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NEW EXPERIENCES 3                   


  I have been observing that in the Internet exist thousands of sites about astral projection, but they are few sites that describe real experiences lived by projectors; therefore I will place in this space all new experiences that I am having:




Today, (16.12.2003) I was projected joint a relative of mine, deceased a long time ago. We were in the house that belonged to him and where live his family.

It is a two-floor house placed in Sumaré neighborhood in Sao Paulo – Capital.

We circulated throughout the house and in the living room, he admired did a comment that they have exchanged the sofas.

Did you know this? I asked.

No, it takes more than 7 years that I come here. He answered.

I was surprised and a little shocked, because I always thought that the spirits of deceased visit frequently his relatives e accompanied their lives, due to the easily locomotion.

However, slowly, I understanding that discarnate spirits, at least, the more cleared and lucid of them, they are busy in astral and didn’t have affection to physical places, but they have affection to their relatives, and seeing they frequently when they went out during the physical sleep-time.

Such encounters occur generally by tuning, when the incarnate couldn’t go until that discarnate used stay, the discarnate come meeting him in astral plane.

In this way I think that the lack of understanding about the process and lack of remembering of incarnates when they weak up in the morning, in nothing change the great movement and encounters of spirits discarnate and incarnate that occur whole night and that a little we beginning to percept.

Beside that, if I feel myself “suffocating” when I am projected in astral lower regions (That ambient suffocate me. I didn’t feel well there), according I described in my report “ Lucid Projection with Little Control” To discarnate spirits , the visits to physical plane could be more “suffocating” due to the lower vibration.


This night (10/12/2003) I went out projected inside my home and I percept that somebody had entered in.

As I used verify and locked all doors when I go to bed, maybe this had influenced my mind, creating the fear and the perception of somebody are open the locks.

My reaction was instinctive… I didn’t stop to think that I was in Astral and that my fear was no reason to happen.

When I percepts that the entity was open the lock of one door, I turn the key to contrary way impeding to open, but, the entity continue to open the fastening… I saw that not works and I run to other door.

I didn’t have other alternative to let that entity to enter…

She said:

“Calm down! I wont to do nothing”...

The entity circulated trough my house showing familiarity to the place, her presence to discomfort me.

I went to verify the all locks and I saw didn’t have damage; they works perfectly…

Such entity, that have female appearance follow me saying things…

“My major dream is to kiss your lips”…

I said no…

Suddenly entered in home a young lady which was my old friend, but, I don’t know her in the physical).

I feel some relief with her presence… (It seems that she come to help me).

I compliment her kissing he face (the sensation was equal in the physical, but, with a more agreeable smooth).

“Oh! Then she can kisses you. Didn’t she?”. “And why I couldn’t?” said the entity.

The insistence of that entity and the annoying of the situation could touch my metabolism in physical, weak me up.

This kind of situation seems show that we are observed in our day by day and that our attitude, thoughts, tunings, could signify a kind of “invite to enter and stay” to besieging entities, in generally with disagreeable consequences.

I hope that she went out, because, when I leave projected again I was attracted to other activities and I didn’t see her again.



I have done some observations in Astral that bring me to understanding that the phase REM (rapid eye movement) maybe are only one agitated phase of activities of person in Astral, that reflect in his physical body.

The conscious people in the physical (fewest) or not (great majority) develop intense activities in Astral, while their physical bodies repose WITH or WITHOUT rapid eye movement.

I understand also that whether a person would be weak up during REM phase, his remembering will be easier due to the impressions in physical to be bigger.

The intense and giant movement of peoples that I see every night in Astral, bring me to think that are few ones that remain tied in their bodies during the physical repose

What doing in Astral all those incarnate people?

As I come a little observing and reporting that they act almost in same way that would act in physical, independent of their belief or religions.

It seem that their minds don’t percept that they are in Astral plane and in many cases they continue their tasks, relishes, reveries and preoccupations that they have in physical.

Also it seem that they developed a “strange logic” that justify them the differences between the Astral and Physical, or perhaps simply they unknown or not make question of percept, accepting everything in “natural” way.

Otherwise, whether we think better, the people also act in this way in physical, simply unknowing some that seem them complicated to understanding…

They continue “working”, “buying”, “selling”, “making deal or business”, “walking”, “visiting”, “enjoying”, studying”, attend courses and speeches”, “talking” (a lot), “exchanging ideas”, etc, etc.

So, to a projector “meddle” everything seems, some times, a big and delicious “craziness”(hehehehe).




This night (03/12/2003) I was in Astral helping a military that in his hallucinations supposed me an enemy.

By intuition I have percept that he was probably a terrible commandant or governor with several enemies that want make him bad.

He was tormented and he alternates states of fear and distrust, with passivity, apathy and hope of to be being helped.

He has fear of everything and of everyone, he saw to me and said frightened:

“You hate me! You want make bad to me…”

“No, I don’t hate you… I only want help you…” I answered, while cleaning some thing gluey from his face, seemed like from purulent eruptions that liking over his face, from forehead… It seems that I cleaned one and others one appear liking.

He was a big man, bearded and haired and he seems to use a military uniform.

With a lot of effort, I’ve got bringing him until a help post.

Some times a person isn’t bad (as it seems the case of this man), but act bad, brought by circumstances.



 Today (02/12/2003 past a little of 8:00AM) a saleswoman of home bread aborted one of more fantastic experiences of my life, projected in Astral.

I was projected inside home and I get leave from my own astral body.

I turn in front of him; I was in front of my belly… I could feel the texture and the smooth of my own astral body.

I touched him.

I had the impression that I could feel my own smell.

I percept that he was a king of “shell” so similar at the bodies of two women that I have encountered in experience “Astral Shells” below.

But, the saleswoman pushes the ring-bell of my home, making me weak up.

Will it be that I was touching my own astral body?

Or will it be that my mind shaped a similar body at mine.

I have lamented to not observing in that moment what I was.

If I could touch and feel my astral body, then was I inside a third body?



Yesterday (21/11/2003) my wife had her first conscious leaving.

She said that percept clearest her astral body leaving slowly from physical body… following she stand up beside bed and she could observe her own lying physical body.

It takes few instants, because she scared and thrilled seeing herself projected and this pull her back to physical body, ending the experience…

She saw the alarm clock and it marked approximately 3 o’clock deep night.

