Chapter 137

"You sure you don't want to come Amy?" Lita asked.

"I think it's great that you're all going on a whale watch Lita, and I like them, but I really want to keep researching the cause of all this, I think I might be close," Amy said.

"It'll be fun."

"Maybe...but I should stay here anyway...sorry."

"It's okay, maybe next time," Lita said. "Well I'd better go meet the others before they wonder where I've gotten or leave without me."

"Have fun," Amy said and hurried back up to her room and stared at her Mercury computer with the Maverick watch embedded in it. A projection floated in the air which was a map of the city.

"There doesn't seem to be a pattern in the location of the attacks, but there certainly is a correlation between the people attacked. They're all people we know..but does that mean whoever the enemy is knows who we are? If he did there are more direct ways of fighting us. Then again, maybe this person has a plan or something. Or it could be just a random occurance. But nothing could be random and have this pattern...."

Michiru heard yelling in the outside of her room. She opened the door hurriedly to see Haruka standing there writing in some sort of pain. Energy flickered around her.

"Haruka!" Michiru shouted with concern.

"Run Michiru! When it's..... finished I'll attack you if you don't go!"

"But Haruka?"


Michiru dashed out the door and down the stairs of the apartment complex.

I don't know what to do...but I'll wait till that transformation is complete. Interfering now could be distasterous. Besides I'll need strategy to beat her. We've told each other everything. She knows my weaknesses and I know hers. But she knows that she'll do everything to stop me.

She hurried out into the street and ran into a darkened alley. Without hesitation she pulled out her power stick.

"Neptune Planet Power!" she shouted and the transformation engulfed her. She emerged seconds later. She began to hear screams from the apartment building.

"Now what do I do? I need a plan," Neptune thought.

Sailor Uranus, now turned to evil stood in the hallway.

"Uranus! World Shaking!" she shouted and sent a shockwave down the hall blasting opening doors and shattering windows. She then raced down the hallway and jumped out into the night.

Michiru will be looking for me. She must not find me. I must plan to avoid her. But how?

She hasn't come out. Neptune thought. The back! She thought and jumped forward. She bounded off an awning and leapt upward towards the roof. She raced along it and looked out into the night.

"No...I don't see her anywhere," Neptune said in frustration. "How can I possibly track her down now?

Meanwhile Uranus slipped through the alley to the side and back the way she came jumping off into the darkness.

Amy had decided that she should keep the radio on just in case something like a evil attack came on. She would have no other way of knowing and with most of the other scouts on the whale watch, she was one of the few defenders left in Tokyo, she had to be vigilant. She was still studying her computer readout.

"Every target knows us. That's true. What else do they have in common. Most of them are young..that's true, but Principal Oksua's quite old. So that's not it. Of course they've all been victims before too....wait...could that be it? I don't know how to explain it yet, but that might do it. Perhaps...yes..the negaenergy somehow is attracted to the negaenergy that we must have absorbed and that would explain the lack of randomness. All of us have been hit with larger quantities than most people..and that's..."

A blaring beeping noise coming out of the radio noise broke her concentration. It was followed by a newsmans droning voice.

"Apparently the latest victim in this rash of for lack of a better world, evilizing, appears to be Sailor Uranus. She has just begun an attack on the tenth street shopping district and is causing major havoc and quite a few injuries.."

Amy jumped up from her chair.

"Mercury Planet Power!" she shouted and hurried out.

The crowd had mostly dispersed at Tenth Street. They were smart enough to realize they wanted no part of Sailor Uranus. The scout blasted apart a bench and grinned.

"This is fun and easy," she said. There was the sound of footsteps dropping to the ground behind her. Boots hitting the ground. She thought and whirled. Uranus recognized the figure instantly.

"You!" she shouted in surprise.

The figure facing her just nodded. That figure happened to be Maverick, and he was holding his main energy sword at her. Uranus quickly had her own sword appear and faced off against him. Maverick moved first. He fired and then leapt forward. Uranus leapt out of the way of the blast and turned quickly. Maverick stopped and turned blocking Uranus' swing. The two slid back from each other and stared.

