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NEW EXPERIENCES 6                       


  I have been observing that in the Internet exist thousands of sites about astral projection, but they are few sites that describe real experiences lived by projectors; therefore I will place in this space all new experiences that I am having:



This night (21/06/2005) I met in a periphery of São Paulo a revolted man that complained of his situation. 

He earns so few and he had two children to sustain and he live in a simple and small house of worst conditions. 

While I “listen” his complain, with my perception, I checked around and showed him a example of a woman that live near and that alone take care of three little sons, she works and earns so few, and to help in expenses, she rent part of her house to other family, that house was similar in size and conditions.  

It means, it was a situation worst than his situation. 

The reality of the near example makes him wake up. 

“It’s true!” 

“And she even divides the house…” he said, now more resigned. 

I gave to him others examples and situations even more difficult, but it seem to me that caused more impact was that example of his neighbor, because that was near him, while the others was so far away. 

You observe how we can percept and localize peoples, examples and situations in case of necessity when we are projected. 



This night (19/06/2005) I met in Astral a woman that seems to be with problem. 

Probably I was attracted by my thoughts and or vibration. 

I approached from her and asked her if she had some problem and if I could help her. 

“I don’t have problem, but my husband has…” she answered. 

She explained me that her husband ever was an active man. She showed me that several things that he makes. 

She told me that lastly he was uninterested to everything; he was lost the pleasure of to live. He was living sad and closed in himself. 

I approached to him and percept that his state was distressing. He was a man of advanced age.  

I sounded his inner and percept that was a lot of sorrow, sadness, he felt and the end of the life, suffering injustice and without perspective. He doesn’t believe from nothing, it seems to him the end of everything… 

I tried transmitting him animus, courage, faith. I showed him images and scenes of thighs that I saw, felt and percept. 

I showed him the perceptions that I have o God, of Life, of motives to our existence, beautiful places that I saw and that he encounter after our dead… feelings and impressions so agreeable that I had have during my projections… impressions of Justice and Perfection that I percept in Creation. 

It was as a “talking” from a heart to another. 

It seems that I’ve got some success. 

It is interesting to observe how we get transmit (being projected and by the force of our will), scenes of things that we saw, impressions and feelings that we have had, to another people. 

If the person were also out of body, the impressions it will be live, clear, as he was also had lived. 

If the person was in physical body, the impressions will be more vanish, seems to him his own thoughts, which appear of “inexplicable” manner.



This night (13/06/2005) before I come back to my house and to my physical body, I decide to walk around in my neighborhood and observe something. 

I percept a crowd people and I went there to verify. 

It was a kind of fraternization among people and that happen in a patio of Catholic Church that have in my neighborhood. 

I went there and I percept that the talking were commons. 

I leave there and observed that there isn’t sun, but the clarity was perennial as was day. 

In the houses and in the streets was people, they seems normal inhabitants. 

All of them had normal appearance… that perhaps indicates that “vampires” and discarnate with appearance of monsters don’t stay “walking around”. 

Probably they restrict themselves or stay tied to a Lower Regions in Astral that are adequate to them, or they leave there when they are attracted by determinate incarnates vibrations, as I’ve reported in others experiences. 

It was deep night in physical, I deduced that was dwellers out of their physical bodies or friend or relatives, discarnate or not, making a visit. 

I decided cut way trough a back yard of a house… 

Making that, I percept that the owner was observing me and I a little shamed said to her: 

“I’m sorry crossing your back yard… I was cutting way…” 

“It’s okay… no problem…” she answered, smiling. 

Close the gate there was two children playing sited on the ground. 

Following, I percept three guys talking and I decide to make a test: 

“Did you know the name of this street? Is it Benedito Carlos Dias or Amauri Quillici?” 

One of them answered me: 

“I think that is Benedito Carlos Dias…” and a little confused went confirm staring the name on plate that was in the corner street. 

I already observed in others occasions that some people when they are asked in Astral about something, they became confuses sometimes. 

The other, probably dweller, suddenly went to a close house and comeback with a phonebook in his hands. 

While he looking for a Amauri Quillici Street, I could observe such phone book and I verified that was exactly equal that we have in physical. It was wide and contains the map of the streets. 

That phone book probably was shaped by though, instantaneously at take it or at take the impression of hold it, because he can’t take it and bring the physical book.



It is common in Astral that a person has the impression of holding a object, shaping it instantaneously without percept it, because if he tried take the physical object, his astral-hand will passed trough lat him shocked. 

Observe the process endures, of illusion that such persons even to be in physical.



In right way the guy said: 

“The Amauri Quillici Street is the 5th cross street…” and he point forward in its direction. 

I thank him and leave there comeback to my home. 

What the guy will follow do with that shaped phone book? 

Maybe he brings it back to his house, or not… 

It is more probable that he distract himself with other thing and let it in other place and forget it, that will vanishing, some times instantaneously. 

By I could percept in that experience; a projected person couldn’t or shouldn’t enter in others houses without invite, because as such as occur in physical always there are dwellers (out of bodies) or discarnate (friend and relatives of dwellers) that see the projector. It is at least “constraining, scaring, lack of education” etc, etc.  

Unless it is clear, that the projector knows how or get became his state subtle, became invisible, that isn’t easy, because he need stay in a “vibratory pattern” adequate… however in that condition generally the projector will be interests to others things more important than that. 

Also could occur that the projector enter in some house by chance, by lack of control, by attraction, by want see a friend or relatives, etc, etc… but it is another history…



This night (09/06/2005) I was observing the activities of a great group of persons in Astral. 

There was hundreds people and they was in a big construction apparently abandoned. 

I was curious, at least there weren’t a lot of things to see or make in that construction. 

There was several stairs, floors, big rooms, but they were practically empties. 

Suddenly a lot of people that were out of building run crying out scared entering in that construction. 

I went out to see what was happen and I percept a kind of mass like a enormous mucous that was at twenty or thirty meters above ground, as such as a cloud, that moved slowly. 

If it was in physical, certainly that couldn’t float in the air. 

It was enormous, and it had a dark appearance and a little white in some points. 

I stared to the sky and percept that was a blue dark. Far away there was that seems to me a “black dust”, more rarefied in the air and denser near horizon line. 

It drops some pieces of that mass on the ground e burned, let going smoke. 

I didn’t like the idea of make any contact with that thing and I entered inside the building also. 

Some little pieces of that mass drops over building end entered by construction fissures. 

It drops small pieces of concrete of that construction in the ground and also stays burning. 

I leave there and I deduced that peoples was in certain way “arrested” in that place and that scared situation was constituted or attracted probably by themselves, by that exhale of themselves.



This night (06/06/2005) I met a female entity of bad aspect in a puerile school. 

I was irritated in certain way with that presence there. 

At last what would want such entity among those children? 

Intrigued I decide observe her discretely to percept her thoughts, feelings and intentions.  

Surprised I discovered that her proximity in meddle children there was transformed beneficently that creature. 

I have percept that her feelings now were good and that she had care to that children. 

I’ve talked with her and I could to guide her to enlightening in appropriated local, because I percept that she was receptive and have got conditions to that.