“It was a feeling of delicious lightness” she said.

It is a great step to a ex-skeptical from some months ago.



Today (29.11.2003) deep night, I left my body projected inside my home and I saw the construction that I have in the back of my home totally closed and cemented.

Explaining better: Some years ago, I contracted the service to building in the back house a construction of brickwork and flagstone, comprising a service area, a bathroom, one bedroom and one room of 4 meters square (133 feet square).

So, I encountered all closed and cemented. The door and windows was closed and cemented(with thought-shape, becoming similar at area bricked or cemented)like a wall compacted.

Surprised, I called my family to see that.

I didn’t accept that, and I percepet that somebody was thought-shaped that material.

With a strong will I drove myself to the construction and started to unmake that (I already percept in former experiences that through strong will I can unmake the things though-shape by dense spirits from Lower Regions.

In the same instant leave from bedroom (where was hidden)a entity of frightening shape in persecuting to my family, that scared runaway in street direction.

Irritated, because I know that there aren’t monsters in Astral, I left persecuting that entity and before that reached the street, with strong will I’ve got paralyzed him and tied him ( I didn’t know that through strong will I could paralyze and tie a dense spirit)

In same instant appear astral friends or spiritual friends.

Under strong emotion I woke up in physical, but before I could see that astral friends already controlling that situation. I think that they helped that dense spirit and bring him to other astral place.




Generally we react in Astral without thinking, in the same way that we would react in physical.

This week I was arriving at my home, projected by side my wife.

She has saw before, at distance that in front of our home there was five guys.

By intuition or appearance of them, she deduced that they are malefactors.

Scared she tried stopped me, but, I’m already accustomed to face that situations in Astral and I went there.

I complimented them, and one of them said:

“I will carry your dog!”

But you don’t, no way!!! I reacted, taking from his hand the chain that tied my dog.

“Yes, I will carry him!!! He said, and come against me…

I very fast tied the hook of the chain in the bars of the window and turn to him in clear attitude of confront…

No, You don’t carry him, no!!! I shot angriest.

But, the emotion pull me back to my physical body, woke up.

The jealousy and affection to my dog make me react without thinking ( I reacted as a animal defending its domination, its pups, its foods, like a dog defending its bone) and I lose a excellent opportunity of better observe the situation and learn…

Who were these guys?

Are they deceased or incarnates on activities in Astral?

Why my dog didn’t attack them? Will it be that in Astral his reaction is different?

Would I let them carry my dog… and after?

It was enough a little noise in the physical and my dog come back immediately, woke up.

The chain would have shaped by thought and it was tying the astral body of my dog, but, until when they will get keep him tied?

It is curious, It seems in that moment we react by instinct, as if we put in evidence our animal side, centralizing our attention in determined thing an forgetting all that remains… it is like our reasoning was locking, slowly and limited.

We would then to evidence our spiritual side or astral, because this will wide our perception, understanding and reasoning. 


This night (18.11.2003), I was in Astral and I found a kind of Church; I come in and I saw that was statues and images.

As I’m curious, I start examining them trying to find in the base, names, made in, what used material, etc.

In the same time, come in a bishop or someone like that, because his clothes was red or it had some parts in that color, together some priests and a retinue of followers.

They reprimanded me, saying:

You can’t hold or touching those statues, don’t do this!

Why? Are they holy statues? I asked.

Yes, sure they are! The religious replied.

With indignation, I began an inflammable speech saying that it was an absurd to consider as holy the things made by man, that it was offensive to God, for Whom they must turn themselves, because they didn’t percept His presence.

I was almost saying that place was an Astral, and that they didn’t see their own reality, when the emotion “pulled me” back to my physical body.

I woke up in bed, it was deep night.

In spite of they are in Astral, maybe they continue to till the same belief and usage that they have in physical.

I was thinking how they would justify to themselves my abrupt leave from the middle of them, when I was “pulled” to the physical.

I know that I acted badly, because I would be respected the belief of that people.

I should have apologized for I had touched that statues and following try help them in other way…



I used reading by curiosity the obituary section in my city newspaper, because some times I read the name of some known of mine that deceased.

This week I read a name that caught my attention, maybe by it be different.

Yesterday (15.11.2003), I was in Astral and I found a kind of display with photos and images making homage of longing way that deceased.

The photos had a impressive clearness… they shown the deceased in situations of routine, for instance, he going to a soccer stadium, walking, etc.

However, come closed I could observe that the photos or images presented movements of short continuance, that is, they showing a person giving some steps, to beckon, etc.

I deduced that they are relatives and longing friends, paying a homage to deceased and that they are using a technology of Astral, because I unknown such similarity in physical.

Suddenly I thought:

“But, here is the Astral… will it be even here they still thinking that the guy didn’t die??”

This feeling of strangeness pulled me back to my physical body.

Will it be that the religious beliefs brings the relatives and friends to thinking that the loved being is in the “heaven” where they don’t get access?

Will it be they didn’t realize that they are in Astral and that maybe they could find the relative deceased “Alive Smiling?”

It is interesting to verify that a lot of people not percept yet (when they are there) that the Astral it isn’t the physical.



Last night I saw in the Astral, a kind of fence that it was involved by several lianas in parallel way. 

It seems to me that disposition was purposely and decorative. 

With curiosity, I come close, and I touched and squeezed one of lianas. 

For my surprise it broke easily. 

In physical plane the liana is resistant and it doesn’t crack so easily... I deduced that it was a kind of liana was a thought-shape. Will it be? 

Sudden after I found the body of two women. 

It was strange; it seems that they didn’t have any life. 

I try moving them and I noticed that they have little weight. 

I lifted easily each one and I noticed that they seem crusty. 

They have perfect appearance, they was equal a physical bodies, however, they are little hardened. 

Will it be that they were thought-shaped by someone? 

I felt certain repulse and I abandoned them instantaneously, when I thought that they had belong to women that had have a kind of second dead, that means, they have abandoned their astral bodies and went to subtle planes. 

After, already in physical I remembered of two experiences that I have had with my astral body became harden and seems similar to me. 

Will it be the same thing? 

Will it be that when will abandon our astral body it became a kind of crusty? 

I don’t know the answer yet



There are experiences in the Astral that let us wondered and confused.

Today, Friday 07.11.2003, about 15:30 o’clock, free of high compromises, I decided relax and give “a little leaving”

I was attracted, I didn’t know how, to advertising agency.