"I bet you've been waiting for this chance for a while," Uranus said.

Maverick fired his energy sword. She sidestepped it.

"Thought so," Uranus said and swung upward with her sword sending an energy bolt flying. Maverick swung forward and cut it apart with his own swing.

"Very good," Uranus said and lunged forward and threw a punch. It hit Maverick in the cheek and knocked him back a foot, but Maverick grabbed Uranus's arm before she could retract it and pulled it forward before swinging her around. She smashed into a light pole and winced before rolling forward and leaping with her sword head on. Maverick slid his energy sword down her own towards her face. She rolled left and into his knee. She grunted but grabbed Maverick's leg flipping him off balance. Maverick flipped back, and landed on his feet. Uranus fired her sword. Maverick barely avoided it.

"Uranus World Shaking!" She shouted and sent her attack rippling along the ground. Maverick leapt over it and was hit in the chest with Uranus' sharp crystal, he winced but, swung his sword anyway blocking Uranus' own sword follow up attack. The two faced off again.

Meanwhile Mercury jumped onto a rooftop and could see the two fighting.

"Maverick? He's back? Wow...this is so ironic," Mercury said.

"What is?" Neptune asked landing behind her. Mercury whirled.

"Come take a look,"Mercury said surpressing the actual joy she felt.

"What? Maverick and Uranus? Well aren't you going to do something Mercury?" Neptune asked.

"Yes, I'm going to watch," Mercury said with a grin.

Uranus jumped forward with a kick. Maverick grinned and spun around kicking Uranus on the back as she passed by and propelling her with greater force towards the ground. She skidded, but flipped into a handstand and then with great strength flipped forward, narrowly avoiding Maverick firing his sword. Maverick charged. Uranus swung around and met his sword with her own. Maverick slid backward and started swinging his sword incredibly quickly, Uranus barely blocked his first two attacks, but the third cut into her shoulder, she screamed but kneed Maverick in the chest which was still tender. Maverick flipped back in a zig zap pattern. Uranus merely stood and waited.

"You know Maverick, if I hit you just once with my attack you'll be down for the count," Uranus said.

"And if you don't..." Maverick said and swung his sword unleashing a wave of light attacks which flew down the alley. Uranus flipped over it and lunged with her sword straight at him. He slid under her and kicked her in the chest in mid air, she grabbed onto his leg and pulled it forward stretching the muscle. Maverick winced, but rolled up and swung his sword. Uranus blocked it.

"Mercury I have to stop them..Maverick would kill her if he got the chance," Neptune said.

"I'm surprised you're worried about Uranus. Maverick's the underdog, and I don't think you're partner's about to hold back from killing either," Mercury said.

"I know...but.."

"Neptune, there's only one person I know who won't hold back in a fight with Uranus, and that's Maverick. He may be the only one who can stop her."

"I could stop her."

"I don't know if you could."

"I know my duty. Besides, we want to disable her, not kill her. Maverick won't hesitate, not that he'll probably get the chance."

"First of all, Neptune, don't be surprised if Maverick doesn't get the chance, and second, he won't kill her."

"How do you know that for sure?"

"Because Neptune, because to Maverick, Uranus living with the knowledge that she was beaten would mean more to Maverick then her death."

"Are you sure?" Neptune asked.

"Well I hope so. I mean I'd just assume that's what would happen."

"So you don't know?"

"Well Maverick is an enigma."

Neptune glanced at her.

"You know you surprise me can't win this fight..look, you've already got an injured leg and injured chest, and I am relatively unscathed," Uranus said.

