
Right now all the Holds/Crafthalls are headed by BoD NPCs (with the exception of ones already written up with characters, such as Azov Hold) If you wish to take over a craft/hold, you have the option of adopting the current NPC, or thinking of some way of inheriting/being chosen for the post. Keep in mind you're gonna have to WORK for these positions, so don't ask unless you mean it. If you don't keep up with your reqs, you WILL be demoted.

These are the writing/mundane work requirements of Azov Weyr. I don't think it's very strict, really, but that's just me. =) Please realize that these are here because those that receive high ranking positions should have to work to keep them.

ALL members will be required to RP AT LEAST 3 or 4 times per month to keep their membership status.

A major persona is someone of rank or status in Azov Weyr. Examples are goldriders, bronzeriders, wingleaders and wingseconds, and special positions such as WeyrHealer, WeyrSinger, or Headwoman. These are given according to that persona's fitness for the job, and the owner's contributions to the Weyr.

Here at Azov, we have a policy concerning major personas. It's very simple - you need to earn them. How do you earn them? You write, you promote, do things that are asked of you, most importantly, you ask about things you can do, and then do them.

Keep in mind, there are requirements for keeping a ranking persona. Remember that you have to fulfill all of them, for every ranking persona you may have. Or, maybe, you've had that ranking persona for a while now but you won't be able to continue your work with us here at Azov for some reason. Mundane disasters, moving, dead computers, parental rule changes, whatever. Don't worry, it's happened to everybody. In that case, you have three options...

  1. Kill off the character. Have them die or be killed in some way (goldriders WILL be killed or transferred out.)
  2. Give up the character for adoption. Maybe another member wants your persona. We'll be giving away non-status positions over E-mail. Bronzeriders will be announced, and members may make a request to adopt them, but there will have to be agreement that they're okay to have a bronze. Chances are good (as long as the person asking is active--trust me: there is very little you can do that will make me think you unworthy of a bronze) that they'll be given the bronze.
  3. Have the character move or get demoted. You must ask permission first for gold or bronze riders. If you are at a loss as to how to get rid of your ranking persona, please go right ahead and contact one of the members of the Weyrleadership-we are a creative group, always full of ideas on how you could kill off personas.

General Persona Requirements

All major persona (eg Weyrleadership, Mastercrafters, goldriders, wingleaders, etc.) will be required to start and run one weyr-wide RP per year. This isn't as hard as it sounds...heck, the goldriders have it made...they just do a Hatching or Flight! *g* There are lots of ideas, and you're welcome to ask others to help you come up with an idea as long as YOU intro and run the RP thread.

High Status Persona Requirements

Weyrwoman: (Filled)
Two stories/year
One other submission/year
Mundane work

Weyrwoman Second: (Filled)
Two stories/year
One other submission/year
Mundane work

Weyrleader: (Filled)
Two stories/year
Mundane work

Weyrleader Second: (Filled)
Two stories/year
Mundane work

Goldrider: (vacancies will be announced)
Two stories/year
Anything required of them (mwahah)

Wingleader: (ask for vacancies)
One story/year
One other submission/year
One wing report/year

Wingsecond: (ask for vacancies)
One story/year
One other submission/year
Help wingleader with report

Weyrlingmaster: (Filled)
One story/year
One other submission/year
One weyrling report/year
Advise BoD on good colors for candidate personas
Hold classes for weyrlings

Weyrlingmaster's Second: (Filled)
One story/year
One other submission/year
Help Weyrlingmaster

Weyrcrafter: (all open)
One story/year
One craft report/year

Queen Candidate: (always open)
At least one story before the gold hatching you wish to Impress at
Anything else will be announced before hatching

Bronzeriders: (Open)
One story/year

Lord/Lady Holder: (All Open)
One story/year
One other submission/year
One hold report/year
Write up for hold that can be put on web page
Design a badge for their hold
Anything required of them

Minor Holder: (open)
One hold report/year (simply so that the Lord/Lady will know what to report on. Can be very short)

THE MasterCrafter:
Two stories/year
One craft report/per zine issue
Writeup of crafthall that can be put on webpage
Anything required of them

Two stories/year
Help Mastercrafter with reports

HAD [hears all dragons]: (1 Filled, 1 Open)
Two stories/year
One other submission/year
Mundane work

Note: This is not all you can do. If you want to, you can write more. We like that a LOT. =) For reports, they don't need to be any more than a paragraph, simply touching on births, deaths, major events. If you're a crafter, perhaps touch on the progress of the other persona crafters in your craft. It's not big deal. If you need some help, just email the ever-helpful, ever-knowing, ever-present BoD. ;D

Other Note: No goldriders will be a HAD. I don't care how well you write. =)

Final Note: If you have a bronzerider who is a wingleader, wingsecond, weyrlingmaster, whatever, you get the picture, you only have to fill out the maximum number of requirements. Do not add the two together, just do whichever is greater. =)

Questions, comments, redfruit? Throw them at the Board of Directors.

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