed earlier. Besides, I think my biological clock is set to Vancouver time, because I'm just not tired enough to fall asleep at 10pm.

The trouble is, the world is discriminatory towards night people. Most jobs require a 9 to 5 schedule or something resembling that. Even jobs with so-called flex-time require people to be in at a "reasonable hour" each morning. It's persecution and I think we should form an association to fight for our rights. Night owls of the world unite!

So as long as I'm a student, unless it's completely unavoidable I will not be taking any more early-morning classes. This may be the last chance I have to be a night person.