This night (27/05/2005) I was projected and I percept a strange movements in the sky. 

There was thousands of lights or shapes of energy with small movements in the sky. 

They were so far away, a little bigger than stars. 

Some people that was close me also percept that and stay observing that beautiful spectacle. 

Instantaneously I remember that if we were in physical, a lot o people could be think that they were thousands of alien spaceships. 

I percept that was only some natural effect, or there was shapes of energy similar that I percept in my experience of 18/10/2003 called


I also reported in other experience of 11/03/2003 called: FORMS OF COLORED ENERGY that could be read in:

 I didn’t want lose more time with that because I was involved in activities more important.



This night (23/05/2005) I saw in Astral a strange movement of people. 

Curious I went see what was happen. 

I discovered that they were bringing things and several objects to pacifying a terrible being. 

“We deliver these things and he let us in peace” they affirmed. 

I follow them to a enormous construction where in a wide room were letting the objects and things, after they leave hurried and scared. 

Impressive with that, I decide stay around there and observing. 

Passed some instants appeared in the top of a stone stairs a enormous female entity of hideous aspect. 

I make a concentration and I could percept the appearance of that entity have had in her last incarnation. 

She was o common woman, of beautiful feature, that had shaped around her an appearance of that hideous being. 

I percept also that she was mother of other being that appeared after, maybe irritated with my daring in stay there around. 

His appearance was even bigger and more terrible. 

He appear with strong uproar and scaring noise, proper of what could imagine of a so power being. 

Curious in discover what was happen there and to known who were that people and what they want, I stay there stand up with my arms crossed, observing everything. 

He comes against me as he was destroying me, however, my attitude was tranquil and or probably my vibration make him stopped his will of aggressor. 

He certainly expected that I was leaving there running and scared. 

He walks around me and I could percept his real appearance. 

He was a blonde guy with clear eyes that nothing have of terrible. 

Instantaneously I understood what was passing. 

They were mother and son, discarnate, which learn to shape those monstrous appearances, as way of defense against “umbralliners” that inhabited that dark and dense Astral Regions. 

Probably take advantage of scares and old believes, they create all that staging, as they was gods or monstrous beings of great power, that requiring offers to pacify their anger.



Some times I have unusual and surprising experiences in Astral. 

This night (14/05/2005) I was attracted to that was a real specter inside a cemetery. 

He was a man discarnate that would be there from decades. 

His astral aspect was frightening. 

He seems a corpse without flesh, rawboned, walking around graves. His putrid clothes were in pieces over his body. 

I’ve percept the remorse that dominated his being. 

He let do something in physical and he stay remember that scene continuously. 

His mental screen showing a scene where he was he undelivered a letter to a girl. And that letter had contained important and revealing information. 

Anguished and tormented he saw another specter, which in his mind represented the death, to take the letter and bring it away. 

He didn’t see me in spite of I was close him. 

I understood that he should to do: take the letter and bringing that to the destiny… 

The other specter that represent the death, comes and take the letter from girl hands, give to him a significant stared and went leaving…  

Such letter was a white envelop and voluminous.  

In meddle of that scene I inspired to him an idea: 

“Take the letter… it is your duty!!” 

In the same instant he got courage and said to other specter: 

You!! The letter is mine; it is my duty to deliver it…” 

The specter that already was disappearing at distance, come back and give him the letter. 

When he touched the letter, it was as he were broken the enchantment. 

He became free and passed to see me and than I could guide him.



This night (12/05/2005) I was attracted in Astral to a man that want to put clamps, metallic fetter or similar things in his mouth. 

He felt guilt by the words that leave from his mouth and that prejudice a lot of people. 

Due that he want fetter his mouth, deforming in the way not get more to speak. 

I tried dissuading him of several ways from that intention. 

I didn’t get it. 

To my despaired, I saw him putting that metals inside his mouth horrible deforming it. 

Without can dissuade him and as a comfort way I said him: 

“After it’s become normal…” 

“No!!! It was become deformed!!! He protested. 

For my surprise, he starts to roar of pain… 

It means, he want because he want… fetter and deforming his mouth and feel so hard pain, thinking of that way he will alleviated his guilt. 

In spite of to be in Astral, he created to him the pain, the suffering and deformation. 

I leave there, sorrow and frustrated by can’t get help him.

Wouldn’t be an act like that a way of disaffection by his own I Self? 

Wouldn’t be an act of disrespect, of disdain to his own body, “that he earn” beautiful and perfect?



This night (10/05/2005) I was rescue a small people group arrested by “umbraliners” in a closed room, tight and with wreckage.

It seems the local where in past works a storehouse of an enterprise probably metallurgic or similar.

Leaving, we passed by a big and empty shed that was totally closed and that have the roof very high.

Exhausted in their forces and alleviated for de freedom, they asked to rest a little.

While they take a rest, they stayed observing the ambient.

One of them pointed a warm air exhauster on the roof that was works, naturally by wind force.

Other pointed a big trident to lean in the wall.

The trident had approximately one meter or one and half of wide and with a long handle. The point of teeth seems like point of lances.

I guessed strange all that... why that trident would be there?

To my surprise, the floor under the trident opened and it fall partially inside the hole that seems a furnace.

I went see more close and the trident attacked me as it was handled by an invisible being.

So, an umbraliner can’t have to be invisible… and devil doesn’t exist.

Instantaneously I understood what was happen…

“Stop with this… this is a mental creation of you!!!” I cried out to the scared group.

Instantaneously the trident and the hole on the floor vanished.

As I didn’t saw a umbraliner there, I suspected that such group continue arrested, victim of their own mental creations, after the umbraliners get away and after “vampire” their energies of newer-discarnate.

In other hand, the rescuer need to have a certain knowledge to not “to ship” in mental creations of the helped.




Today afternoon (08/05/2005) I took a rest and leave projected.

I meet some people that were impressed and they are seeing that seem to me a photo album.

A girl shows me the album that had photos that register some moments of familiars.

The interesting was that the photo acquires movements, as it was a film of short duration.

I could in certain way percept and even felt that moments showed by those photos, as I could be there, together that people even though that brief instants.

I already saw this kind of photo in other experience of 16/11/2003, called of IS THERE POSTHUMOUS HOMAGE IN ASTRAL? See it in the link:




After that I seated in the floor in a very busy street, and I stay there observing incarnate and discarnate people that passed trough there.

I started to think about the differences between the Physical plane and the Astral plane.

I observed as was agreeable to be there in Astral ambient.

After some time I was so absorbed by my thoughts that I didn’t percept the approaches of a discarnate man that put a kind of tube in my mouth.

I was surprised with that “daring”. I give a “shake” in the tub, avoiding it.

The tube was of color black and the mouthpiece was similar a vacuum cleaner that we have in physical; it was rectangular…

That man complaint saying that “everyone let him making that”… and ask me why I didn’t let him to make it.

“It’s none your business” I answer irritated.

The man to walk aside and bordered and I continue observe him…

He lay down over a wheelbarrow of a picker of used packing, news papers and make that tube reach to the mouth of a incarnate guy that connect some electric-wires standing on top of stair joint a lamppost.