The people there had lack of ideas to creation of a new advertising campaign and the end term was coming very fast.

There was a kind of connection between them and me.

I could noticed their thoughts and feelings.

They anxiously looking for an idea, there was a kind of “empty” in the air.

The first idea that come in my mind and that I suggest them was: “Dreams”

Instantaneously the person responsible by that group caught:

“I already know! Dreams!!!” he said. “Let’s go working this idea...”

One suggest something, other suggest other thing… one of them want to use some drawings that he had done…

The surprise and that unusual situation maybe disturbed my metabolism, because I was attracted to my physical body and I woke up.

What a pity, I didn’t get discovered the name of that agency, where it was placed, nor who was those people and how I was attracted to there.

Will it be that I was attracted by that “empty” of ideas in a kind of “looking for tuning” spent by that people?

Will it be that the idea “dreams” in advertising campaign will be approved and used?

I don’t know the answers, but, in this way, one more time I realize that a projected person can interact with incarnates ones.




This week I was projected inside my home.

I was stood beside the table of the dining room, when I noticed by some reason that I couldn’t identify, my astral body start became hard.

I felt as suddenly I was inside a shell or a kind of armor.

It was a strange sensation.

Scared with that and without understand again, my instinctive reaction was come back my physical body, awakening.

Why these kinds of thing occur?

Will it be by unknown reason I subtle even more my state, passing to feel my astral body like a shell?

This hardening of my astral body already occurred before.

(See my report ASTRAL BODY HARDENING?? Placed in New Experiences 3 )

I must accept the idea, to the next time I “hold on” and see what really happen.



 This night I have an opportunity of observing the astral body of my dog and in same time to observe his physical body.

It gives an impression that I had two dogs in the back yard, with a difference that the astral body seem be a little big or more fury than he is in physical.

His physical body it was chained and the astral body was free, let he goes everywhere he want.

Will it be that mind dog percept this duality?

I wonder to think since the past when we were animals and we project ourselves… and until now the major people still not assimilated this idea.



This night we were in Astral bringing convalescent people to a beech, because it seems to me that the sea have properties invigorating. 

Suddenly we have saw in the sky several shapes of colored energy so similar to spaceships or flying saucers, making a beautiful spectacle. 

It seems that they have own movements by random and fast. 

They move in groups as it was a kind of magnetism among them, however, they move in independent way. 

To an inattentive projector it could seem easily a fleet of alien spaceships that would invade our planet.



 This night when I started the process to leave projected, an entity began to bite my body.

Surprised and bothered with that I woke up in physical.

I tried again and the same occurred.

Irritated I tried by third time and the entity continued there biting my body in several points, before I leave projected.

Still feeling the VS (Vibration State) I mind in God and asked that entity were helped, and brought to enlightenment.

Few instants after I leave projected and didn’t have anybody there.

I think that I lower my vibratory pattern throughout my thoughts, without realize it and the entity that probably was spying attacked me.

I deduce by the way that he attacked me (biting) that be one of “cannibal” that I’ve referred in my posted report “THIEF OF BODIES IN ASTRAL”

That entity would have felt annoyed with my action in that Sunday night and probably followed me or localized me without I percept him.

Nevertheless, is so important to keep our thoughts in high patterns, mainly when we start a work in Lower Regions in Astral.

If I have kept my thoughts in high patterns, that entity won’t get attack me, because I will have around me a kind of vibration that will impede him.

He persecuted me and attacked me because I went there to interfere in their lives and that characterized to them a affront, a intromission or thing like that.

They are only our brothers without enlightenment that need of understanding and help.



Today, Sunday at night, I sat down to watch TV (Fantástico Program) and right after I felt a terrible somnolence.

As I know, when it occurred, should be something important, I went to my bed and soon after I left projected.

Lower spirits from dense regions of Astral that thief bodies from people newly deceased bringing them to places similar to caves and narrow dark holes in Lower Regions.

In spite of some vigilance, they are swift and lurking.

However, they aren’t physical bodies of deceased, should be a kind of body or energy (vital?) that exist between the physical body and astral body of deceased people; at least, give impression that they thief bodies ( maybe the called DOUBLE ETHERIC, that unlink from the astral body when we deceased.

 I could percept vestiges of those “bodies” in a kind of a hollow elevation inside caves. It seems that the lower spirits had percept our presence and running way bringing those bodies to deeper places.

What they make with those bodies?

Probably they consume or suck the vital energy of the body construction.

They seem themselves as cannibals.




After, I could percept in a girl newly deceased that her conscious goes through her others bodies, in several levels of subtlety, as if goes (in lack of better comparison) through a continue strip of light… in this way when her conscious tuned her astral body more gross  or subtle less has the sensation of some fever or ill… ( I begin to percept in Astral some things that no have parameters with our physical knowledge).

I could also notice that the girl kept in her astral body a wound on chest almost in right shoulder, that she joking thought-shape in local of wound a star, as if was a tattoo.


 Last night, in Astral, I found my dog Átila near my home.

I’ve observed two interesting things.

I come back to my home instantaneously and observed that my dog accompanied me, this is, I didn’t carry him… he simply accompanied me, demonstrating to have such autonomy in Astral.

Perhaps this answering as he was projected with me in the top of mountain in the experience below from 31.05.03


 When we arrived at home, he laid down in the area, demonstrating to be sad.

I percept that he wasn’t sick and he didn’t accompanied me when a leave again.

Next morning, already in physical, I was informed that Átila was vomiting on back yard due to my wife had accepted, inattentive and without thinking, that our neighbor give to him a bone, one day before.

As he only eats industrialized pet food, probably that bone had done harm to him.

This indicates that diseases in physical also implicate in behavior and in astral bodies of animals.



 This night I was in Astral given assistance to a man that fight desperate to not die.

 Occurred that he already was dying (newly) and he was in a bed already “disconnected” of his physical body.

 So hard was his attachment at physical, at material, that he didn’t percept that he wasn’t inside his physical body, but with his astral body or spiritual body; that already living on a plane that in spite of to be “physical” an real, wasn’t more the same.

 He need to rest to disconnect himself definitely of the impressions and feelings from his physical body, however, he set so hard fight to not lose the conscience, because he thought that losing conscience he will die.

