Chapter 113

"Why do you think Mina just ran off like that?" Jupiter asked.

"I don't know...maybe it was because she couldn't stop the daimon," Mercury said.

"This is her power stick," Sailor Moon said walking up with it. "That woman had it."

"So either Mina tried to transform and they got a hold of it then, or they knew to look for it," Mercury said.

"Which means they might know who we are," Jupiter said.

"Or at least who she is," Sailor Pluto said. "Ill see you girls later, we should talk," she said and ran out as Mars ran in.

"What happened?" she asked.

"We're not even sure, but the situation's under control," Jupiter said.

"Where's Mina?" Mars asked.

"We don't know.." Sailor Moon said.

"I'll go look for her," Jupiter said.

"Is Mina all right?" Brett asked walking up. "There was this fight..and she was caught by them and now she's gone."

"She's fine, we think, they didn't get her," Mercury said.

"Oh..good," Brett said.

"You a friend of hers?" Mars asked.

"Uh..we went to the same Junior High. We were on the volleyball team," Brett said.

"Ever date?" Sailor Moon asked.

"Sailor Moon!" the other two scouts snapped.

"Like you don't want to know too," Sailor Moon said.

"No we never dated, I thought about asking her once, but..well..she was busy and I didn't think it would work out..guess I was right.." Brett said. "Well anyway...thanks for showing up."

"It's what we do," Mars said.

The other two nodded.

"Let's go," Sailor Moon said.

"Hold it Sailor Scouts," came a voice. They looked in surprise to see Prime Minister Sylia Coral standing there flanked by her group.

"Prime Minister Coral?" Mercury said in surprise.

"What went on here?" Coral asked.

"We're a little busy right now," Mars said.

"Ma'am.shouldn't you be making public policy or something?" Sailor Moon asked.

"I what went on..." Coral said.

"Why do you need to know?" Mars said.

"Answer the prime minister's questions," Colonel Nagumo snapped.

"Show some respect," Captain Ozaki said.

"We're out of here," Sailor Moon said.

"I'm with you," Mars said. The three scouts headed out another door.

"The nerve..I'm the Prime Minister," Coral said.

"Perhaps you were a bit too direct.." Stanton muttered.

"I don't like to yell," Nagumo said.

"Me neither," Ozaki said.

"Ehh..come on.." Coral said. "We'll interview them," She said and walked over to the volleyball players.

"Capital idea," Stanton said.

"So Mina hasn't come home yet?" Lita asked.

"No I haven't seen her since this morning. Is something wrong?" Mina's mother asked.

"I don't think it's anything serious.." Lita said. "We'd just like to know where she is that's all."

"We'll I'll ask her to call you if she gets in."

"Thank you," Lita said and walked away.

Where would she go if she wanted to be alone? I wonder....

Mina was sitting at a booth in a restaurant on the second floor of a building overlooking the street. It was very quiet with a light snow falling.

No one comes here in the afternoon. She thought. That's good.

"You're not easy to find," Lita said sitting down across from her.

"That's only true when I don't want to be found Lita," Mina said.

"Yeah. We're worried about you Mina. What's the problem?"

"The problem? I wish there was just know Lita I had to give up a lot when I became a scout."

"Really? How much?"

"I gave up Brett and Volleyball."

"Maybe..but at first we all made a few changes to adapt..."

"Not really...only I did. Amy still had her high GPA, Serena still slept eighteen hours a day."

"I don't think it's eighteen.

" one gave up anything..I did...when Artemas came to me, and he're needed again. I listened and I jumped into it. We've never even told you what I was doing when Queen Beryl attacked. Yes I was very busy. I didn't have three other Sailor Scouts to back me up. It was all me..until that day by the docks..when we were finally going to get together. But by then I had already lost Brett, and lost volleyball...I know it doesn't seem like much, but it meant something to me...I was always good at sports. But I made a choice..I couldn't do everything, couldn't be a good friend to all of you, couldn't be a scout, couldn't do gymnastics and volleyball, couldn't pass least I thought that I couldn't. Now I realize I might have been able to do it."

"You still can play volleyball again," Lita said.

"Yes, I can..but I've been a scout for two years straight, longer than any of you...and..."

"Mina..are you tired of being a Sailor Scout?"


"We all are. But unfortunately, it's not our choice."

"It should be...why can't we just make more Sailor Scouts, heck..let the Guardians and Uranus and Neptune and Pluto take over."

"We could do that, but I don't think things would be the same. And Mina, I don't think this is the problem."

"How would you know?" Mina asked.

"I'm guessing."