The mouthpiece seems to be fit on guy mouth, closing his mouth and nose.

In other point of the tube, the disincarnate man had a similar mouthpiece and he seems to sucking the energies of guy.

The incarnate guy, employee of a public concessionaire seems not percept or not pays attention with that kind of “vampire”… maybe he had felt a suddenly and inexplicable lack of air.

It is interesting observe that are several ways of “to vampire” that we suffer when we are in physical plane, generally without percept it.



This night (07/05/2005) I was walking around in Astral and I’ve found a butcher’ shop.

Curious, I entered there and I have saw three men using butcher’s apron.

Here is a butcher’ shop? Isn’t it? I asked.

“Yes”, they answered.

Are there meats, here?


I’ve observed there was a freezer, balcony, appropriated table, it means, there was all equipment of a butcher’ shop like in physical.

I pointed to something that seems to me similar a piece of an ox, probably shaped by though.

And this, what is? I asked.

“This isn’t meat…” they answered emphatic.

It seems that they percept what I’ve pointed didn’t was meat.

“Then, what you are doing here?” I asked.

“We are waiting the meat arrive…”

I leave there wondered with that scene.

In some moment, certainly they will percept that strange situation and they will go others activities.

A lot of people when leave their bodies in detached by sleep continue their activities and preoccupations in Astral. They work sometimes in the same local of their job in physical or create ambient in individual or collective way, where they go work or practice several activities, according their interests and preoccupations.




This Night (29/04/2005) I was projected together my wife that was detached by physical sleep (that is different of projection) and she manifest the desire of observe close a man that trough hidden means of seduction or probably by hypnosis, he attracted to him and entice the women with several purposes. 

We want know what he doing and how he get. 

By tuning we arrived in the local that he was. 

It was a little farm in closed woodland. 

Wondering we didn’t arrive directly in that place, as generally occur. 

We arrived close that place in a land-road… 

I was like our astral bodies had suffered a process of became dense, like physical body. 

We arrived fluttering and suddenly we passé to walk with difficulty as we were in physical plane. 

That place was dark, dense and the air was heavy. 

A car “fusca” (nick of Volkswagen year ~70’s) in physical passed speedy by side us. 

In spite of it was with the head-light on, so few it clearing in Astral, it means, the physical light of head-light had few or none effect in Astral (or in double-astral of that place). 

We felt the blowing wind from car in ours bodies and we percept that our condition in Astral was dense and strange, that was if we even were in physical. 

I had percept instantaneously that I have committed a mistake bringing my wife to that place. 

I felt that the ambient seems so hostile and that we could be attacked at any moment by some entities that was there and that I start to percept them. 

I embraced my wife from her back and tried to leave there flying. 

I didn’t get it. 

My wife seems to me so heavy, as we were in physical. 

Instantaneously I looking for tuning with high planes and changed my “vibratory pattern”. 

After that I’ve got flying bringing my wife in my arms. 

In short instants we arrived at home where we meet our daughter and my grandson that also were out of bodies (in detached by physical sleep). 

My wife stayed with them telling “our adventure”… and I using my new “vibratory condition”, I leave to others activities. 

When we are out of body we couldn’t or we shouldn’t go to “certain places” without to be in adequate “vibratory pattern”, because exist a strong possibility of we suffer “influence” from the place. 

That experience gives me an impression that even in physical there are locals that seems to some worst Lower Regions in Astral.




This night (27/04/2005) I was projected inside my house.

I went to the living room and I stayed there trying moving the switch to light.

Of the same way that occurred former times, when I tried move the switch of the lamp shade of my room and of the kitchen spot, it seems to me that the switch was made of stone.

I do not get move it.

I tried several times but I didn’t get move it.

During trying I concentrate myself and I percept that making that my perception grows up in relation to others ambient.

I also felt that things and distant places beginning to be more “perceptible”.

Ad to investigate that in the moment seems to me more interesting of to stay trying “moving” something in physical.

But, I will continue trying that.



This night (21/04/2005) I meet in Astral two guys xiphopagus, it means, they was two persons that have their bodies linked between themselves. 

One of them was bigger and strong and the other little and thinner. 

At first sight they seems two horrible monsters, mainly the little one that was a few fleshless, his arms and hands was skin and bones. His teeth were prominent and apparently he didn’t have lips. 

The little one was dependent from the bigger for all things and accepts patiently everything. In other hand, the bigger ask opinion from the little one to everything, in a kind of loyal intimacy.  

It seems to be living in that way since a long time and accustomed one with other. 

Maybe the hate between them in the past could be created between them a kind of “energetic attraction” bringing them to that situation of xiphopagus. 

I percept that the bigger one stared and smile to the little showing that to live together by long time created laces of affection and friendship between them. 

They want work, they want help, and they want to be util. 

I will try helping them.



It is interesting to observe that in other experiences I meet discarnate people that also “created” or “attracted” to themselves or “they was brought” to peculiar situations in astral, as example, in my reports called “MUTATION IN ASTRAL” of 20/04/2004 and “THE SPIDER BRIDEER” of 23/02/2005 that could be read in:




I have observed with relative frequency that I have had difficulties to comeback from Astral to Physical Plane. 

Today (19/04/2005) for example, my sister went awake me up thinking that I will travel (the travel was postponed to tomorrow) and I had enormous difficulties to comeback to physical. 

Literally I had “to shake” my arms and legs to complete the “setting” in my physical body. 

In that moment I was projected in a Hospital in intense activities and I have immense difficulties to comeback. 

My family comments that several times I “woke up” agitate scaring them. 

My projections had grows up, some times I stay projected during all night and it seems caused me reflex in my physical body, because my body seems “inanimate” as I was “dead”. 

It seems that in measure that grows up the duration of my projections in Astral, grows up the disconnection with my physical body. 

I will continue observing



This night (19/04/2005) leaving projected inside my home, I meet my wife also out of body, but, in detached by physical sleep (that is different of projection). 

My wife percepts two entities in a kitchen door… 

She scared with and leave run out and cry out… 

I went close her after percept that was only two curious and inoffensive persons. 

By tuning I’ve got encounter my wife and saw that she was well, already distracted and involved in others activities. 

It is curious to observe as people scaring themselves with stranger presence even in Astral. 

Today morning I ask my wife about… and as I guess, she didn’t remember anything.




Last night (12/04/2005) I was projected and watched a car accident. 

As I already report in other occasions I don’t like to see shattered people, bruised, fractured, bleeding and things like that. 

See for example my report of 22/07/2003 called “ACCIDENT IN THE AVENUE” in the link:

where I’ve wrote: 

As in the physical I don't like to see tragedies, my reaction in the astral went to same, that is to say, I stayed from at distance... I don't like to see people destroyed , and bleeding.

It should be rests of my last incarnation, as I already described here in my website, where I went a German soldier and I participated in the Great War II. I died strafed; I think that I was strafed by North Americans. I went to the astral in great despair... perhaps, because it, I reincarnated few years after, or not.

I should have been seeing a lot of bad things in the battle field. When I was boy I woke up scared with dreams or remembrances of airplanes dropping and being destroyed, catching fire. There are some years I went see a fair of airplanes in Sorocaba and during the maneuvers and acrobatics of the airplanes, I had the impression that they would drop on top of us. It should be a war neurosis.

