First Appearance (Mention): Alpha Flight #1, (Last incarnation as a super-team): Alpha Flight #76
Last Appearance as a super-team: Alpha Flight #90
Creator (Original): John Byrne
(Last version): James D. Hudnall

      Gamma Flight started out as the second tier training team in James Hudson's Department H. However it, like H, was disbanded by the Canadian government.
      At one time Alpha Flight operated temporarily as guests of the municipal government in Edmonton, Alberta. During this time the Federal gov't began creating a new super-team to take Alpha's place on the national stage; a team quite firmly under government control. To this end it bestowed the sword of the woman known only as Nemesis to a new operative and freed the Omega Flight members named Wild Child and Diamond Lil. It completed the roster with Asian dissidents Jhimon and Zhao Tang and a previously unknown mystic called Witchfire. However, Lil ended up joining Alpha Flight instead.
      Unknown to the government they were being influenced by the being known as Llan the Sorcerer into forming this new team. Llan desired conflit between super-humans in Canada to further his plans. After an investigation into the "Sorcerer affair" Canada disbanded Gamma Flight. The name was used to collectively refer to the research, design and support staff at the new Department H until Alpha Flight's suspension and H's second shutdown.
      Department H recently became active once more, and Alpha Flight has been reformed. However, the Gamma Flight name appears to have fallen into disuse.

(Original): Diamond Lil, Madison Jeffries, Smart Alec, Wild Child.

(Last): Auric, Nemesis II, Silver, Wild Child, Witchfire.

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