 He was in specie of numbness, of weakness and he shot desperate:

“I no want dying!!... Someone help me!!... It’s no fair I dying!!!

 The only one thing that I got or could make was staying there in his side giving him vibrations of peace and tranquility.

 It doesn’t matter trying explain him that the death don’t exist, that she isn’t real, and that he need taking a rest… he apparently didn’t understand me.

 Two impressions appear clearest in my being: I felt that man (some times) as my own brother in desperate state, and in other side, that sensations and attitudes seems to me so familiar, as I also had experienced through in my passed incarnations.

 It is lamentable that lack of understanding, the attachment at material sensations or physical sensations, at deceives that religions preaching, they cause in a person at dying moment.

 I stayed by him until that he no more resisted and “asleep”.

 Probably when he “weak up”, the sensations and connections at physical body will be reduced, and then he should continue his life…




This night I could observed the illusion, fantasies, images and shapes that people creates for themselves or to deceive others in Astral.

Firstly I have been in a Company where it was organized a commemoration to homage the patriarch or founders of that Company

They showed me a big photo where could see two person, they seems brothers to me.

One of them was there, by my side and the other that on photo it was in a little low plane, perhaps seated.

I deduced by photo age and the through the person already “peeled” (dead) there was much time…

“Oh… he already deceased…” I commented

“No, no… he is here with us…” They affirmed showing the paralytic brother.”

There “dropped the coin” and I percept that all of them weren’t incarnated, but spirits “interacting normally” with their incarnated relatives and employees.

What caused strangeness it was the fact of paralytic person still be “paralytic” in spit of he hadn’t physical body, probably could be a mental conditioning, karma or other name that you prefer to give that.

Few time after I saw a strange woman and notice frightened that she had male hair on arms and legs. I didn’t understanding if that was a woman wearing male fantasy or a man wearing a female fantasy.

Some times after I noticed a tall woman as she was dancing alone… surprised following I saw other alike, that likable she was saying:

“I’m not the same” she is alike me, but she isn’t me! It was a kidding that they have made…”

I also noticed that other woman didn’t have live… she was only a body, probably mental shaped and with movements.

I have willed to go out and I saw a strange scene: a man whole tied, flying at short distance from ground, completely absorbed and fascinated by a Spatial Ship linked at him by a kind of cable. I observed better and I percept that in short distance two people controlling and manipulating whole process. The space ship was mental shaped and it had a size of a big wicker basket approximately. I had pit of that guy, but according my “intuition” I shouldn’t to intervene.

After that I noticed some guys enjoy themselves wearing monstrous masks frightening people.

In an ambient like Astral, where it’s easy to deceive or to be deceived it is extremely important to keep attentive in order not be deceived some times by us.




This night I could observed the illusion, fantasies, images and shapes that people creates for themselves or to deceive others in Astral.

Firstly I have been in a Company where it was organized a commemoration to homage the patriarch or founders of that Company

They showed me a big photo where could see two person, they seems brothers to me.

One of them was there, by my side and the other that on photo it was in a little low plane, perhaps seated.

I deduced by photo age and the through the person already “peeled” (dead) there was much time…

“Oh… he already deceased…” I commented

“No, no… he is here with us…” They affirmed showing the paralytic brother.”

There “dropped the coin” and I percept that all of them weren’t incarnated, but spirits “interacting normally” with their incarnated relatives and employees.

What caused strangeness it was the fact of paralytic person still be “paralytic” in spit of he hadn’t physical body, probably could be a mental conditioning, karma or other name that you prefer to give that.

Few time after I saw a strange woman and notice frightened that she had male hair on arms and legs. I didn’t understanding if that was a woman wearing male fantasy or a man wearing a female fantasy.

Some times after I noticed a tall woman as she was dancing alone… surprised following I saw other alike, that likable she was saying:

“I’m not the same” she is alike me, but she isn’t me! It was a kidding that they have made…”

I also noticed that other woman didn’t have live… she was only a body, probably mental shaped and with movements.

I have willed to go out and I saw a strange scene: a man whole tied, flying at short distance from ground, completely absorbed and fascinated by a Spatial Ship linked at him by a kind of cable. I observed better and I percept that in short distance two people controlling and manipulating whole process. The space ship was mental shaped and it had a size of a big wicker basket approximately. I had pit of that guy, but according my “intuition” I shouldn’t to intervene.

After that I noticed some guys enjoy themselves wearing monstrous masks frightening people.

In an ambient like Astral, where it’s easy to deceive or to be deceived it is extremely important to keep attentive in order not be deceived some times by us.





During years and due to my professional activity ( Enterprise Administrating) I learned and developed the capacity of to percept great conjoined of original, of unfolding and its consequences, this means, I learned to see an enterprise ( any enterprise) working as it was only one.

I have also some “manias” as example, when arriving at an unknown city, I try to buy her map and by a determined time I study the lay-out of the streets and avenues, taking a conjoined sight of that city. Due that in short time I get to move-me everywhere with facility on that city.

I have too facility to recognize locals, scenarios that TV Globo Net, for example reused (spit of changed some appearances) in its productions of soap-operas, short novels-series.

Well, what I will report it is strange and it can have some signify, specie of control by thirds or thing like that.

Perhaps it hasn’t any signify and it could have been a “trip on mayonnaise” by my mind… but from that I will be more attentive in my projections trying to discover something.

Last night I was projected in a medium size city inside São Paulo State that I know in the physical.

I noticed something strange and I took a view around, in 360º gyration… at doing that, I saw that a same blue and white building appear three times behind others near buildings. It means, the same scene was been emended or re-emended.

When I noticed this, I turn back to see again that buildings and one of them already be different and after the other also… but already was late: “I have noticed something wrong.”

Crazy of curiosity and wishing to discover more things, I started to move on city, when I heard saying to me:

“You know where you are. Didn’t you?

Then I saw some dense spirits in menace attitude.

I observed that I was under a viaduct, in a little dark local, proper to assaults and ambuscade.

Irritated with that ridicule scene (because it doesn’t have real assault in astral), I come back without want to my physical body, carrying the sensation of have been deceived one more time, as they have been “created” that scene of supposed assault and danger, for deviate my attention about I had been discovered.

What was that?

Who or what deceived me?

Will it be that called spherical vision (that we have when projected) caused that in my physical mind, changing my perception and triple that building

It seems to me that in battle scene movie (with the great angular) of Mel Gibson, there wasn’t all that warriors… the scene was “amplified” by computer give the impression to the watcher more inattentive of there are much more warriors.

