Atomik Mat ... a commercial acceptance of sorts

After years of having his art rejected by one publisher after another - Malaysian publishers prefering either slapstick or cute comic characters - Lubisan was commissioned to come up with a superhero character for the long-running children's monthly Kuntum. Three years on he is still the sole writer, penciller and inker for a comic universe that seems to have no end.

Atomik Mat was born on July 7, 1997 and is essentially Lubisan's tribute to the legendary Osamu Tesuka's Astro Boy. But while Atomik is a recent creation, its concept had been with Lubisan since his early schooling days.

"Atomik Mat was always something I wanted to do since my friend in school lent me his Chinese translated manga of Astro Boy. Since it was in Chinese I had no idea what it was all about but I liked it any way. Atomik Mat is a tribute to both Tesuka and my own childhood."

The titular hero of the comic is an enigmatic one. It appeared in our dimension during a top secret government experiment into space-time continuum. While Mat is able to fly and can blast energy chains and sonics whilst protected by an energy shield, its true powers - or even true identity - still remains unknown.

Like other titles in Lubisan's Gallant stable, Mat has a huge supporting cast of good guys and the not so good guys. The list includes professor Zudin, Zimie, Apollo, Seri Nazira, Terrabot, Kesumat, Spektra, Killar, Giga, Kal, Cel, Masteri, Jaksa and puteri.

Atomik Mat is the only title from the Gallant stable that has ever been published. After three years, Lubisan is thinking of calling it a day. It would be a shame if it did because the universe of Atomik Mat is a rich and fascinating one. Just like his cherished Macross, Atomik Mat has it all; love, duty and sacrifice. Truly one of his best work.

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webpage created by Alfean Hardy Abu Bakar. All images on this page are the ownership of Mohamad Lubis Husain. You can drop a line to Lubisan at Lubisan