Eric's Wanderers ... a sci-fi opera

The idea for Eric's Wanderers came from the childhood imagination of former journalist Alfean Hardy. While he had been a writer for three years he had never penned a work of fiction in his life, let alone a slice of epic space opera.

Eric began when Hardy and Lubisan became friends when they worked together at the same newspaper. Lubisan was trying to cheer up a despondant Hardy still recovering from a failed relationship. Out of this counseling session came the story of Eric's Wanderers.

For both friends it proved to be a first of sorts. It was Hardy's first work of fiction and it was Lubisan's first foray into a non-superhero genre. As a result, and due to their other commitments, work on Eric is sporadic at best.

Being a father for a second time and seeing your writer-collaborator going overseas to further his studies doesn't exactly bode well for a story that is difficult and dark at best. Neither does the intermittent output from his writer-creator buddy. Yet perservere the duo does and this page presents some of Lubisan's designs for the project.

The story of Eric takes place on an devastated Earth ruled by the enigmatic and despotic Council of Twelve. A state of war exists between the Earth and its colony on the Moon.

It was the mysterious disappearance of a Martian colony and the sudden expansion of the Sun apparently slowly going nova that sets off a chain of events. This culminates into the creation of two huge spacecraft as part of the Wanderer project to save - by whatever means - the children of both Earth & the Moon.

The tale of Eric is told through the adventures of a fugitive captain of the Earth forces named Eric Edwards and his group of mismatched allies against the forces of the man assigned to hunt him down, Colonel Arnold Rhees.

The characters are interesting because every character in the Eric universe carries with them their own inner demons. These are flawed characters who some times do the wrong things for their own reasons and many of them pay the ultimate price for their actions.

Eric's Wanderers may or may not be completed but it has been a fulfilling project for Lubisan and Hardy. For the latter it has helped get over some of his own demons and for Lubisan it has inspired him to pick up his pen again. Even if Eric is never finished, both the friends have benefited from it.

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Sketches & Designs Atomik Mat Eric's Wanderers
Frank Miller Jeff Smith Katsuhiro Otomo
Jim Lee Masamune Shirow Hayao Miyazaki

webpage created by Alfean Hardy Abu Bakar. All images on this page are the ownership of Mohamad Lubis Husain. You can drop a line to Lubisan at