Due that, in that moment (of the accident) I tried to advice other rescuers to help the guy.

Nevertheless I percept that it was one more “barrier”, a “limitation” that I have in myself and that I should braking.


Well, this night (13/04/2005) I passed all night helping hurt people, with deep cuts and several wounds. 

I watched and helped a couple of rescuers in intense activities close wounds. 

I was attracted also to a military base where a airplane had a mechanism problem let it falls on the ground… 

I percept that one of the mechanics would take a device and I foresee (I saw the close future) that him will hurt his hand. 

I give an intuition to the guy not approximate that the bomb will explode and that he should ask the soldiers to isolate the area.  

In this way I think to have breaks one more “barrier” or “limitation” that was on me. 




We can help of several ways, even if the victim survive or even discarnate. 

Observe for example that in case of accident always appears somebody diligent and helpful, taking attitudes, trying to help.  

For example, somebody that was passing by chance, somebody that deviated his way “without want”, somebody that have an “intuition”. 

An ambulance, a Police, a physician, a nurse, somebody driving a car, the traffic that flows more speedy, etc, etc. 

A lot of that people some times need to be “awake up” to the situation, stimulate to take determinate attitude. 

I already show in some reports the way that we suggest things to incarnates and that they receive as if were their own thoughts, instinct, reflex, intuitions, etc. 

All of that happen in speedy way and intuitive. 

Sometimes the bleeding is stopped or reduced by the simple will of the helper. 

If the victim is conscious or with certain conscious, we give intuition to him to take determinate attitude, we transmit him, calm, and faith that he will be helped very soon, etc, etc. 

Some of those things sometimes happen before, during and after the accident. 

If occur the physical dead of the victim, we also give him comfort, tranquility, calm, help, etc. 

It means, the situations and attitudes vary at infinite.




Yesterday (11/04/2005) at night, my grandson Guilherme, of only 3 years old, stared to the starry sky and said to other people together: 

“I already know that is star… I already was there… it is a shining stone…” 

Sure that “a shining stone” is a simple definition from a child of only 3 years old that together with me, in space, had seen several colored formations. 

I never commented with him that experience and also I didn’t remember of comment that to my familiars, in spite of in the next day of that event I had asked to my son if he remember of something. 

That experience was called of “CHILDREN IN ASTRAL” Could be read in report of 01/07/2004 in the link:




This night (09/04/2005) I went to access some files of interests in Astral... and a female entity probably discarnate was “blockading” my access. 

As I already reported in others occasions, in Astral there are places that have files and giant registers… where we can encounter, for example, images and scenes from a distant past. 

In the third trying, because I didn’t give up easy of the things that I want, so, such entity shaped a wall in the local where was a door, closing totally the passage. 

That attitude irritates me, because that was an arbitrary act, in a censure, in a blockade to access the files that would happen to learning and enlighten me. 

In other occasion, from years ago, I tried to argue and finally I accepted the “blockade”, but, nowadays I didn’t have disposition of accept it. 

I became more subtle and I passed trough that wall apparently solidness… 

When I was accessing the files, a male entity, which could be a guardian or a local manager, comes to talking with me. 

I said him what I want and we talking friendly about projection. 

It is interesting observe that even in Astral there are people so tied at rules and conditioning similar to physical, want to forbid, to censure, to blockade access, etc, etc.


To shape by thought, it is enough to use the concentration, the strong will and constant.

Sometimes, instinctively, I make movements with one or both hands.

That movement can help in concentration and creation of what you want.

In former occasion, for example, I opened my arms and shape or created a kind of force shield or energetic shield that protect the people that I was help from the “umbraliners” (inhabitant of Lower Regions in Astral)

You could read this report called “WINNING THE FEAR AND RESCUING PEOPLE” of 16/08/2003 in the link:




In the Astral it seems that all works by tuning of thoughts and feelings. 

The Astral is more vastness than physical plane. 

As I have reported in others occasions, I encounter places, things and people in Astral, instantaneously by pure tuning. 

In the Astral nothing became lose and nothing is destroyed. 

Everything that there are in physical could be accessed in Astral... since the more secret thoughts, acts, words, scenes, things… all that are registered.



From my experiences that more I have done is to breaking and make rupture in “barriers”. 

Fear barriers, unknown barriers (ignorance), of believes, of ideas pre establish, of conventionalisms, etc, etc.

I understand that our limitations maybe have had created by ourselves and they are circumscribed only in the physical circuit, because my experiences in Astral have shown me that.

I will tell an example of that became one of my personality characteristic, as in physical as in Astral:

It is clear that do not exist Hell, but, if it exist and I percept that there is some needed in conditions of to be rescued inside the Hell, I went there and I will face al devils and would take the guy from there… (I make similar things in more gloomy “umbraliners” regions). 

That my steel determination probably has origin in disrupt “barriers”, in evolution of may understanding, in the will of help and rescue, etc, etc.

If I were tied to “self pity”, thinking that I am a “little wretched” that I can’t, that I don’t get, that I even no prepared yet, etc, etc.

Certainly I wouldn’t get a lot of results that I have had getting in my experiences and also in my walking forward enlighten myself, that I have until now.

I also do not permit, do not accept, that nothing and no one interfere, and create barriers or obstacles in my way in direction of my enlighten and learning.

My reports are plenty of situations that put in evidence my posture.

For example:

Recently I reported a text called “MEETING A FAMOUS ENTITY IN ASTRAL” see in the link:

Where I showed the expectative of such entity and of his followers that a simple mention of his name make that the people pay reverence.

So, in front of mine I didn’t see no one “divinity” but only a discarnate person, fool, ingenious and even tied to believe/superstition and physical usages.

I already try also let clear this subject in others reports like in the called “HIERARCHY AND GROUP OF STUDY IN ASTRAL” in the link:

Where I wrote:

That man, probably is even tied at habits and physical conditionings, and even didn’t percept that in Astral the entities of major knowledge and perceptions generally don’t take positions as bosses, leaders, masters, etc… but yes take positions as friends, colleagues of learning stimulating and the perception and understanding…

In other hand, I don’t see GOD, The Creator, The Big Conscious, Our I Superior (Self, or any name that you want give) like a “curtailer”, a “cutter of will”, a “creator of limits”.

I think that the things perhaps being like I tried to explain in my report of 27/10/2004 called of “AMBIENT REACTING”, see the follow link:

Will it be that in our physical plane that use “to put limits and cut the will”; it isn’t only a collective creation of our minds?



I used making researches and experiences in Astral… and this sometimes bring to me discarnate friends trying helping me.

Today (08/04/2005) an entity bring me a device, probably shaped by thought that remember-me a gadget used to measure cardiac frequency or similar and asked me try control him…

The result was incredible.

Such I have done when I “played” with my dog and a shaped a ball in Astral (read the report called “PLAYING” WITH ÁTILA)

A kind of energy linked me to that device making me that I could control it totally.

I have made only by my will that its indicators grows up and go down… turn on and turn off.