"Except for you arm," Maverick said raising his sword. Uranus did the same. The two charged at each other, and then both leapt upwards. Maverick bounced off of the side of a building. Uranus did the same on the other side. The two flew at each other sideways and then whirled bouncing off the buildings again and swinging their swords once again missing. They repeated the feat for a third time bouncing up towards the tops of the buildings. Maverick swung his sword and his foot. Uranus blocked the sword, and narrowly avoided the foot. Maverick off balance, leapt out and grabbed a ledge at the top of the building. Neptune spun off the building and towards him, her sword aimed at his head. Maverick dropped from the ledge. He hit the ground, winced and then leapt upward. Uranus had pushed herself off of the wall and was dropping towards him, her sword ready to cut right into him. Maverick fired a barrage and hit her dead on, before colliding with her. The two fell to the ground, but quickly rolled out of the way and tried to stand up. Maverick winced and fell to the pavement. Uranus did the same, her knee was twisted in the fall. Both of them swung their swords from their knees. The two connected and parried, while sitting. Uranus thrusted, Maverick swung upward. Uranus pulled back and avoided the skewering, and swung downward. Maverick pivoted on his good leg and arm and swung his sword. Uranus adeptly blocked it, but didn't see Maverick's other arm grab his second sword and pull it out into Uranus chest, she gasped, and Maverick swung the sword around and embedded it in Uranus chest. She screeched as the energy flew through her, but swung her own sword and cut into Maverick's exposed arm.

"Uranus! World Shaking!" She shouted. Maverick's eyes widened and he flipped forward on his hands. The blast rippled along the ground at such speed, he swung his sword into the attack. There was large explosion and both were blown backwards by the impact.

"Ah! Uranus!" Neptune shouted in surprise.

"She took the hit too," Mercury said. I'm more worried about Maverick though.

"We should help them," Neptune said.

"I don't know. They're still moving, this is one of those times when they have something to settle I think," Mercury said.

Maverick stood up turning his sword into a cane. The other sword sat in his hand ready for use. Uranus propped herself on her own sword. The two glanced at each other, each covered with dirt, and ripped uniforms.

"You know Maverick...that attack hurt me, but it must have hurt you even more," Uranus said.

"Maybe," Maverick said. "But I'm still here."

"I bet you can't attack with that injured leg of," Uranus said.

"You have your own injury to worry about," Maverick said.

"Oh really?" Uranus shouted and flew forward. Maverick, pulled his sword up and started to fall, he fired both swords from a sitting position and hit Uranus head on. She was knocked to the ground, but grabbed Maverick's leg and pulled Maverick toward her.

"Uranus! World..." she began to shout as she raised her hand. Maverick swung both his swords into her hand. She shouted in pain. Maverick hopped forward on his good leg and up into the air. He bounced off a wall and up onto the roof of a nearby building. He turned and leaned against the roof edge and sent a hail of sword blasts flying down at Uranus. Uranus flipped into a handstand and walked on her hands very quickly out of the way of the attack.

"Impressive," Maverick muttered.

"Uranus! World Shaking!" Uranus shouted and sent it into the wall of the building Maverick was standing. A huge hole was blown in it.

"I'll tear this building apart to get you," Uranus said. Maverick sheathed his swords and leapt upward and flipped over to the roof of another building. Uranus spun around. Maverick flipped back across to the first building.

"Uranus World Shaking!" Uranus shouted and sent her attack flying up the wall towards him. Maverick stepped back as the roof edge exploded in a shower of bricks. Uranus leapt into the air on a partially healed leg and flipped forward pushing her right hand into the roof and swinging around and down with her sword. Maverick met the attack with his weaker energy sword and the two parried across the roof top dragging each of their very wounded legs along with them. Maverick swung his sword in a circle and threw Uranus' sword out of her hand. She didn't even blinked and punched Maverick in the stomach and grabbed his sword. Maverick spun and kicked her in the head, she staggered back with the sword in her hand. Maverick drew his second sword and fired. Uranus blocked it with the energy sword. The two faced off.

"This is a nice sword," Uranus said.