"I told you I regret giving up what chances I had early on, and I realize what being a Sailor Scout did to me and me alone."

"So you're the only one to feel pain because of being a Scout? Is that what you're saying?" Lita asked.

"Sure seems like it," Mina said.

"I don't like to dwell on what could have doesn't really work out in the end. But think about it, Raye almost lost Rick, several times over being a scout. I almost lost Steve. When Amy's parents were arrested she got angry in part because she had spent time being a scout and not enough enjoying life. Serena and know they're story. And Serena has to watch all of us get hurt defending her so many times. It's not easy to deal with that. That's why we all fight very hard to keep the feelings of fear, of unfairness inside us and go on with our lives. You're not the only one who feels that way..and to be perfectly honest, I still don't think this is the problem."

"It's part of the problem...but I'll tell you the truth. Because I want to be alone and I want you to go. I don't think I have a pure heart Lita."

"What?" Lita asked.

"All of you had your hearts taking out. Melvin, Molly, Andrew, the Guardians, Patterson, even Haruka and Michiru. And yet here I am...nothing..."

"There are a lot of pure hearts out there,"Lita said. "You actually want to undergo the ordeal of having your heart sucked out?"

"If only to prove to me that I have one, yes," Mina said. "Do you know how this must feel added to everything else, I don't even know if I'm pure inside."

"You're overreacting."

"I was in the gym..they could have my heart at any time. They must know who has them. And yet they didn't even try..." Mina said.

"I don't know Mina, but if anyone has a pure heart it must be you. Sure you can be flaky at times, but we all are. But you're pure! Come on, show some self confidence, you always did before."

"But what if we defeat the enemy before they ever attack me? I may never know."

"Maybe it's better that way..."

"No, I have to know.."

"But Mina, this isn't just a normal thing here, this is life threatening."

"You guys would beat them, I know that."

"Can you take that chance?"

"I have to know."

"Well I don't exactly want to wish it to happen to you..."

"You don't have to. Please just let me sit a while."

"Okay, but you think about what I've said," Lita said and handed her her transformation pen.

"I will," Mina said with a brief smile.

Lita returned the smile and walked out.

Maybe I can get them to attack me? But how would I go about doing that? There must be a way, and Mina Ko Aino Deveraux will find it. Or else I'll have lost my style.

A wicked smile formed on her face.

"Either I shall succeed or I shall fail, but either way...they will regret ever thinking that I did not have a pure heart. Oh..they'll pay!"

And she began to cackle.

"Why I am laughing?" she asked herself seconds later.

Later at Raye's temple.

"She's upset because they haven't attacked her for a pure heart?" Serena said in surprise.

"How can she be upset. It's a terrible experience," Raye said.

"That's what she told me, I believe her, she's just going through what we all do at some point and I think the fact that she doesn't know if she has a pure heart or not is adding to it," Lita said.

"She needs to be alone right know. She'll work through it," Amy said. "I know how she feels."

"I think we all do, but the pure heart thing...that's a little obsessive," Raye said.

"We all deal with things in different ways Sailor Scouts," Setsuna Meio said appearing in the doorway. "I'm sorry to hear that Mina isn't feeling so well."

"What do you expect after what is it know...after over a hundred battles," Lita said.

"Do I detect a bit of anger in your voice Lita?" Setsuna asked.

"No...sorry..." Lita said.

"I know it's hard on all of you, and I wish I could just snap my fingers and make things easier. Unfortunately at this moment I can't. Maybe soon we can take some of the pressure off..of course you know..." Setsuna trailed off.

"What?" Raye asked.

"I'd bet money with any of you that even if you knew someone else was ready to fight off evil, the minute you heard about the trouble, you'd be right there..." Setsuna said.

"You'd lose that bet," Serena said.

"Yeah, don't waste your money," Raye said.

"Hmm...if you say so..let's not dwell on it, I'll speak to Mina at a more opportune time," Setsuna said. "I meant to talk to you about your new attacks. Right now you girls send out a very wide range attack and do quite a lot of damage to both daimons and private property. These attacks are meant for if you have to face many enemies at once, but for one, you will need to focus your energy."

"And how do we do that?" Raye asked.

"It's simply a matter of concentration. As you energize your attacks merely envision your enemy and target them. If you do that it should work out," Setsuna said. "It may also take some practice."

"You don't mean we have to train do you?" Serena asked.

"I'm not making you train, though it might be a good idea," Setsuna said.

"Sorry..this is only a part time job, no training involved," Serena said.

"Maybe you should lead the Guardian Scouts instead, they have the same attitude," Setsuna said.