This make me understand, one more time, that the “Astral Technology” maybe a mere lack of understanding.




This night (06/04/2005) I leave projected and I saw my dog Átila out of his body. 

I wished “playing” with him and I shaped by thought a ball that I could control and give direction easily with the force of my will. 

He starts to persecute the ball… 

In determinate moment I lift the ball till the roof of my house and to my surprise he jump following, it means, he flew persecuting the ball at four or five meters high. 

I push the ball to the street and he flew approximately fifteen meters following the ball. 

It was interesting that scene: a shepherd with that big body that weight in physical around fifty kilos, jumping and flying with dexterity and artlessness. 

So, if a simple dog can fly and moving with liveliness in Astral…




This night (29/03/2005) I’ve brought a group of discarnate people to another planet. 

I’m accustomed to help people in Astral and in Lower Regions in Astral, newly discarnate or not, and bring them to several places, rescue posts, colonies, superior planes, etc, etc. 

Nevertheless, it was the first time at least that I remember, to bring people to another planet. 

In the Astral the understandings are instantaneous, so fast and by tuning. 

As it was a big group of people and to avoid dispersion in the way I transported them inside a bubble totally transparent and brilliant. 

It is interesting to observe that isn’t necessary a transport vehicle, a command of control, nothing of this. 

Simply a bubble that involved us works only of reference to keep the people in group during the way and it could be easily shaped by thought.

By tuning, in few instants we are in front of a planet that seems to gigantic.

I imagine that the Earth compared to him would be similar a soccer ball in relation to a big house.

I felt a intense vibration from that planet and I percept way I was in charge of that mission… 

That intense and strong vibration didn’t make any effect over me, nevertheless the people that I transported to there absorbed instantaneously that energy, as that incorporate over them became them fellow creatures.  

Task accomplished, I come back fast to Earth where even in Astral I’ve done others tasks less interesting.




Today (21/03/2005) I meet a famous entity in Astral, duly accompanied of her followers.

They said me her name respectfully as to waiting that in front of that revelation or meeting I should instantaneously to make reverence to her.

In front of my impassivity, such famous entity, probably accustomed to receive reverences approached of me and said:

“I am …”

As I continue no give importance, because I saw in front of me only a discarnate person, this should have caused some strangeness, but she continues her activities.

Her followers explain to me that they were called there to make a “work cleaning” in that place.

Evidently I won’t say the name of the famous entity in respect to the people that have devotion to her in physical.

Also I will avoid to reproduce the characteristics or way of speak and some manners or rituals to avoid her identification that certainly will make unnecessary constraint.

Well, in determinate moment, in ritual developing, one of her shield-bearer asked me help them to sustain or hold in the air determinate entity that was superior, in order that I could “feel her weight”.

According I understood they take off everything bad that exist in ambient and give to that entity that was superior to them and that everything supported and sustained.

Interested in continue observing that was happened I chose to participate.

With my hands in the air I simulate hold with a enormous effort as they are doing, something inexistent.

“Are you feel the enormous weight of… that all carry and support?” said one of them so emphatic.

There aren’t nothing there… there aren’t no one “superior entity”

Only, each one of them, apparently they were brought or involved by superstition that rule among them… perhaps without understanding and even to not seem different, they also simulate to hold the air with a enormous effort.

I didn’t get to hold my laugh in front of that ridicule situation…

I said to them:

Do you believe that the entity stay here stop in the air?

I went out and let them there with their rituals and beliefs.

They don’t make evil and they believe doing some good to the incarnate that called them.



Today (20/03/2005) I was observing some people that was alarmed by the fact of a airplane shaped by thought went disintegrated in Astral.

Scared one of them said:

“Luckily that it didn’t happen in the ground… did you think if the guy was flying at tree thousand meters high?”

Other people commented about matter structure, trying understanding how would possible an airplane vanished.

Do you percept what happen?

Well now, if the airplane were disintegrated at tree thousand miters high, the persons inside certainly won’t die, only will be frightened, would leave flying and would be back to its physical body, etc

Cases like that, maybe show that are lack of information or that the understanding make or have made during centuries or millenniums that the people used to forget or doesn’t matter to remember due to don’t understand the experiences occurs “in the other side”.



This night (16/03/2005) I was in a help post in Astral and I watched trough the wide glass window… 

Outside there were a lot of people walking under a cold apparently intense. 

Seems to me that was a mist or white fog the freezing everything and all… 

In spite of the post was in Lower Regions in Astral I didn’t noticed this situation, because I arrived there so fast, attracted by work necessities. 

The help post is built in a kind of elevation forming a grass-covered ravine surrounding the post. 

In the top of that ravine or ramp were planted or shaped by thought several species of flowers and plants, side by side forming a beautiful conjoined.

However, seems to me that the flowers and plants work as a kind of barrier of access or vibrating as a magnetic field.  

No one cross; all respect it; perhaps due to scare or due to don’t get cross. 

Many people agglomerate on grass-covered, lying and in this way protecting themselves from cold, because in rescue post the ambient is fresh and agreeable and certainly reaches the region of the grass-covered to soften the cold outside. 

I would like to stay observing others things, but, the work calling me…


This night (13/03/2005) I was in Astral involved in several activities and in suddenly I was attracted to a group of people. 

It seems to me that “convocation” had over me a kind of irresistible force, and that I was attracted by mental conjoined force of that people group. 

I guess strange that, in spite of not to be doing nothing of important or at least nothing that I couldn’t interrupt.  

However, right away I understand the motive of that “ascendancy” about me. 

That people sending a strong and sincere feeling of gratitude to I have help their parents and friend in others occasions. 

As it is a good and strong feeling, it reaches its addressed, wherever he where, attracting him of the irresistible way to a local or to people of their emission. 

(Others kinds also reaches the target, because of that we have take care with our issued feelings and thoughts). 

I try to help indistinctly every needy that I meet in my walk in Astral. 

I don’t looking for gratitude or any kind of reward. 

I help them because I like this, I feel so good, because I understand whether I can help, I have to do it. 

Due that I was surprised with the manifestation of that people. 

Nevertheless, it is undeniable that is so good sensation. 

I thought interesting to report this experience because this shows us that we are being observed in ours activities.



I used making research and experiences. 

Today I had a novel (even) idea to a determinate business in physical that even I couldn’t revel, by obvious motives and that also I didn’t revel to no one in physical. 

I don’t work in real-state market and I don’t have interest to develop such idea. 

So, today afternoon (09/03/2005), after attend some compromises, I arrived at my home so tired and went to sleep a little. 

I leave projected and I meet in physical a woman walking in an undertaking. She was real state broker registered according Law and I revel to her my idea. 

She absorbed naturally as if was her owns thoughts and stay intimacy satisfied to be that something of easy execution. 

I will be interesting observe next days in physical the execution that idea, such happened in my former experience called of "SUGGESTING IDEAS TO INCARNATES"  of 07/11/2003 in my site

where with some difficulty I get identified such advertising issue by an agency from Rio de Janeiro. 

I don’t want to be processed by authors of such ideas in physical, and neither causes to them any kind of constraints. 

It’s clear that the no revelation of certain details will make that the experience only have value to my inner personal understanding. 

