The Original Series - U.S.S. Enterprise
U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701

The U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 was launched in 2245 and immediately began a five year mission of exploration under the command of Robert April but her real history began in 2263 when James Tiberius Kirk took command of the constitution-class vessel.

Under captain Kirk, the Enterprise is instrumental in negotiating several different, crucial peace treaties with many different alien races that did find thier way into Starfleets history books.

The Enterprise was one of twelve advanced ships in the fleet at the time, they came equipped with a new invention, phasers which although new were the primary weapon on this class starship. Photon torpedoes are also fairly new in this era and can only travel up to 750,000 kilometres and have a low explosive yield. A big plus for them is that they can travel at warp speed. The Enterprise also has a deflector shield to protect it from deliberate attack and space debris.

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