The designs of Lubisan

Lubisan's work has always had a high element of design. He always creates the world and its machines first to provide a sense of what the story is on about.

Collected on this page are some of the sketches and pre-production designs that Lubis sketches when he creates a title. This page contains the design art of Atomik Mat, Pasukan X, Inner Beings and Satria Bima Sakti.

The attention to detail and the streamlined designs of the armour and the machinery of many of his creations bear the influence of the early anime and manga that Lubisan enjoyed.

It was the art of his influences like Miller, Sienkiewicz and Adams that provided the catalyst for the images of the characters he designed. That and whatever sci-fi and fantasy that the dream factories of Hollywood churn out. Killar on the right is a prime example of Predator meets the anime of Bubblegum Crisis.

Even his early work bore his attention for detail, like the Terrabot on the left. While it lacks the sophistication of his later work, the Terrabot design is still quite detailed. Every aspect, right down to the robotic hands, was designed to be both functional and aesthetic.

N   A   V   T   A   B   L   E  
Home Early Days Satria Bima Sakti
Litar Bara Inner Beings Unfinished Works
Sketches & Designs Atomik Mat Eric's Wanderers
Frank Miller Jeff Smith Katsuhiro Otomo
Jim Lee Masamune Shirow Hayao Miyazaki

webpage created by Alfean Hardy Abu Bakar. All images on this page are the ownership of Mohamad Lubis Husain. You can drop a line to Lubisan at