Anadama Bread

Magickal Ingredients Include :

CORNMEAL Sun Fire Protection, Spirituality
MOLASSES Venus Water Love
WHEAT FLOUR Venus Earth Prosperity, Money
BUTTER Moon Earth Spirituality

1/2 Cup Cornmeal

1 Cup Cold Water

1 Package Dry Yeast

1 1/2 Cups Boiling Water

3 Tablespoons Butter

1/2 Cup Molasses

2 Teaspoons Salt

3 Cups Whole Wheat Flour

2 1/2 to 3 Cups Sifted White Flour

Mix the cornmeal with 3/4 cup cold water. Soften yeast in the remaining cold water.

Add the cornmeal to the boiling water and add salt. Cool to lukewarm.

Combine the yeast with the cornmeal and mix. Add the whole wheat flour and enough white flour to give a fairly firm, non-sticky dough. Turn out on a floured board and knead until smooth and elastic.

Turn the dough into a greased bowl, grease the surface of the dough, cover with a towel. Let rise in a warm place (80-85 F.) until doubled in bulk.

Knead lightly again and shape into 2 loaves. Place in greased loaf pans or on greased cookie sheets. Brush with oil. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk.

Bake in a preheated hot oven (400 F.) for 15 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 375 F. and bake about 35 minutes longer.

Makes 2 loaves.

Craig Claiborne, "The New York Times Cook Book"

Old-Fashioned Oatmeal Bread

OATS Venus Earth Money
MILK Moon Water Love, Spirituality
SUGAR Venus Water Love

2 Cups of Milk

2 Tablespoons Shortening

1/4 Cup Packed Brown Sugar

1 1/4 Teaspoons Salt

1 Package Yeast

1/4 Cup Lukewarm Water

2 Cups Regular Rolled Oats (not quick cooking)

5 to 6 Cups Sifted Flour

Scald the milk and stir in shortening, brown sugar and salt. Stir until dissolved and cool to lukewarm.

In a large mixing bowl, soften yeast in the water. Stir in the lukewarm milk mixture, add the oats and enough flour to make a soft dough.

Turn the dough out on a lightly floured board. Kneed until smooth and elastic, about 10 minutes. The dough will spring back when pressed with a finger.

Place the dough in a warm greased bowl, grease the surface, cover and let rise in a warm place (80 degrees F.) until doubled in bulk, about 2 hours. The dough will retain a finger imprint when pressed.

Turn dough out on a lightly floured board, divide into thirds, and shape into 3 loaves. Place loaves, sealed edges down, in greased 9 X 5 1/2 inch bread pans. Brush the tops with melted shortening, cover and let rise until almost doubled in bulk, about one hour.

Bake in preheated hot oven (400 degrees F.) about forty-five minutes.

Remove from pans and cool on racks.

Makes 3 Loaves

Craig Claiborne, "The New York Times Cook Book"


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