Maverick said nothing and fired again, before jumping forward. Uranus ducked out of the way of both attacks, as Maverick wanted her too, he pushed down on her back and flipped around and slid right to her sword sitting on the ground. He drew both of them and raced forward, she lined up the sword to fire, the beam flew out. He swung both of the swords and hit the energy and knocked the attack back at Uranus who was hit and pushed back. Maverick threw Uranus's sword at her. She moved to dodge it. Maverick slid forward and grabbed his own sword back. Uranus kicked him in the chest. He grunted. She grabbed his bad leg and twisted before flinging him along the roof top towards the edge. Maverick slid along the ground. Uranus slid forward on both of her legs and kicked him in the head. His hands full he slid off the edge and plummeted towards the ground.

"Oh no!" Mercury shouted in shock.

"That could kill him!" Neptune shouted.

Maverick awkwardly put both of his swords in one hand, he then grabbed a flagpole and flipped around it awkwardly. He spun forward and at a neon sign for a store. He smashed into it sending sparks flying and he slid down falling five feet and hitting the ground. He looked up to see Sailor Uranus leaping off of the building towards him with her sword burning with energy. Maverick rolled to one side. Uranus grazzed his left arm before Maverick could kick out and hit Uranus' still tender leg, it buckled and she fell forward. Maverick placed his second sword on his belt and jumped back into the alley. Uranus stood up and followed. The two were once again facing off.

"I don't think either of them can take much more of this," Mercury said.

"I have to agree with you, even Uranus has never fought this hard," Neptune said.

There was a whirr of sirens as several police cars pulled up on the street outside the alley.

"What the heck is going on here?" Chief Ozaki said.

"Looks like a showdown Chief," one of the officers said.

"I know what it looks like," Chief Ozaki snapped.

Maverick and Uranus both had narrowed their eyes, starring each other down. Maverick's left arm and leg were cut and hurt badly. Uranus' right arm and left hand were in pain, and her left leg was also hurt. The two were breathing heavily.

"There is no way that you alone can beat me," Uranus said.

"I think I'm pretty close," Maverick said.

"You'd like to think that, but you're wrong. I'm more powerful then you are. And more skilled."

"More powerful? Probably. More skilled?" Maverick asked sarcastically. "I've had to make up for the lack of power with skill. I have training in several different disciplines. You should not underestimate me."

"My power makes up for any skill you might have. Every time I attack with my power, you have to leap to avoid it, besides, you've already been hit once, you have reached the limit of your endurance. I could go another hour."

"That is doubtful."

"Regardless, I will attack with my power now. You have time to do only one thing, avoid it,or hit me. You'll have to decide what to do."

Maverick winced.

"Uranus World.....!" Uranus shouted and built his power. Maverick fired his sword. Uranus broke off from her attack and leapt forward with the momentum that she had from going through the motions of her attack. Her speed was incredible. She threw her sword blade wide towards his neck. Mercury and Neptune's eyes widened in shock. Even with Maverick's sword, he couldn't block the mass of Uranus. She would get him somehow. Everyone watching for those two seconds held their breath. Both Uranus and Maverick screamed.

Then an energy sword flew forward and hit Uranus full blast knocking her upward and down the alleyway over Maverick. She crashed to the ground and skidded, her eyes were closed.

"Uranus!" Neptune shouted and leapt forward off the building.

"Neptune!" Mercury shouted in surpirse and quickly pulled out her computer. "It says here that Uranus is unconcious."

Maverick stood there, still in his follow through for a full five seconds. Mercury leapt off her perch and towards him. Maverick looked back and through his visor saw Uranus' state. He grinned slightly and then collapsed.

When Maverick awoke two hours later he was lying on the bed in what had been Amy's studying apartment and now was his home. Sailor Mercury was standing over him. His face turned red immediately.


"Maverick..this is no time to be embarrased," Mercury said.

"Uh..sorry..." Maverick said and moved to climb out of bed.

"Don't do that're hurt."

"So?" Maverick asked.

Mercury grinned slightly.

"You're in no condition to do anything but rest," Mercury said.


"Maverick, you took a heck of a beating, but you did win."

"That's good, I usually don't win," Maverick muttered.

"You beat her, you know. Got some revenge of your own," Mercury said.

"Ehh...lucky me."

"So..when did you get back from wherever it was you were?"

