U.S.S. Voyager

U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656

Only the second Intrepid-Class Starship ever built, the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 was one of the most advanced vessels in Starfleet. It is much smaller than it's Galaxy-class predecessors measuring 11,130 feet in length weighing 1.5 million tonnes and a crew of 150. It's smaller size makes it more maneuverable than the older ships in the fleet.

On it's first mission out of spacedock, it is propelled into the Delta Quadrant after chasing Marquis terrorists. 70,000 light years from home, it would take 85 years at top speed to get home. In the Delta Quadrant there are lots of suprises awaiting them as this part of the galaxy has not been charted before. A big problem strikes, on arrival in the Delta Quadrant Voyager is severly damaged and many key officers die, so the crew manifest has to be updated as Voyager picks up passengers.

There are many different volatile species in the Delta quadrant as voyager finds out, so it needs to defend itself. The U.S.S. Voyager is equipped with 5 ship mounted Type-XI phaser arrays and 3 photon trpedo launchers although, the ship only has a complement of 30 torpedoes to last it's entire journey home. But it is still a formidable opponent in battle. During it's journey it is equipped with several Borg torpedo launchers but these are quickly removed. A high capacity deflector shield is also fitted which lets Voyager sustain many hits before taking damage.

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