"I think not. I want a real fighting force behind me," Serena said.

"You need it," Raye said.

"Will you two get your arguing over with so we can continue?" Setsuna asked.

"Sure," Serena said.

The two paused.

"Spaghetti Hair!" Raye shouted.

"Mars Fire Idiot!" Serena shouted.

"Moon Prism Moron!" Raye shouted.

"Mars Star Fool!"

"Moon Crystal Dork!"


Lita, Amy, and Setsuna sighed.

"Have you found any clues?" Prime Minister Coral asked still standing around the gym.

"Not many...except there was a girl here too..a Mina Deveraux..she might know something.." Ozaki said.

"Yes, apparently the whatever it was that was here was paying special attention to her," Nagumo said.

"Prime Minister, do you really think she knows anything?" Stanton asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well..what could some bubble headed teenage girl tell you?" Stanton asked.

"Stanton, bubble headed teenage girls are who the Sailor Scouts are."

"I'm just saying this doesn't seem like it's worthy of your time. There is a country to run."

"Ehh..the legislature's deadlocked, I'm all right. But feeling all right?"

"Yes..I'm fine," Stanton muttered.

"So let's go find this Mina Deveraux," Coral said.

"If you say so," Stanton said.

Mina was still in her seat.

I don't know...maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong. But..I just wish I knew. Why would they take so long. They got to everyone else quickly enough. Still I shouldn't dwell on it.

"Greetings Sailor Venus," came a familiar voice. She spun to see Terurun standing in the doorway.

"You!" Mina said.

"Uh huh..."

"What do you want?"

"Your heart of course.."


"Yes..." Terurun said and sent a blast flying at Mina. Mina stood there as the energy flew through her. She felt a pull, and out came a heart floating in front of her.

She grinned and grabbed it despite what was happening to her.

"What?" Terurun said. Mina jumped right at Terurun who instinctively dived out of the way.

"What is she doing?" Terurun said.

Mina kept going right down the steps and out into the street.

"I have to show them..." she said before collapsing on the sidewalk. Terurun floated out the door and blasted some nearby onlookers. Traffic skidded to a stop. Terurun bent down and picked up the heart.

"Yes, this will do nicely," she said.

"Hold it!" came a shout. Standing there was Captain Ozaki and Colonel Nagumo with revolvers drawn.

"Don't you know those things will have no effect on me?" Terurun muttered.

"Yahh!" Prime Minister Coral as she came up from behind Terurun with a Katana and swung down. Terurun was surprised and whirled. The blade cut into her arm slightly, Terurun whirled and blasted the Prime Minister back into a car with her free hand.

"Prime Minister!" Ozaki and Nagumo shouted before they were blasted as well. Stanton hurried up to Coral.

"She's hurt," he said checking her over.

"You've interfered too much," Terurun said turning towards him.

"I don't think you want to fight me," Stanton said stepping in front of her, his eyes narrowing.

"Perhaps not today," Terurun said and moved to fly off. Something grabbed her leg. She looked down in surprise. Mina was grabbing it. Her eyes were completely glazed over, but she still held on.

"Give me my heart back," She said.

"Let go!" Terurun said and swatted the hand away.

"Mars Fire Ignite!"

The flame slammed into Terurun's hand and caused her to drop the heart. Stanton leapt forward and grabbed the heart and rolled forward.

"How dare you!" Terurun shouted. Mars jumped forward and knocked her backward. Stanton slipped the heart back into Mina. Terurun blasted Mars back down the street.

"You've stopped me now! But I'll be back for you! Trust me!" Terurun shouted and flew off.

Stanton watched as Mina opened her eyes and then hurried back to the Prime Minister.

"What happened?" Mars asked.

"Your timing is excellent," Stanton said pulling out his cell phone and dialing the emergency number.

"The Prime Minister's been injured at tenth and grove. Don't ask questions send an ambulance!" he shouted.

"The nearest hospital's several blocks away, I could take her," Mars said.

"No...the safest way is this one," Stanton said and touched Coral. His hand glowed briefly.

"Do not speak of this to anyone," Stanton said to Mars as Coral's eyes opened.

" bad is it?" Coral asked.

"Just a few broken bones I should fine," Stanton said.

"This was a stupid idea wasn't it?"

"Some may think so...but you saved a girl's life I think," Stanton said.

"Well..that's good,"Coral said.

Sirens filled the air as cars rolled up.

"Prime Minister!" General Nagumo shouted leaping over a parked car.

"She'll be fine," Stanton said.

"Are you sure?" Nagumo asked.

"I think so," Stanton said.

Paramedics rushed up.

