Last updated 01/06/04 
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Sports World was established on the 12th of January 2004, however this actual site has been running since September 2001. The site has operated under the names Cricket Today, Cyber Sports World and Cricket 2001, however, due to the site's shifting focus the names were constantly changed. The makers of the site opened the doors in the hope to attract visitors and keep them up-to-date with the latest happenings in the world of Bollywood (the Indian movie industry), NRL (National Rugby League in Australia) and Cricket while providing features such as e-mail, games and the Super Web Awards which provides an oppurtunity for webmasters to gain recognition for their efforts and work.
When the site started out its only focus was Cricket and this was reflected in the site's name. After capturing several prestigious awards, the focus of the site was forced to broaden and pages such as Games, Current Affairs and Education were opened. The Current Affairs and Education sections have now been closed down, but while they were open they were an important component of the site and amongst the most popular. However, as these pages were closed down, the site's focus soon took on a more sporty look with NRL being introduced and the cricketing coverage being extended.

The future looks bright here at Sports World and some of our latest 'innovations' include the opening of the exciting new Bollywood section. Sports World is looking to take on a more religious outlook for the future and is looking to open some separate religious pages on Hinduism.

The site was founded by Bibhu Aggarwal in September 2001. Bibhu Aggarwal has received recognition for his work on this site, and this includes the awarding of the prestigous Golden Web Award to Bibhu Aggarwal for 3 consecutive years. The current template of the site was designed and installed by him.

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