I felt that it was occurred same like that in my projection…

I will be more attentive.




I was this week together a group of studies in a Planet that have a inferior level than Earth.

Until then I never had been, at least that I remember in physical, in any planet so primitive.

I saw beast extremely aggressive, which attacked everything around them.

I seem to me that wouldn’t be “contaminated” by the energies of that ambient and maybe attacked by those beasts that could of some way to percept our presence; the group swallowed that seem to me a kind of thickest liquid similar to gelatin, in lack of better definition.

I was surprised with a relative facility as I “swallowed” that. The effect seems had been instantaneous, because the beasts that showed disquiet with our presence, passed to ignore us.

Also seems to me that, one more time, some animals show to have certain predisposition to see, percept or present spirits or astral bodies.

It was like if we were in an epoch like the Earth was in dinosaurian age. The beasts weren’t so big, but a little minor then a earthly elephant, and similar to ours dinosaurian. They remembered in some aspects our known Tyrant saurian Rex, but not so big.

It was interesting observe levels of life so inferiors, where predominate only the instinct, the hunger and the aggressiveness.



This night from Monday to Tuesday the Astral or the Planet was so motioned.

I passed a big part of the night watching groups reacting and being pursuit by more different motives.

It was political, socials, racial, religions pursuits.

I watched the journalists work covering facts and events in several parts of world.

I noticed that many pursuits and manifestations happened only by intransigence of one or both parts. I was just a passive spectator, impotent an anguished before that occurred facts.

I could do nothing; I could interfere in anything…

Until the moment that one of groups was drove into a corner by “official” army forces and they would be massacred…

Then happened something fantastic and surprising…

Behind that group that was confined in corner, started to appear thousands people clapping hands and impeding the imminent massacre.

I percept very well, that wasn’t my mental creations, they were real people…

Full of enthusiasm I began to gesticulate calling the people to join at to others two groups that instantaneously dampened the animation.

It was a great fraternization with hugs and tears in eyes.

The emotion was so strong that I come back to my physical body listening the claps from that thousands people…

What was that?

What is happen in the Astral?

Or that would be happening on Planet?

Will it be that the people collective conscious is reacting against violence?



This night, Friday to Saturday I could notice how much is important we win our fears in the astral, facilitating the help and rescue of neediness.

Being projected I received strong intuition that I needed to rescue three people in dark areas of the Dense Astral.

For intuition also, I knew the location exactly about each one.

I went for there and I found the first.

I took him until at seems to me the wreckage of a construction.

My intention was leave him there, while I rescued the other ones.

It was a dark region and very dense.

I noticed that, there was there something malign and when trying to leave I was impeded by some dozens, perhaps a hundred of threatening snakes.

There I thought: “that is a mental creation!!”

And moved by firm determination and conviction I went upward of such snakes... I beat with rage in that snakes and I noticed that they came undone as if they were hollow and made of dry mud... I stepped over them and I leave.

Glancing back I noticed that my willpower and determination had created a kind of energy-field and that person would be protected while I will look for the other ones.

I also noticed when I moving that I could fly with agility in spite of the density of that place.

Then it became so easy... I went looking for the others and when I come back to that place with the last, there was already there a spiritual mentor and following appeared other rescuers.

Nothing else had to do there and I come back to my physical body.



This night I had the opportunity to observe a little more what the people do during the rest of their physical bodies.

Their minds in the astral create things whole time. Like companies, organizations, vehicles, factories, places, situations...

I have been observing that even companies and bankrupted organizations, that no more exist, whose employees were dismissed and they are now in the physical unemployed, sub-employed or retired, they continue to exist in a prosperous way in the astral, making business negotiation and even reforming and modernizing its facilities. They are collectives mental creations of former employees that would like that the group continuing...

A lot of people make business negotiation, they make deal, they dispatch goods just as if they were in the physical.

The social relationship is wide and intense; they talk and they change ideas whole time. 

I observed a group of people for example. They arrived in the stock of materials of a company where I saw a black, old vehicle, of the fifties. While they talked and they solved the problem that brought them until there, a person removed the car from that place. It seems that nobody observed the detail that such vehicle was shaped in proportions a little larger than he would have in the physical in original shape.

They when leave they observed that another vehicle that took them until there it wasn’t more in that place. And one of them justified saying that took it to revision; or at least he created in his mind such illusion, although they didn't understand right.

The others accepted the “explanation” and they left to seek other “vehicle” (or illusion) to transport them (as if they needed it).

When we projected observed the others do or create these things and situations we think foolishness, but, we also do and created such foolishness in the astral the whole time, and unnoticing...



I met in the last night in the astral, a man died (spirit) that tries of all way to help a group of children. Those have difficulties to getting the necessary food.

He acts as a kind of spiritual mentor to those children, because he is linked to them by deep laces of esteem.

It was depressing to see the suffering and despair of him...

He told me that try of all way to help the children to get food.

He tries to approach the children to certain people that live in the physical that has conditions of helping them and he tries too by intuition but, without success.

“I do everything that I can...” - he said desperate unbosoming.

“Some times the people have at their houses a basket full of breads and they don't give anything... they say to the children that have nothing ...”

The emotion “pulled me” back to my physical body.



I don't know what occurred, rarely happens... but, from Thursday night to Friday, I leave my physical body with excellent lucidity, I had a very good control, but I was without vision. 

I tried to see, I do a big effort, but the vision didn't open up.   

“I flew” easiness, I had absolute control of my projection, but I didn't get to see anything in spite of my effort...

I tried to open my eyes slowly and I come back instantly and unintentionally to the physical... that is, I opened my physical eyes at the same time and I saw the ambient of my room. 

I leave one more time and again I didn't see anything...

I was there flying from a side to other... it was delicious, but, worried, because I didn't see anything.

I felt will of leaving to the space, to go to another planets, perhaps, far away my vision would open up... then I felt that my feet touched in something... I lowered and with the hands I felt the surface covered by three or four centimeters of what seems to be mud.

Lowered and with my two hands I touché, hold that soil feel it … the texture and the contact was very similar the mud.

Will it be that I am in Dense Astral? - I thought.  

In the dense areas I already saw some black mud surfaces or covered by something similar to pitch.   