Nevertheless, I thought interesting to report in this site the level and a kind of experience that sometimes I carry out, and that certainly others projectors also will get carry out. 

Claro que a não revelação de certos detalhes fará com que a experiência só tenha algum valor para meu entendimento íntimo e pessoal


Today (24/03/2005) at open the newspaper, I saw my idea that I “suggest” to a real-state broker announce in several locals in page of real-state section. 

Such real-state broker was “a fester trigger” she carry out so fast my idea. 

I verified also that such idea was registered in the competent Law in 21/03/2005. 

It’s sure that such experience only have value to me, that carry it out… but, maybe it shows that others projectors also will can make similar experiences.



This night (07/03/2005) I was projected together my wife and my sister. 

I meet both out off her physical bodies, in Astral. 

We went walking and talking absent-minded and without percept we exchanged of ambient. 

It’s impressive the facility that we exchange of ambient in Astral. 

They didn’t show to be surprised, they act as they was accustomed with everything that. 

I thought convenient no comment because could be caused a shock (or the strangeness of the situation could affect my metabolism and I could be pulled back to my physical body, damaging the projection). 

We passed trough a beautiful region where it was a water falls; I leave there observing and analyzing the local. 

I was delighted with the local and I try discovering if that was in physical or in Astral. 

Apparently there aren’t differences; it was everything equal in physical. 

I touching the things, to feel… the contact was a little bit different, but in essence was everything equal  

The illumination of ambient was magnified, there wasn’t sun, but I see everything so clear. 

After some time, I was attracted to others things and we disperse. 


Today afternoon, already habituated with the fact of the people do not remember from places that went with me in Astral, I unpretentious commented with my sister about our promenade. 

When I talk about the water-falls, she had an alarm and remembers of water-falls. 

Wondered she start to describe with fidelity and details the place where we were, but she sudden stop and became thinking, probably because not remember of anything more. 

I asked to my wife and she didn’t remember of anything.




This night (04/03/2005) I was projected and after walking around and activities I watch a film called ASTRAL. 

That film beyond shows fantastic regions in Astral (some places I already known trough my projections, others not, many others I’ve known similar), it shows also the innumerable implications and consequences created by our conscious and attitudes. 

They explained in the film the case of a guy and the attitudes of his wife, with the consequents deployment in Astral.  

After watched film, with curiosity I went “check” something in Lower Regions in Astral. 

It’s frightening to verify how our conscious to tie at things, at absent-minded, at fights and at bullshit in Astral 

For example, I meet a group of people that fighting lifted in something like net over a great abysm, they had swords of wide plate similar to scimitars and used them intensively. 

I was there the only way that link both side of abysm and who try to cross it must to fight a lot. 

It seems a great kidding, because some of them fight and stroking with great violence and rapidity, but no have victims, no have hurt or cut, only the swords strokes and clatter. 

I decide to pass trough politely and I shouted to them: 

“Hi guys, can I pass trough?” 

One of them stared me surprised and said: 

“It is the only one way. Isn’t it?” 

I climbed in such net and started to pass over the abysm. 

The local was dark, the abysm floor and the wall seems of dark mud. 

The net was strong and smooth and I could hold on it easily… 

Saying that the other guy that fights with him became irritated and said: 

“Do you decide to be kind now?” 

“Do you will let the guy passed?” 

He balling out and increase frenetically the violence of the swords against the other (stroking the other sword). 

In spite of the extreme violence I passed by abysm with tranquility. 

When I arrived in the end of the net, the guy that seems more violent of them, run against me and give violently stroke with the sword in the net almost 20 centimeters from me… Probably he was trying frightening me.  

I stared to him firmly and sureness, because I know that he couldn’t hurt me. 

Something stops him or made him to vacillate, don’t get stroke again against me. 

Many things could have impeded him.  

Maybe due to I didn’t show any scared, maybe due to my vibration or appearance, maybe due to I didn’t have sword, due to I didn’t react and didn’t demonstrate aggressively ( that became me different between them and of their rules) maybe because he had felt some dread in stroke me, etc, etc… 

I leave there to the ground and let them with that bullshit, illusions, fantasies and aggressively.  



This night (03/03/2005), after many activities helping children, I was helping a little girl newly discarnate bringing her directly to a high region, when I flight with her in my arms a wide grass-covered field where trhe are a great group of people lying down.  

To my surprise, all people were using long tunics white. 

Seems to me being under treatment, receiving a kind of “sleep-therapy”, “vibration-therapy”, “energizing”

( or other name that you like give). 

I observed that the girl and I were using white clothes, shining and smooth. 

A strong light involve all ambient that have agreeable and sweet emanations. 

I lamented couldn’t observe better that situation, because I was in a mission and after deliver the girl to the rescuers I was pulled back to my physical body. 

Probably the agreeable sensation of that region should have changed my metabolism in physical pulled me back. 

It is interesting to observe that the white clothes maybe shape naturally around our astral bodies by emanation of the ambient, or maybe because we have idea that the white symbolize pureness and would be according with such ambient.



This night (23/02/2005) I was helping a man in Lower Regions of Astral. He lives surrounded by spiders a long time. 

I didn’t know what bring me to that situation. 

His mind or conscious, perhaps feeling guilt and as a way of auto-punishment, created or shaped that spiders and that strange way of life in Astral. 

In the beginning could being terrible to him, but passing time I guess he learned to live together with the spiders. 

He slowly went liberating of that situation. The spiders was disappearing, became possible that I could help him. 

When I meet him he even take care lovely and dedicate of his last spider. 

At follow me in direction to a help post, he speaks about spiders and even brings his last spider. 

It was his favorite, he speak of it tenderly. He show me the specific kind of insect that her like to eat and that he strangeness get (probably also shaped) to feed her… it seems to me a kind of larva or thing like that. 

I didn’t stared directly to the spider that he brings, spite of I know that it was only a mental shape of him 

I don’t like to see spiders, because when I was a boy, by curiosity I entered in a basement of my house together my dog. In that occasion I was bite by a spider, whose poison caused me terrible pain. 

I noticed that the spider was a little bit minor then his palm hand. 

I made him understand that he can’t go to the help post bringing that spider. 

He understood and reluctantly and even distressed let such spider “goes away’. 

Inner state of conscious can bring discarnate people to terrible situations shaped by their minds… 

Or then transform them, assuming impressive shapes, such I reported in a experience of 20/04/2004 called of “MUTATION IN ASTRAL” in:





This night (18/02/2005) I went to sleep around 00:30 am and just after I leave projected. 

After many activities in Astral, I was attracted to a woman that had a hard desire to find a despaired familiar.  

That woman had publish announces in news paper with photo of her familiar despaired. 

I took the photo in my hands and by tuning I “felt” where he was. 

It is interesting observe that even in Astral, neither all have facility to find their love beings. 

Firstly we find his physical body that was buried in horrible conditions. 

Seems to me that there was holes in determinates parts of his body, for which the called “thief of bodies”, extracted all his vital energy, astral body more dense (or any name that you would give). 

