Movie ships

A starship bearing the name Enterprise has appeared in every one of the nine Star Trek films. The original Enterprise is in the first three movies before been destroyed.

Starfleet responds to this by building a constitution-class variant, the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A. She does an admirable job of living up to her famous name. Captained by Kirk once again she apears in the next 3 films before being decommisioned after the Khitomer conference. Her presence alows Kirk to rescue the peace conference from breaking down.

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-A

She is longer than the original Enterprise and has uprated weaponry, however, when it is launched from spacedock she is less than space worthy. Half of the doors don't open and transporters are off-line. One good thing is the engines seem to work and can get the ship up to warp 8.5.

U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-B

The next ship to bear the name Enterprise was in the film Generations and is excelsior-class, she is a departure in design for Starfleet as it twice the size of the original, it again has the capability to fire photon torpedoes but when it is launched from spacedock, she isn't equipped with any, nor does she have a full crew complement or a tractor beam. On her maiden voyage she recieves a distress call from a transport vessel. During the rescue of 47 passengers, James Kirk who is abord as a guest is lost and presumed dead. In the same film the Enterprise-D is destroyed by the Duras sisters.

In the next two films: First contact and Insurrection and the new film Nemesis, the Enterprise-E takes over the mantle. She is another departure in design as she is the first ship with an oval primary hull and the first Enterprise with quantum torpedoes. She has substantially the same crew as her immediate predecessor.

U.S.S Enterprise NCC-1701-E

She is a Soverign class starship and is the most advanced ship Starfleet has ever built. The look of the ship echoes this as she is far sleeker than any other ship ever, her top speed is a staggering Warp 9.98. The new sickbay is equipped with the sophisticated Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH).

Engineering is now on three decks in the heart of the ship and it is possible to control the entire ship from this location just like the Borg did in First Contact.


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