I didn't hear anything and nor noticed nobody around me, but I think prudent get out there.

I raised flight upward, to the space; I felt that my hands were still dirty of that mud... 

I wanted strongly that dirtiness detaches of me and it was that happened...

Feeling cleaned again and something frustrated by not seeing, I went back to my physical body finishing the projection.

I remembered that when I lay I was very tired and very sleepy... perhaps it was the reason that I haven’t seen.



This Tuesday night, I went sleep at 10:40 pm. with the firm purpose of to face all my fears and all the malign entities that appearing...

I report now that happened until this moment:

I lied, I relaxed and I loosened the mind... I provoked the vibration state through the hollow body, as I already told here in my site in TECHNIQUES FOR PROJECTION.

I created and I use that method that at least for me it is very efficient.

It consists of imagining that our body is hollow, as if it was an iron armor or a crust and our Self was free inside him.

I “scanned” my body inside with mind, trying to feel each part and in few time it woke up the vibration state... 

At first it was formed, or I created, in my mind the shape of a beautiful rainbow. I felt as my head was wrapped in a light halo.

By self-induction I entered or I tuned with very dense areas of the astral.

I noticed that entered in black areas of an absurd darkness.

The images and situations began to appear without sense...

Dead people or spirits probably appeared from nothing and they indicating me dark places...

With the firm determination of to overcome my fears and to face the new situations that appeared, I entered in these places...

They showed me in the streets certain houses and suspicious buildings... I went there and I noticed that the place was awful; therefore I kept myself firm...

They remembered me of real facts happened in the physical involving the close relatives' death as if they were a foreseen occurrence and caused by evil. I knew that they tried to deceive me...

They induced me to hideous places and they threatened me saying that in few instants would appear there a terrible malicious being from darkness... I heard noises, a wind and nothing appeared...

They tried to give the idea that the devil was a real being and that he will appear at any moment...

I said for myself: I have to overcome my fears... - and I keep myself firm.

In certain moments I felt in my room many malign entities... I went back to my physical body and I felt that my astral body was throwing from a position for other...

The furniture of my room cracked crazily.

It seemed that a true pandemonium happened at my room...

I come back to my physical body, I sat down in the bed and I looked at the clock-radio: it marked 0:16 a.m., it was Wednesday.

I turned on the computer and I typed this report.

I will laid and to try again... I guess the night will be long



Even an experienced projector when attacked in the astral by malign entity, he reacts in an instinctive way, that is, the preservation instinct “speaks more aloud”, in just way as it happens in the physical.

Our reaction without thinking is to run away faster is possible, coming back instantaneously to the place where we feel safe, that is to say, in our physical body.

Of course I KNOW that we are eternal and that ANY malign entity for more powerful that they are, they will get to kill us in the astral.

However, we only thought on this after the facts have happened.

But... and IF we don't RUN AWAY, only to see what it does happen?

Will we discover that everything was our mental creation?

Will we discover that malign entity doesn't have any power over us?

And what our conscious superior try to learn us?

I want and unceasingly I try to discover the “little secrets” of the life, to that...

I will try to discover...

Will I get?

I don't know, but I will try... I will “poke the beast with a short stick” and I will see what will happen...



We have taken more care with our thought and we attracted.

Yesterday night, Sunday, about 11:45 pm I went to bed thinking that there was a long time that I didn't met spiritual vampires in the astral.

I remembered that the last group of spiritual vampires that I’ve encountered, I tried to help them and to elucidate them and this should have created a kind of repulse from them in relation to me, because they didn't discomforted me any more.

I thought even writing for the list (Voadores) telling how keeping them distant of us, that is to say, when we encounter by the front a spiritual besieger or spiritual vampire, try elucidate him and to help him... (Soon I would discover that to think in this way it was much ingenuity).   

Instantaneously I thought or I had an intuition by some friend spirit that I shouldn’t think this way in order no create some kind of undesirable tuning.   

Well then, soon later I left projected and after some walking thereabout I noticed that I was entering in places that seems strange to me...

It was like I had entered in a scenery of fairy-tales in the opposite way, this it is, I saw forward ugly, dark and viscous trees... it seemed that odd shapes circulating over there...

It was night also or the ambient was dark, what was strange, because I usually walk in places with good clarity...

Then I saw a curious scene... typical from fairy-tales...

An old woman took care seemingly of the ambient when appeared a kind of witch or malign entity...

The old woman expelled a little white energy in direction to the witch trying to move her away…

At the same time the other began to expel a black energy in direction to the old woman...

It seemed to be a kind of war between a good witch and a bad witch.

With a certain fear, I thought more careful to get out of there...

So late! The malign entity noticed my presence there and she vociferated: 

a projector!!!... Beggar!!!... - it seems frightened and with indignation with my daring of being there...

She came upward me in vertiginous speed...

Without thinking, I jumped to up and I made a loop in the air, trying to escape her...

Instantaneously I come back to my physical body, thinking she wouldn’t get to follow me, but, I noticed my mistake... she followed me...

Terrified and without thinking I was betrayed by my mind, because, after enormous effort, I leave my physical body again to close the window and to pass the key in my bedroom trying to impede her of entering... as if this works, in that moment I didn't think that a malign spirit wouldn’t be contained by doors and locked windows.

Therefore, it seemed that million of ties arrested me to my physical... I didn't get to free me... I didn't get to keep my eyes opened. It seemed that an absurd sleepiness took me...

I reacted and with enormous effort I got to arrived until the door of my room and I locked it, but, my mind betrayed me again, because it created another door by side de first, that doesn't exist in the physical, and it doesn’t have key, through where, such malign entity entered...

(That other door should be a mental creation, in breathlessness time we don't get to ratiocinate.

What I do?

She was inside of my room and I still disturbed with the ties of my physical body...

My only exit was to face her... I looked for tuning with the High and I began to emanate energy, trying to fill my room with them, seeking to expel that malign being...

In this whole agitation I come back to the physical...

I stand up, I turned on the computer and I type this report...   

They are 03:15 pm on Monday... I will sleep again and I hope not to encounter more the malign entity in my room.



Today deep night I was projected and I was attracted in an irresistible way, perhaps under the friend spirits influence, to an avenue in my city where seemingly it had an accident of serious proportions.

I had the impression of there had been a run over or some violent accident in the physical; but something also happened of very bad in the astral.

