Miscellaneous Treasures
Poetry should be a song
That you can sing your whole life long
So put music to verse
Then just reherse
A cheap hobby that just can't go wrong.

Copyright 2001 Ann Lasser

Love is a four letter word
Love should be seen and not heard
Be kind, be a friend
Forgive make amends
With truth and respect in your words.

Copyright 20001 Ann Lasser

Welcome to Ann's miscellaneous collection of poems full of wisdon and fun.  They are written so they can be sung to old familar tunes.  Figure out the tunes and enjoy.
I find reading books lots of fun
  I read three at a time not just one
Whether fiction or true
  I can't read just a few
I am bringing them home by the ton.
Copyright 2004 Ann Lasser
The Loner
Email Anniepie
Other artists
Maggies Poetry Place
On the Rocks
Rita's Art
The Bus