"Why didn't you protect her?" Nagumo snapped at his daughter and Captain Ozaki.

"We tried!" Colonel Nagumo shouted.

"It's not like we know what we're doing," Ozaki said.

" okay?" Mars asked.

"Oh..sure...I've got a pure heart..." Mina said with a smile.

"Let me help you get home," Mars said.

"No I'm fine," Mina said and started walking.

"So you are..." Mars said.

Mina stumbled forward. Mars rushed to catch her.

"Maybe not as strong as you though ehh?" Mars asked.

Sailors Jupiter, Mercury, Moon, and Pluto jumped beside them.

"We got her, at least for now," Mars said.

"I've got a pure heart," Mina said.

"Congratulations," Jupiter said.

"Let's give you a lift home shall we?" Sailor Moon said and the group picked up Mina and leapt off.

There were only five Sailor Scouts...and they seemed to care a lot about that girl.. Captain Ozaki thought as she watched them go. I wonder.....

"In other news, Prime Minister Coral's condition was upgraded to stable, and she should be released from the hospital in a few days," the newsman said. "Of course many are wondering just what the Prime Minister was doing out fighting evil monsters anyway...the military, police, and the Prime Minister's staff have not been very forthcoming with answers."

"No one can say she isn't a pro active Prime Minister," Mister Tsukino said watching the news with a grin.

"You're right about that dear," Mrs. Tsukino said.

In an apartment in the middle of Tokyo, Maxfield Stanton sat on his modest couch and sighed. There was a knock on the door. He walked over and opened it.

"Hmm..something I can do for you Sailor Pluto?" he asked walking in. Sailor Pluto walked into the room.

"You've been using your powers Nephlite," Pluto said.

"Only to aid good," Nephlite said. "Not as if it makes much of a difference."

"It may be keeping you from the side of evil...but I warn you, continue to use your powers.."

"I'm well aware of the consequences Pluto, The Prime Minister was in danger."

"It's justifiable Nephlite, but if you turn evil again, the Sailor Scouts will have to destroy you."

"Are you sure Sailor Moon can't heal me?"

"You were created from Negaenergy, and live because of it. If she were to heal you, you would cease to least..that's probably what would happen."

"Delightful thought."

"I can already see the changes to you, you've become much darker, but not evil..that's good..just very pragmatic. You will soon go over the line though, if you don't stop right now."

"I stand warned," Nephlite said.

"Good...and I would suggest you keep the Prime Minister out of the battles."

"I doubt I can. I work for her. What I haven't told anyone, is that I need the money. When I worked with the negaverse I just stole what I's not like I can just do that now."

"Very true," Pluto said.

"No..I work for her now...and have to listen."

"And if she gets hurt again and you use your powers...."

"I'll have to keep that in mind."

"You'd better," Pluto said and walked out.

"Nice talking to you Pluto," Nephlite said.

Pluto grinned slightly and walked out.

"Well, now you shouldn't have worried about it, see?" Lita said.

"Yeah, I guess..," Mina said.

"Sure, but now you know your as pure as the rest of us," Lita said. "Someone would have to be to do all you do."

"I guess so," Mina said.

" rest or something...I've gotta go. Training. You're lucky, Sailor Pluto isn't cracking the whip on you yet."

"I'm sure she will."


"I'm cold," Sailor Moon muttered.

"That's enough of that," Sailor Pluto said. She and the four Sailor Scouts were standing in a field outside of Tokyo.

"Why do I even have to be here. I don't have new powers?" Sailor Moon said.

"Shut it," Sailor Pluto said.

"Actually it is pretty cold," Mars said.

"Couldn't we wait till the sun is shining?" Jupiter asked.

"The Death Busters could attack at any moment," Sailor Pluto said.

"They already did it twice in one day," Mars said.

"Yeah, I consider that to be enough already," Sailor Moon said.

"Well you're already out here," Sailor Pluto said.

"So we can be back there, in minutes," Sailor Moon said.

"Just be quiet all of you!" Sailor Pluto said. "Jeez...I'd expect this from the Guardian Scouts, but..."

"Take it back!" the scouts shouted.

"Ehh.." Sailor Pluto said.

The next day.

" have returned," Richard Mann said.

"Yep, let's do it," Mina said stepping onto the volleyball court.

"Remember Rich, if she plays better then we do we're in trouble," Brett said.

"Just serve it up!" Rich said.

A minute or so past before Mina was able to jump up flip forward and use the force to knocked the ball over the net right past Rich.

"Impressed?" Mina asked.

"Very," Everyone answered.

Mina grinned.










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