As in the physical I don't like to see tragedies, my reaction in the astral went to same, that is to say, I stayed from at distance... I don't like to see people destroyed , and bloodiest.

It should be rests of my last incarnation, as I already described here in my website, where I went a German soldier and I participated in the Great War II. I died strafed; I think that I was strafed by North Americans. I went to the astral in great despair... perhaps, because it, I reincarnated few years after, or not.

I should have been seeing a lot of bad things in the battle field. When I was boy I woke up scared with dreams or remembrances of airplanes dropping and being destroyed, catching fire. There are some years I went see a fair of airplanes in Sorocaba and during the maneuvers and acrobatics of the airplanes, I had the impression that they would drop on top of us. It should be a war neurosis.

Well then, arriving to the place of the accident in the avenue, I saw frightened that a crowd of spirits probably out of body and spirits of dead peoples hurried to there with great agitation. They seemed to be thousands. They wanted to see the worst, perhaps moved by a morbid feeling of curiosity.

I saw afraid that instantaneously it was formed a great concentration of black energy or black cloud in the place. Everything began to be black, suffocating and unpleasant.   

I had the impression that kind of black cloud was caused by the morbid feelings of those spirits.

It is impressive to see that an accident in the physical make in the astral.

In few instants “an energy rain” with great plates begin to drop over that place... How to describe that kind of rain in the astral? It doesn't have parameters with anything that we knew in the physical. The only that I get describes it is that it has a function of cleaning, and it seems to be an energetic rain.

This unpleasant rain, it seems that disintegrates the concentration of things or bad energy.

I took refuge inside a bar. I felt the unpleasant scents of beverage.

There inside, a incarnated guy, leaned in the counter, completely intoxicated and indifferent to that happened around him, he looked directly at me, accompanying my movements.

He saw me... I was projected in the astral and he in the physical body staring me...

It seems that the drunken people some times see spirits.

I didn't worry about him, I feared for the worst...

I had a presentiment that something very bad would happen...

I concentrate on God and I asked with faith that helped us on that moment of despair.

I don't know what happened after...

Due to that whole agitation I come back to my physical body.



The perception and the knowledge of the things arrive to us slowly and in the measure in that we are enlarging our according our assimilation capacity.

Much it is spoken, and much it is written, much is thought about technological development... but what will come in the future?

How will be the man?

How will be the science?

How will be the religions in the future?

How will be the technology?

Thinking about this and through my projections, I come trying to discover...

I haven’t been seeing planets that possess a higher technology.

But I have been seeing world that are more and more spiritualized, with a more impartial society and in larger tuning with the Creator.

Their inhabitants, whole with human appearance, reveal the delicacy of their feelings. Their bodies are refined. Their locomotion is easy, they don't need any kind of vehicles; they manifest the will of to go and they are going. Barriers don't exist in the communication; the thoughts and feelings are perceptible to everyone. They demonstrate in spontaneous and natural way, the respect and love for all the things around. They privilege gardens, flowers and wide spaces. I haven’t been seeing anything similar to the Sun, but, the clarity seems to be perennial and the ambient always pleasant.

I don't see streets crowded of people; I don't see vehicles, spaceships over flying our heads, or anything like this.

Will it be that in the future the technology will be substituted by the will? Or will I be by the reason?  Or will it be by the understanding?

Could be the simple manifestation of the will act on materials, molding it and modifying it according with the needs?

The feelings and thoughts widely exposed and perceptible, without fears, without dreads, without lies, will dominate the social relations?

Won’t have more: judges, lawyers, prosecutors, prisons, police, armies, physicians, hospitals, diseases, injustices, hunger, thirst, etc, etc?

What about Religions? The tendency is disappearance of the religions, which will be at few substituted by a unique understanding, centered in God?

Will the ambient in the spiritual colonies a kind of preparation for we live in these worlds?

I will continue investigating...



From Friday night to Saturday, I leave projected and I sat down in my bed.

Suddenly, without any apparent reason, my astral body began to harden in a frightening way, arising by the legs to the belly.

My belly began to be hard, it seemed that my astral body was becoming a crust.

Without understanding and scared with that, I became despaired and I fast come back to my physical body.

I felt alleviated because I noticed that in my physical body it didn't happened nothing; it was everything normal.

What to do in a situation like these?

What was happening?

Will it be that I was being projected for the second time, unintentionally, and I didn't notice? (Would come from that the feeling that my astral body transforming in a crust?)

I lament, because I lost excellent opportunity to investigate.



I have been more attentive in my observations in the astral and I noticed for example that some people carry around them something that can be compared to soot or grains of black powder. Imagine a person surrounded by a cloud of small black flies accompany their movements, it is something similar... This should have relation with the feelings and thoughts of these people. It is unpleasant to approximate close them.

I had noticed also around me, when was projected, a kind of smoke or blue energy that accompanies me... These energies are spread and rarefied around me.

I discovered that smoke, or blue energy that accompanies us belongs to our astral body and that we can generally notice when we are projected alone in the space, without anything around.

I have also been observing something like some a dark clouds wandering and floating by the streets...

I also observed a strange windstorm in the astral... I looked at the ground and I noticed that a kind of wind blew from the four corners in alternate and random way...

Another day being projected I could observe a neighbor sweeping the sidewalk of her house, in deep night, in unfolding by the physical rest; she acted as she was in the physical, developing the same domestic tasks.

It seems that she acted plugged in the automatic way, absorbed in her thoughts... it seems that she didn't see and she didn't notice anything around her.



I have the book JOURNEYS OUT OF THE BODY of Robert A. Monroe; this is a very old edition, which probably I acquired in the decade of 1970.

This book at that time had for me a significant usefulness, because it showed me that I was not crazy and that the things that happened with me, in a certain way, also happened with a guy North American... it was at least tranquilizing.

Well then, some years ago my brother-in-law told me that was happening with him some strange things. By his description I noticed that it was an astral projection.

I gave him to read the book above.

He read in short time. He told me he had understood everything, which was exactly what happened with him.

I thought in later to talk with him about that subject.

There wasn’t time... some days after, I was with my family at the beach and I received the news that I must to return, therefore he had died due to heart complications.

I met hum in the astral, some time later...

He was cheerful and playful as always he was... he appeared suddenly in front of me saying:

I only come here to give you a message, do you understand?  I am ALIVE!!!   - And he gave laughter…

With the fright I come back instantaneously to the physical...

