Real Name: Gardner Monroe [Taken from the OHOTMUDE -C]
Group Affiliation: Former member of Beta and Omega Flights
First Appearance: Alpha Flight #11
Last Appearance: Alpha Flight #28
Creator: John Byrne

      Absolutely nothing is known of the history of the man called Flashback before he became involved with Department H. However he was a member of the first-tier training team called Beta Flight when H went under for the first time.
      Flashback was recruited by the robot named Delphine Courtney for Jerry Jaxon's Omega Flight, like most other members of Beta and Gamma Flights. Flashback was present for both of the original Omega's encounters with Alpha Flight, and during the second one tragedy struck.
      As Omega was retreating from the West Edmonton Mall they were confronted by Madison Jeffries. Jeffries created a robot out of a car to battle Omega. As the robot was swinging a punch at the Guardian-disguised Courtney, Courtney grabbed one of Flashback's duplicates and shoved it in the way. The robot's metal fist stabbed the duplicate in the chest, killing it.
      As Flashback's "duplicates" were all versions of himself pulled from a future point of the timestream, the current Flashback quickly realized that he was going to die in the not-too distant future. He went rather mad at that point.
      It was revealed by Diamond Lil shortly before Alpha's first encounter with the new Gamma Flight that Flashback had disappeared from prison. It is probably safe to assume [but hey, this is Marvel, so don't count on it] that he was pulled back in time to the encounter at the West Edmonton Mall and killed there.
      Flashback was a mutant whose power was to create "temporal duplicates" of himself, by pulling back future versions of himself. Interestingly enough, the process changed the polarity of the colors on his costume. (White to black and black to white.)
      [Compiler's Note: The man believed to be Flashback in Generation Next #1 looks absolutely NOTHING like Byrne's version of Flashback in Civvies.]

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