According I described in my report “THIEF OF BODIES IN ASTRAL” of 06/10/2003 :

Afterwards, already knowing that the seek man was discarnate, we went to meet him and we find him in his astral body. 

He seems mental unbalanced, he jump like a monkey, with jest of that animal. 

Initially, that surprised me, but, soon I understand that he didn’t known the astral ambient and funny with the facility of “jump” and jump several meters above people. 

Apprehensive, the woman didn’t approach him; she preferred to keep out only observing. 

I come close him in determinate moment when he became calm, and I ask him that put on the clean clothes that the woman give to me, because we imagine that he was dirty and without change his clothes at long time. 

He stared me surprised and said:  

“Why I should change? 

I stared him again with more attention and I saw that his clothes were clean. 

I have percept that he was well and that seems funny with the new situation that he lives. 

The woman thanked and resigned goes back to her physical body. 

I come back also to my physical body and I see that in my o’clock radio marked 07:32 am.


Generally the people that meet his relatives in this way, could weak up with a light intuition, a presentiment, a little remembrance, sometimes in a dreams way, it means, the reaction are so variable. 

What we experienced in Astral has great influence in our physical life, but, many times the people don’t percept it.




This night (12/02/2005) I meet in Astral a tall man, gray hair that present a facial paralysis. I had impression that he would have suffered a vascular accident in physical, because all his right side seems to me paralyzed.

He didn’t get speak normal and when he tried to speak his mouth became “crooked”.

Maybe he even was probably tied to physical due to a mental conditioning, and he “brings” his deficiencies to Astral, in other way trough his hard will he could surpass that difficulties.

I noticed also when I brought a needed to a aid post that others disincarnates helpers let the person there and leave rapidly to other mission.

It seems to me also that they are very occupied and act rapidly, showing that are great necessities and intense activities in Astral as I’ve mention in former reports.

Alias, “intense activities” seems to me so little to describe what really occur in Astral.

There are a giant moving that is facilitate by the fast moving of astral bodies and mind communications.

This night, for example, I was sleep around 01:30 am and follow I was leave projected… I’ve had a night of intense activities and I come back conscious to my physical body ( my daughter was entered in my bedroom and that pulled me back), I stared to my o’clock radio that was showing 08:45 in the morning.

I was thinking about everything that I have done and I calculate that it takes several days in physical to make the same activities in physical.

I have percept too that my memory in Astral is growing up each time more.

I have had recognized peoples (that I never have seen in physical).

I have had remembered of places and things that I’ve made in Astral in others occasions.

I have returned in determinate places to give continuity to activities that was interrupted, etc.



This night (07/02/2005) I was projected and watch the action of a sinister male shape.

As he was “the owner of that place”, all people that passed there have to be conducted by him, that conduct the under a strange magnetism.

I noticed also that at conduct them, in certain way, he vampire his victims, extract to him part of their energies.

The victims were conducted to a kind of passage.

When I approximated to him I felt to be a solitaire person, even when incarnate.

I’ve got see his real face, in spite of his sinister appearance, he was a common man.

He tried to running, tried fight with me, after he percept that it will worse for him, he give up and he was conduct to enlightening.

I guess that we became friends.




*The Umbral is a spirit religion denomination to Astral Lower Regions, the Shadow World.

Umbral is derivate of Latin word Umbra that is the shadow that occur in space among the Sun, Earth and Moon when happen an eclipse. The spirit religion calls the spirits that live in Astral Lower Region of Umbraliners (umbralinos). 


There are days that I have had feel an intense backache, in my left side, near my neck.

I went to physician, and after some exams his diagnostic was a muscular twitch, as I have suspected, due to bad position on sleep, wrong posture.

The doctor prescribe correspondent medication, but, even used it the pain sometimes bother me a lot.

Today (01/02/2005) I didn’t get project myself due to that inconvenience, it seem to be a pain in bones or that run in bones…

In determinate moment, with a certain effort I got leave my physical body and I percept in Astral an entity of horrible aspect to touching exactly in the back of my physical body, in the local where I feel the pain.

That scene shocked me and disturbs me with that and without want I was pulled back to my physical body.

Instantaneously I seek tuning with high planes, changing from this way my “vibration pattern”(understand as: thoughts, feelings, acts, words and tuning).

It was like “I take the pain off with my hands”. The backache vanished.

I recognized that entity from a former experience when I together some protectors or rescuers make interference in his malign action, according my report of 02/04/2003 called of  NIGHT OF ATTENDANCE

where I report:


 “I also noticed near there an odd and sinister masculine shape, wearing a long tunic; he used a type of hat in cone shape.

He moves slowly as if he was concentrated or inside a ritual.

He moves slowly as if he was concentrated or inside a ritual.

I felt that such element had certain mental control over the soldiers’ spirits and that his objective was to harm to that man and his family.

Probably inducing the soldiers to shot and kill that man, (would be an induction through the spirits that would influence the soldiers' reactions in perfect tuning with them?).  

I concentrated together with some friend spirits that were there, annulling or reducing the magnetism or power from that odd shape. With this, that man and his family can pass through that place safety, without have hurting by soldiers.”


It will be that entity have found me and he is trying a vengeance due to we have impede his action joint a soldiers?



This night (25/01/2005) I was projected and I was attracted to a determinate documents that “wondering had vanished” there are some years ago in my work place. 

The disappearance of such documents caused me certain prejudice in financial aspect and probably even in professional. 

I take that documents in my hands and I checked the dates and the “authenticity” 

I felt its “vibration” and its links with people that “hidden” that (disappear with it) documents. 

There was colleagues of work that by hidden interests, aiming prejudice me, they destroyed such documents. 

I lamented such facts and felt pity of that people, because certainly they will be compromised with their own conscious. 

Nothing remains hidden. 

Nothing remains lose. 

Neither destroyed documents… 

In front of our conscious the facts “showing themselves” in determinate moment, were they good or bad. 

If they were good, we will feel well. 

If they were bad and we have guilt, we will feel bad. 

However, remain a evidence: 

How is possible I have took the documents “physically” and have had fell them in my hands, the texture of that documents destroyed a long time ago? 

As I’ve reported before, for example, in 26/03/2004 in an experience called of “CHURRA??” in the link:

where I reported: 


“Without thinking, in that moment, I didn’t worry to know how the object could be in my hands if in the physical it would be buried… will it be the object itself? Will it be its double in Astral or only a shape brought to Astral? In the Astral our perception change…  sometimes we can touch naturally in things “inside” physical… 


That is, I could feel in my hands in Astral an object that was buried in physical. 

The Astral ambient by I understand, apparently give us an opportunity of to have contact with the ethereal shape (if we can define in this way) of things and objects that exist or had exist in physical plane. 

Unhappy in our actual “conscious step” (if we can define in this way) even we need of things and objects “palpable” and “physical”, as they were REFERENCES, to that we can understand and assimilate.



Today (22/01/2005) around 01:00 am, I was projected and by any motive that I couldn’t define, I was “pulled back” instantaneously to my physical body.

It was a “re-enter” slowly and gradual.

It takes instants, but I noticed clearly a gradual “loss” of my vision.

I opened my physical eyes instinctively and I percept that from a clear ambient it went became dark until to be totally dark.