I reminded that one day in my house, we combined that who died first it would come to inform the other... by the way he accomplish the promise.

His “recover” in the astral was impressive.

The book transmitted him the certainty of the life existence beyond body, facilitating his adaptation in the astral...

Today he is a playful, cheerful and happy spirit in the astral...



I met in the astral a group incarnates and in unfolding by the physical rest and interlinked by mutual and resembled interests.

I called them not without reason “of group of the 10% (ten percent)”.

They are intelligent and smart, in the physical; they are always attentive to all the opportunities of to take advantages and to win money.

They are not tied to the called “moral brake”; they solemnity-are justified themselves of several ways and they are so obsessed by that they do, by they think and by they live. They think natural and logical to take advantages of all the things...

Who doesn't do it, it is because is donkey - they think.

I tried to transmit them the idea that the integrity, the honesty, the character, they give to the person, moral and intimate forces, became him very strong before any situation...

I don't know if this contact that I had with them in the astral will have some influences in their physical lives...

I don't know also why or how I met them in the astral.

I just manifested the will of helping someone when being projected and by tuning, perhaps I was attracted until them.

Will be a superior conscience managing this process?

Will our own superior conscience be administering this process?.



In the astral when we approached of spirits of high vibration, instantaneously we are involved by a wave of very sweet feelings... they irradiate intense happiness... it is as if suddenly everything around us became transformed in light and intense energy...

It is something so intense that penetrates our being, our thoughts, our feelings and all things that are around us.

The only thing that we get doing is to cry of happiness...

These spirits don't have any limitations, (at least known by us), they can enter and to act anywhere, in any situation, in everything...

In other hand, when a person, (any person, anywhere), issue a thought or a feeling of high and sincere pattern, (being in a pray or not)... it’s like that person links in an instantaneous way to the higher plane... it’s like, suddenly a spotlight from the high turn on the top of that person lighting him up and lighting each fiber of his body and of this person's soul.

Stop a little and think...



Last night I met in the astral a powerful man that I had known in the physical. I say powerful because he was rich and he commanded a lot of people. As somebody told me he only had a real state to take care and to rent the dozens of houses that he possessed. He was vigorous and severe. To me he passed an image of an arrogant and proud. He was feared, but he lived surrounded of body-guards. My relationship with him was cold, but, cordial. 

He died there are approximately seven or eight years. According a lawyer, friend of mine, he died of disgust. He lost prestige, he lost power and authority; his company go to bankrupt. He slowly dwindled away, it lost the taste by life and he entered in deep depression. 

In the astral he is still a few disturbed... it seems that he wasn’t still set in new reality in the astral world... he had rag shirt, and dirty... when in the physical he dressed well and he used keep himself so perfumed. He treated me well like a friend, sometimes the people in the physical have us as friend and we thought the relationship is cold. He still demonstrates intense missing by his lost company and by his lost position on society. When he still lived in the physical, he helped a lot of people. It weren’t this, perhaps today his situation in the astral it was worse, or not. Our approach in the astral should have been happening with some purpose, perhaps of trying to help him and elucidate him.

After he left, I noticed my died brother to appear in front of me, it was as if his image had left from nothing and it took form in front of me. I think he was already there in a refined vibration, which I didn't notice before. It was a problem related with my other brother (incarnated), that lives in Paraná State.

Our coexistence with spirits in the astral should be much larger than we noticed when projected.



Sometimes to be conscious in the astral had some inconveniences...

I received in the astral that seems to me a treatment of a dental infectious focus.

I woke up in the astral and a spirit (an astral dentist?) threaded apparel in my mouth, that in lack of a better comparison, it seemed a small “wire coat hanger”...

Surprised and without understanding that happened I tried to remove that mechanism of my mouth and I felt pain.

How is that I could feel pain in the astral body?

I tried take out the apparel but it was difficult to remove it... he had some mechanism that only that person knew how to manipulate.

I noticed a kind of demagnetization of an infectious focus in my mouth.

In spite of having discomfort, I relaxed and I lost or they made me to lose the conscience...



Today, I was projected walking beside a Cemetery.

I thought entering and I had some fear with relation to that I would see there inside...

Nevertheless, we have to face our fears then I decided to enter...

I guess better to go with caution and I didn't enter in the central alleys, I went walking in to lateral alleys observing what had there inside... because before any very ugly thing I could jump the wall and I leave flying fast... - I thought.    

Suddenly I noticed that had many cockroaches circulating there... I was disgusted and I leave flying from there.

The Cemetery is an awful, hated and macabre place.

Even projected it is a very bad place to go...



After observing in close relatives, in another people and in my own that the mental creations in the astral are instantaneous and fantastic. 

I think that I have habituated my mind and I stopped seeing differences in my house or in my neighborhood.

When I am projected I observe that the pieces of furniture of my house are the same ones, the objects are the same ones, out of house the appearance of my house is also the same and the neighbors' houses also.

What did happen?

Will it be that the called double ethereal of the physical it really exists or will be just instantaneous creations of our minds the differences that before I saw, and now I don't see more, and other projectors also do tell?

Maybe perhaps someone could say, for example, that I was projected in the densest plane and that in the refined plane the double of the physical exists... will it be? 

What is more important for us?

Could stay in a more tangible or more acceptable reality to our understanding, or could let our mind free and creating things and believing that we are in refined plane?

I begin to understand that we should have more care at we referring to the called double of the physical in the astral.

Our mind creates unceasingly... it mixes many things. It inserts images. It mixes memories of other objects, places, dependences, etc and etc, from this or from other lives.

Did you think how many things our spirits have seeing thereabout without we are conscious in the astral?

Our mind creates other rooms in our houses that actually don't exist... that is to say our mind does, (if we permitted), a very big mixture with that “we see” in front us when projected.

In the astral we have to be vigilant the whole time...

Today for example I was projected in front of my house and I didn't see differences in my house and nor in the neighbors' houses.

I resolved in a jump to fly until the roof.

The appearance of the tiles was the same that I know... the contact of my hands with the tiles was that I thought to be different. (I passed the hands in the tiles). But it should be because my astral body feels the physical in a different way.

In resume, I am not affirming that the double of the physical doesn't exist... I am just lifting suspicions, based in that I see, observe and analyze in my projections.

I will continue investigating