Terminator armour with storm bolter, targetter and power fist 49
Terminator armour with lighting claws 49
Terminator armour with thunder hammer and storm shield 55
Terminator armour with storm bolter, targetter and chain fist 51
Terminator armour with storm bolter, targetter and power sword 45


Each model may carry an unlimited number of assault weapons.

Chainsword 2
Power axe 7
Power fist 10
Power mail 6
Power sword 6
Bolt pistol 2
Hand flammer 7
Plasma pistol 5


Each model may only carry 1 special weapon.

Boltgun 3
Flammer 9
Meltagun 8
Plasma gun 8


Each model may only carry 1 heavy weapon.

All heavy weapons on this list comes with a targetter included in the points cost.

Autocannon 25
Heavy bolter 15
Extra to include Hellfire shells for the above +5
Lascannon 45
Missile launcher with frag and krak missiles 45
Extra to include melta missiles for the above +5
Extra to include anti-plant missiles for the above +5
Extra to include plasma missiles for the above +5
Multi-melta 65
Heavy plasma gun 40


Each model may only carry 1 heavy weapon.

All heavy weapons on this list comes with a targetter included in the points cost.

Storm bolter and Cyclone missile launcher 59
Assault cannon 41
Heavy flammer 21


A Terminator armed with a thunder hammer and storm shield or a pair of lightning claws may have no other weapons.

Power sword (sergeant only) free
Ligthning claws (pair) free
Chainfist 2
Thunder hammer and storm shield 6


Each model may carry an unlimited number of scout weapons.

Autogun 1
Boltgun 3
Chainsword 2
Needle sniper rifle 10
Shotgun 2
Sword or axe 1


Each model may carry an unlimited number of grenade types

Blind grenades 2
Frag grenades 2
Krak grenades 3
Melta bombs 5
Plasma grenade 3
Photon flash 2


All Dreadnought weapons have targetters.

Multi-melta 65
Power-fist with built-in storm bolter 15
Power-fist with built-in flamer 25
Power-fist with built-in heavy flamer 32
Lightening claw with built-in storm bolter 20
Lightening claw with built-in flamer 30
Lightening claw with built-in Heavy flamer 37
Assault cannon 45
Missile launcher with frag and krak missile 45
Twin lascannon 55
Twin heavy bolters 30
Heavy flammer with built-in storm bolter 30
Heavy plasma gun 40

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