Diagnostic Criteria and Symptoms
Diagnosing Behcet's Disease is very difficult because there are no specific tests to confirm it.  It is diagnosed by a specific pattern of symptoms and repeated outbreaks of them.  The symptoms do not have to occur together but can happen at any time.  These symptoms are the key to diagnosing Behcet's Disease.

*Always consult a doctor with any suspicions you may have, as we are not medically trained. We are, just sufferers passing on information we have gathered along our journey.


Must Have:

Mouth Ulcers
          - Aphthous or hepetiform ulcers that are any shape, size, or number at least 3 times in any 12 months.

Along with 2 out of the next 4 "hallmark" symptoms:

Genital Ulcers

          - Recurrent genital aphthous ulceration or scarring, observed by physician or reliable reported by patient.

Skin Lesions

          - Papule-pustules, folliculitis, erythema nodosum, acneiform nodules in post      adolescents not on corticosteroids.

Eye Inflammation

           - Iritis, anterior or posterior uveitis, retinal vasculitis, cells in the vitreous.

Pathergy Reaction

           - Papule greater than 2mm in diameter 24-48 hours or more after                    needle prick.

Other symptoms
helpful in diagnosis:  (but not part of the International Criteria.)

Joint Problems

           - Swelling, stiffness in knees, ankles wrists and elbows, non-destructive arthritis.

Bowel Problems

           - Inflammation and ulcerations in the digestive tract and can lead to                 stomach pain, diarrhoea, constipation and vomiting.


            - Tiredness is another of the body's mechanisms of trying to repair itself. 

Central Nervous System Disturbances (CNS
             - Headaches, can be in addition to having stiff neck.
             - The sensation of feeling light-headed and of experincing dizziness or           fainting, difficulity in walking, any numbness, pins and needles, paralysis or                weakness for no reason.
             - Stroke like symptoms or aseptic meningitis.
             - Seizures.

Auditory Disturbances
             - Lesions in inner ear may cause vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus or sudden deafness or partial hearing loss.

Bronchial Disturbances

              - Asthma-like symptoms, coughing up blood(potentially serious requiring immediate medical attention), sharp chest pain that travels to the tip of the shoulder on the involved side, shadows on chest x-rays indicating inflammation on or within lung tissue.


             - Inflammations of the blood vessels and arteries and may occur                   anywhere in the body the blood travels. 
             - Thromboplebitis, varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis and aneruism.
Swelling and inflammation of one or both testicles.
Understanding Behcet's

Criteria & Symptoms

Obtaining a Diagnosis


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Gerry's Story

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