I could see clearly the ceiling, the wall, the door, the electric fan working, and I went losing my vision until became totally dark.

I have the habit of to sleep with my bedroom totally in darkness; the only light that I can see is from the o’clock-radio with the red numbers.

When I was projected, generally I see everything of clear way; even in darkness I can see rubbish in the ground.

However, the vision that I have when projected is of a little yellow shade like in the evening.


Today (22/01/2005) in physical I noticed that de evening was similar of the brightness that I normally see in Astral.

I ask to familiars how they could define that brightness.

I give to them three options normally defined by some projector:

- Has the evening a little yellow shade?

- Has the evening a blue shade?

- Has the evening a green shade?

The answers as I already wait were various.

Depending from the angle or from what the person take as reference, the impression was different.

There was some that affirm that the evening has a red shade, alias, I agreed with.

It means, the personal impression could vary.

Beyond that, we should consider that in Astral the “vibratory pattern” of the projected person could interfere in his impressions and consequently definitions.



Sometimes I see in Astral surprising things.

This night (20/01/2005) I witness in Astral a City to be surrounded by thousands of “umbraliners” (see report of 01/02/2005) wearing uniforms that remember the appearance of insects and their behavior as like an army.

It’s sure that they weren’t insects, but, seen from distance it was something frightening and probably the intention was this.

The people of city were frightened without know to do what or to call who, in front of the eminent dead, they try taking extreme measures…

The desolation was general.

They percept that everything values nothing, because everything will be pillaged, stolen, destroyed…

In act of real despaired they try training combat techniques to survive.

In spite of the City to be apparently modern, I didn’t see firearm.

The people, rapidly preparing pieces of pole, stick to use as pike pole.

When such “umbraliners” arrive close, something occurred.

At contrary that they were waiting, the “umbraliners” didn’t launch a ferocious attack and destroyer.

They stayed stopped, it seems without know what to do.

The young start to be suborned by the inhabitants with CDs, tape videos, devices, etc.

With avidity they take such objects, because probably they didn’t have in the local where they living.

In short time, such army was corrupted, and disorganized themselves.

That was to be a great battle, didn’t happen.

I detached the cupidity, the easy advantages, the stinginess, the each one by self, etc, etc.

Without to know what to do, I witness frightened that scenes.

It was thousands of people between “umbraliners” and dweller that it seems that didn’t percept that they was in other plane… and if, of any way, if they percept that, they continue to act and live as they was in physical or in a similar plane.



This night ( 15/01/2005) I was projected and I leave from my astral body.

It wasn’t like other times when I have this kind of experience.

I was something different, I leave from my head, but, I didn’t get stay in that situation and I comeback to my astral body…

I leave again and comeback…

I didn’t want comeback, I want to continue… but, I felt the need of to stay with my part denser.

It was “mine”, I that was there, free of my astral body and even of my physical body.

It is a delicious sensation.

I felt and percept in that instant that everything was just and perfect.

The felicity that I felt was unspeakable.

Even after I comeback to my physical body, I could feel during some time a little of that sweetness.



This night (12/01/2005) I had the opportunity of observe that we could call of others planes or levels, because certainly they don’t localize in that we known as physical plane. 

I observed places of wide forests, but, they are clean places and passable, plenty of brush, lianas and lower vegetation, uneven ground, etc. 

I observed flowery fields, wide lawn, mountains, lakes, houses, buildings, that spite of resemblance, percept that they aren’t in physical plane. 

I observed that is a horizon line equal in physical, however, at observe it I felt a agreeable sensation, because it gives a dazzling spectacle. 

I observed also that they aren’t high planes, because the people that walking there apparently are normal… they are people even tied to physical plane, that is possible to percept due to several motives. 

The brightness is perennial, the environmental agreeable.

Where localize such planes that certainly don’t are physical? 

When projected, sometimes, I am instantaneously attracted to such planes. 

Remember me of other experiences that I had, I percept that maybe don’t have empty spaces between planets, but, only subtle regions… much of them we went during ours “leaving”.

I think that collective thoughts maybe could create colonies, forts, cities, buildings, and the vibration in the place, etc. 

However, that others planes that I observed are giant, they seems bigger than our planet. 

Probably they are older than our physical plane. 

Perhaps we have to understand that the physical plane is a densification (if we could define in this way) of a short part of Astral… and NOT the contrary.



I live trying to discover things about the reality around us… 

I passed the Rèveillon with friends and familiars in the beach named Praia de Leste in Paraná State. 

In spite change of ambient and of agitation, I get “disconnect me” and leave normally projected in Astral. 

I experienced a lot of things in Astral, however, the most interesting was the encounter in Astral with a physician that have made a surgery on me, in physical, in the year of 1977. 

Estrange for me, it was that when I approximated of that doctor, the people that talking with him gently put aside, open space for me. 

I noticed that he stayed every time seated in a kind of chair. 

Happy, speaking and sometimes smiling, he enlightens me about some doubts that I had.  

Take my attention a sympathetic entity (spirit) that accompanies him.  

Joking she said to be his secretary in Astral. 

She had a love and delicious vibration. 

I’ve never meet her in physical; certainly because she was discarnate, however, I’ve had the impression of know her from long time.

In physical, the house is placed in a corner in front of a narrow avenue margin the beach and the house have a veranda, it means, totally exposed to the people movement, talking, noises, and mainly vehicles and “sound-cars” that move with sound aloud, probably with the purpose to “animate” the ambient.  

Days forward, a “sound-car” with high volume was parked almost in front of the house. 

The sound was so strident and disturbs a lot.  

It passed of 02:00 am and certainly no one will get sleep with that noise. 

Irritated and joking a little I tried turn off that sound with the called “mind power”… 

I didn’t get. Maybe I was felt or presented some minds vibrating against, animated that they are with the “sound-car”. 

Then I tried making with my hand some “balls of rage and indignation” and throwing in the back of vehicle. 

My grandson of three years old that even was weak up asked me: 

What you are doing, grandpa? 

“I am throwing balls on that car”, I answer him. 

“I want to do, let me throw too” said he animated. 

I put him seated on the short and wide wall and hug him kindly, we continue playing with that. 

I making the “balls” with my hands and he funning take them and throw on the car. 

Coincidently or not, in short instants the people stop “dancing”, close the tailgate suppressing the sound, following they enter in the car and leave there. 

It was relief. 

In spite of to be a “innocent” kidding, a joking and to be an attitude consciously reproachable and maybe prejudice, remain the questions: 

Will it be coincidence? 

Will it be that they only resolve to go ahead? 

Or will it be that people from a certain way “felt themselves” something or the vibration disturbs them? 

Our physical plane seems for me to be only one of the subtle planes, as my theory, that I describe below and write de link:

Because there is indications (my theory) that the humanity to develop by subtle layers, it means, in a measure that the humanity develops, at long of centuries and millenniums, it will pass gradually and imperceptible to a other layer or subtle plane. 

Will it be that we call of physical plane, spite of his own rules, it don’t react of same way that the Astral plane? 

Will it be that it would enough to learn “to vibrate” in direction of manipulate it?