"Few hours ago. Heard Uranus was trashing the place, thought this would be as good a time as any to kick her butt."

"And that's just what you did."

"Where is she now?"

"Neptune took her off after I healed her."

"Oh.." Maverick said.

"I must admit I was so glad to see you today."


"Well...for one thing who better to take on Uranus then you? And I guess also I was a little worried about you."

Maverick said nothing.

"I've noticed you haven't decorated the place at all," Mercury said. "In fact you sleep on the floor too."

"Didn't want to disturb anything."

"That's very kind of you,but this your home whatever you want with it."

"That's okay," Maverick said.

There was a knock on the door. Mercury and looked in the peep hole, then she opened the door. Colonel Patterson walked in.

"Look at you? Just finished a big battle and you can't even stand up,"he muttered.

"Colonel. He's been through a lot," Mercury said.

"I know that, and that's why I'm so proud of him, that'll teach that jerk Sailor Uranus, see you don't want a Patterson to be mad at you. I'll tell you that. I came by to see how he was doing."

"I'm not a doctor yet, but it looks like he's got some muscle pulls and some scars, it may take some time for them to heal," Mercury said.

"D.V., we've gotta see a doctor you know."

"Later, now would arouse too much suspicion."

"True enough. I also wanted to thank you Mercury. For letting my boy here have a warrior's fight, just him and his opponent. I'm sure you could have jumped in any time you wanted," William said.

"I intended to if things had gone on any longer," Mercury said.

"Also a good judgement, but still..." William said. "So..D.V. what was that move you pulled out of nowhere.."

"I was curious about that myself. The speed of Uranus seemed to be much too fast for any counter attack."

"She was smart," Maverick began. "She knew I would try a full barrage, that left my arm bent through in a follow through. She then leapt. But what I was able to do in short notice is switch my hand position and step forward onto my wounded leg, it hurt, but it also allowed me to swing forward. It caught her probably inches from me and swept her over my head," Maverick said.

"What a move," William said.

"It was pretty much useful in only that situation. The speed of it and of the attacker mean we both have to be pretty close and the time has to be right," D.V. said.

"Still it was a heck of a move."

"Uranus never saw it coming," Mercury said.

"That's why is's always good to never give away all your fighting secrets even when times look grim, it may be necessary for a major attack later," William said. "Well I'll come by later or something to figure out the doctor situation. I'll just leave you two love birds toghether."

"WHAT?" Maverick and Mercury shouted.

"Haven't you read the book?" William said holding up Melvin's Guide to High School Dating, Revised edition.

"That stupid book," Maverick and Mercury muttered.

"See ya later," William said and ducked out the door.

"I had read the revised edition. Melvin is getting more hypothetical in this one,and he's filled with more rumors than necessary," Mercury said. "I had enough trouble with everyone calling Greg my boyfriend, but I would welcome it compared to now."


"You don't even know what it says now Maverick. It says that since Greg and I are so similar, we'll probably never go beyond friendship, which may be true, but I don't need him to tell me that, and while I welcome the decreased focus on my relationship with Greg, now all Melvin can seem to do is promote our relationship..ahem.. I mean..I didn't mean it that know..I.."

"Of course Mercury, fortunately as Maverick I can handle this a little better. First of all, Melvin is going to recieve a beat down tommorow morning."

"Get in line, half the school's been doing it since the book came out."

"And the other half."

"Buy several copies..."

"Oh..well...Mercury...I'm going to go out on a limb using Guardian Uranus' confidence and say that the two of us are friends."

"That's very true. Good friends."

"And that's all we need to know."

"You're so right, I just keep telling myself I wish there was some way we could show them that we're not dating or anything..I do we convince them that we don't have the slightest interest in each other for you know.."

"We could start seeing other people," Maverick said bluntly. Mercury burst out into hysterical laughter.

Meanwhile at a dock in Tokyo. The scouts were getting off a boat.

"Well that was boring," Serena said. "Not one whale. I wonder if we missed anything."

The others shrugged.