Basic Galactic ecology

Though the number of stars, planets, planetoids and other stellar bodies in the Four Galaxies is truly vast, the availability of planets friendly to organic life is very limited --particularly when due consideration is given to the tendency of life to reproduce at geometric rates of increase.

It is an axiom of Galactic civilization that the most valuable thing in all the universe is sentience.  The perfection of sentience is sophonce.  Sophonce only comes from creatures with promise, called potential.  Potential can only develop in complex ecologies.  Truly complex ecologies only occur on a relatively small number of planets --this is especially true of O-2 life.  It follows that a complex planet-wide biosphere is the next most valuable thing in the universe after sentience, and perhaps even before.  Sapient species come and go, but a truly rich biosphere may endure.

When the Progenitors departed they had already impressed on all their clients and grand-clients that conservation of biospheres was simply a necessity (honor to the Ancestors of the Ancestors).  However, in the age-after-departure, H-2 and O-2 civilization each threatened the existence of the other, and for the first time since the Progenitors came to power, biospheres --both gas-giant and terrestrial --began to be impoverished and even sterilized.  It is evident that most damage was produced internally, and not by the other Organic sub-order.  However, after self-replicating, intelligent, machine weapons were deployed by both sub-orders, biosphere degradation increased dramatically.  When a plurality of machine life turned against their organic Patrons, pronouncing Organic life insane and pathologically violent, radical and moderate O-2 and H-2 races joined forces against the Built life coalition, simultaneously ratifying a series of treaties establishing guidelines for H-2/O-2 interaction (or rather the lack thereof).  The primary mechanism was strict segregation of the two Organic sub-orders, along with restriction of Built life to reserve areas most notable for the paucity of viable biospheres.  The treaties also institutionalized the practice of "fallow" and the principle of migration.  A bureaucratic framework was also set up between the H-2 and O-2 sub-orders to provide a forum for inter-order communication and dispute resolution, and to enforce treaty provisions, both between and within the two sub-orders.  The modern Galactic Institute for Migration is the lineal descendent of the Organic Life Ecological League.  (Indeed the G.I.M. institution for contact between the two orders and inter-order grievance resolution is still called the Organic Life Ecological League.)

It should by now be obvious even to the most obtuse Patronless savage that bio-sphere conservation is required of every sapient species, and is an august Tradition of the Ancestors traceable to the very Progenitors.  Among the most important derivatives of the axiomatic ecological imperative of civilization are that sapients will promote life and biological complexity.  When dwelling in an active bio-sphere, sapient inhabitants will take due care to minimize toxic or environmentally degrading impacts on said bio-sphere, and on any biome with a remote chance of fostering Promise.  Above all, sapient species shall respect Traditional fallow periods, and the Traditions of Fallow Reserve Status for planets (and other zones as might be deemed appropriate) that are declared after a long period of sentient inhabitation, or whenever a bio-sphere is deemed to be in need of environmental remediation.

Unfortunately, species abandoned prematurely in the process of uplift have almost invariably failed to act with even a minimum of civilized ecological responsibility.  Indeed, systemic anti-environmental behavior is the single most common reason for Certification of Uplift Failure even among races that have been certified as Third or Fourth Level Clients or provisionally certified as Mature.  Among the most common manifestations are unchecked pro-natalist impulses resulting in Over Use of Licenced Bio-Spheres and Illegal Habitation of Fallow Biomes, are un-sublimated predatory impulses resulting in extinction of macro-fauna, an unbridled will-to-power leading to ecologically and politically destructive imperialisms, and the relatively common auto-centrism leading a species to be oblivious to anything but the immediate needs of the species itself and overconfidence in the species' ability to evade detection and punishment.


Galactic civilization has inter-clan and inter-Order organizations quite equal to the task of policing and enforcing critical ecological Traditions.

Responsible tenancy is guaranteed through occasional visits by designated Galactic Institute for Migration officials, as well as periodic visits by Galactic Uplift institute officials when applicable.  For serious violations the maximum penalty is extermination of the offending race --including any surviving root stock.  If the case also involves Uplift Neglect or Misjudgement, the patron race can be forced back to fourth level client status for rehabilitation.  If the case is believed to actually result from Uplift Malfeasance, the patron species can be subject to standard extermination.  (Standard Writs of Extermination spare any surviving root stock).
     G.I.M. checks are made frequently.  For example, intervals between G.I.M. tenancy inspections on class 'C' terrestrial planets are never less than 4096 hab-years.  Client species and recently mature species are subject to even more frequent G.U.I. progress audits.

Fallow Reserve worlds are subject to periodic ad hoc inspections by visiting members of the opposite sub-Order.  For example, Fallow gas giants in O-2 space will occasionally be visited by O-2 sophonts for legitimate reasons.  These visitors will report violations to the G.I.M.   Likewise, H-2 citizens have legitimate reasons for occasionally visiting Fallow terrestrial planets.  The G.I.M. independently confirms all reports from responsible Galactic citizens.
        In addition, G.I.M. Wardens and automated monitors patrol fallow worlds and make spot checks fairly frequently.  More thorough assessments of ecological health and bio-diversity are conducted by the G.I.M. every 20 480 hab-years --or sixteen times during a standard 'C' class fallow period of 327 680 hab-years.  Furthermore, the G.U.I. performs thorough Assessments of Bio-diversity and Gestalt Probability of Maximum Planetary Promise six times during a 'C' Class fallow period.  (The G.U.I. conducts two assessments in the first half of the fallow and four in the second half.  Actual termination of Fallow Reserve status varies from biosphere to biosphere because decisions are made case-by-case based on survey results and survey team recommendations.)

It should be evident that no illegal infestation has a reasonable chance of evading detection for even 131 072 hab-years.  Besides, eventually the planet will be given to sapient tenants when any infestation will necessarily be discovered and duly punished.

The odds that a backwards Patronless race, or its deprived clients, could evade detection would be even more dismal.

Punishments for infestation vary according to the amount of damage done and the complicity of racial (or clan) authorities.  Minimum penalties are banishment of any surviving squatter populations to the harshest 'A' Class worlds with provision of primitive equipment consonant with Galactic Unified Institute of Standards and Inter-Species Trade Technical-Economic Index 8 0/32, with the expense and punitive fines assessed against the race (or clan) as a whole.  Minimum penalties apply when the infesting squatters did little ecological damage and destroyed no promising species, and when racial (or clan) authorities took reasonable precautions to prevent infestations.
        The maximum penalties are extermination down to, and including, the root stock for all races implicated.

modified by Andrew Crystall, Biology Editor in July 1999.

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